Chapter 240: First Meeting with Ice Emperor Hai Bodong (Extra)

PS: Extra story about Jiang Cheng and Queen Medusa.

The Tagore Desert is located in the northwest of the Jiama Empire.

Perhaps due to the proximity to the desert, the weather here is quite dry and hot. The scorching sun swayed down from the sky, baking the ground under your feet until it emitted a smoky heat.

The hot air rose slowly, causing people's vision to appear distorted and blurred.

A young man in a white robe walked in the desert under the blazing sun.

"It's too hot..."

The young man muttered: "System, why did you suddenly ask me to go to the Snake Tribe... in such a hot desert, why don't you let me break through to the Douhuang?"

[Hello host, due to the needs of the plot, you must go to the Snake Tribe to make friends with Queen Medusa, and at the same time, obtain the Green Lotus Earth Core Fire from her in the future]

After listening to the system prompts, Jiang Cheng shook his head helplessly, took out the heaven-level fan awarded by the system, and after opening it, a cool breeze swept over him.

Under the cool breeze, Jiang Cheng seemed to come alive. He took a long breath and said, "This desert is really not a place for people to stay. It's really hot... I don't know if I'm going the right way."

Arriving in a hurry, Jiang Cheng did not buy a map deep in the Tagore Desert. If he searched blindly, he would probably get lost here.

If you really get lost, it will not be easy to leave in a short time.It is even possible to fall directly here.

In order to save his fighting spirit, Jiang Cheng did not use his fighting spirit to turn into wings to fly. This kind of place consumes fighting spirit energy very much. If he continues, it may cause signs of collapse.

Finally, with his unremitting efforts, he found a shop selling maps.

Jiang Cheng also ran over without hesitation, enjoying the long-lost coolness in the room.

The room is not big, but it is extremely neat. There are many picture scrolls placed on the cabinet on the side. You don't need to think about it to know that this should be the map of Tagore Desert.

Behind the counter, there was an old man who was carefully making a map with his head down.

This old man is obviously quite old, but although his head is covered with white hair, the withered palm holding the drawing black pen is still strong and strong.

The old man's eyes flashed with a hint of coldness, and he stopped holding the brush in his hand: "What do you want?"

"Give me a map of the depths of the Tagor Desert, and some water."

Jiang Cheng sat on a chair, poured a cup of herbal tea and drank it, regardless of what the old man thought of him.

The old man looked at Jiang Cheng and did not continue to say anything. Instead, he pointed to a location not far away. He wanted a map and went to get it himself.

Jiang Cheng couldn't say anything, so he could only walk over and look around. These maps had been here for a long time, and they were covered with dust, and some of them had even begun to weather.

Broken when touched.

After Jiang Cheng searched around and didn't find the fragments of the fragments he wanted, he turned around and said, "Old sir, do you have any fragments of some fragments of pictures here?"

"No, old man, I don't have that kind of thing." The old man continued to draw his map with his head down, not paying attention to the other party's inquiry, which proved that he didn't look down on anyone at all.

"Is it possible that he hasn't found the fragments of the Pure Lotus Demon Fire map yet?"

Jiang Cheng touched his chin. According to the original plot, Xiao Yan had already placed it here when he came here. Obviously, the current Haibodong did not get the fragments of the Pure Lotus Demon Fire fragments.Thinking of this, Jiang Cheng felt a little regretful. It seemed that he could only do it again in the future.

After selecting a relatively complete map, Jiang Cheng put away the water resources Haibodong had prepared for him and said, "Old sir, how much does it cost?"

"Ten thousand gold coins."


Squirting out a mouthful of tea, Jiang Cheng suddenly felt as if he had encountered a black shop. Logically speaking, Haibodong didn't like money, but why did he need so much?
"One gold coin for map, water, nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine."

Listening to Hai Bodong's words, Jiang Cheng felt a little bit distressed. He had only been in this world for a few years, and he couldn't get even a hundred gold coins, let alone ten thousand gold coins.

He gritted his teeth and said, "Old sir, please keep the account. If I have a chance in the future, I will give it to you again."

"Hehehe. Little guy, although I don't care about money, water is worth thousands of gold in the desert. Either keep the money or drain the water. I guess there will be many people who will spend money to buy it. In addition, Don’t even think about robbing him, it won’t do you any good.”

The old man waved his hand and said calmly that he didn't seem to be afraid of Jiang Cheng running away.

Jiang Cheng said calmly: "It is true that water resources are extremely precious in the desert. But old sir, if I want to leave, you can't stop me."

"For you who used to be in the Douhuang realm, you probably wouldn't take this kid like me seriously."

"Crack!" The ink pen that was moving slowly in his hand suddenly touched, and with a crisp sound, it snapped.

When the old man heard these words, his brows suddenly knitted together, and the ice-blue fighting spirit continued to spread around like a stormy sea, and frost formed on the ground wherever it passed.

Jiang Cheng calmly opened the folding fan, and then waved it gently. The ice-blue fighting energy that had spread earlier also disappeared without a trace at this moment.

Ice Emperor Haibodong frowned slightly, "I didn't expect you to have some foundation. Who are you?"

"Xue Gong, Jiang Cheng."

Jiang Cheng said softly.

Ice Emperor Haibodong kept thinking about the power of the Jia Ma Empire in his mind, but did not think of the name of Jiang Cheng, the academy. He thought this boy was making fun of him here, and immediately said angrily:

"Boy, you are not qualified to snatch things from me. You should be wise and leave here quickly, otherwise I will let you sleep here forever!"

Faced with Hai Bodong's threat, Jiang Cheng did not get angry. Instead, he said in an elegant and easy-going manner: "He is indeed the Ice Emperor Hai Bodong, who is known as one of the top ten strongest men in the Jia Ma Empire. He is truly extraordinary."

After hearing that the other party recognized him, Haibodong's expression changed slightly, and he frowned and said, "Who are you?"

Jiang Cheng sighed softly and said: "Old sir, I have already said that if I don't change my name or my surname, I will go to the palace of Jiang Cheng."

However, Haibodong didn't want to talk nonsense with this kid anymore. His legs suddenly exerted force, and his whole body rushed straight towards Jiang Cheng's position like a cannonball.

Jiang Cheng shook his head helplessly and said: "Old sir, I might have been a little afraid of you back then, but now, you are just a mantis trying to use you as a car."

"Good boy, you are indeed arrogant. I would like to see how much strength you have behind your arrogance!"

(End of this chapter)

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