Xiao Xun'er clearly remembered what happened in the ancient wilderness written in ancient books. It was said that ten thousand strong men came here to look for opportunities and accidentally met the king of the ancient wilderness. In the end, no one survived.

Bai Ling touched his nose, turned sideways and looked at Jiang Cheng. When he saw that the latter's expression did not change, he breathed a sigh of relief and said:

"The Dou Qi Continent is always about the weak and the strong. Since you choose to enter the ancient wilderness, you must be prepared for the risk of being killed."

Xiao Xun'er's pretty face was filled with a little paleness, this woman was too scary.

I just didn’t expect that I would be with Brother Jiang Cheng...

What is the relationship between the two?
The strong men of the Sky Demon Phoenix Clan also noticed Bai Ling, who was also a member of the Warcraft race. Naturally, they could feel that Bai Ling was a Warcraft like them.

But I didn't expect that the blood flowing in Bai Ling's body could completely suppress the Sky Demon Phoenix Clan, and even made them believe that she was the overlord of this place, the Nine-tailed Sky Fox!
It is said that the nine-tailed celestial fox has never appeared in human sight for hundreds of years, and now it appears in the ancient domain. This is indeed a bit unreasonable.

What happened in this to make the king of the ancient wilderness appear here?

"Going forward from here, you will reach the depths of the ancient wilderness, and the ancient bodhi tree is there." Bai Ling pointed with his slender green onion finger towards Taipei of the ancient domain.

"Now that everyone is here, let's go."

Gu Qingyang was stunned, and then said: "Senior Bai Ling, there are many ferocious beasts stationed there. If there are few of us, we will probably be killed directly."

"Hmph." Bai Ling snorted coldly: "That's for you humans. I am the king of the ancient wilderness. These ferocious beasts are my subjects. Do you think we will encounter danger?"

Gu Qingyang scratched his head in embarrassment and glanced at Xiao Xun'er.

Xiao Xun'er also nodded slightly. Since she is here, the passage will be smooth, and it seems that it can save herself a lot of trouble.

"Let's go."

Jiang Cheng strode towards the distance, followed closely by the ancient geniuses, following Mr. Confucian Sage, that's right.

When the powerful people around saw that there were people trying to pass through the group of ferocious beasts, they became interested, and they all came together to see how these humans were eaten alive by the ferocious beasts.

The Soul Clan and others also turned their attention to Jiang Cheng, their eyes flashing with cold light, "If I guess correctly, this person is Jiang Cheng, the Confucian sage of our Soul Clan who intervened in the secret kill list!"

The speaker was a man wearing black clothes.

The man's long black hair was casually draped behind him, and he looked quite chic and unrestrained. His face was as white as jade, giving people a very gentle feeling. The first impression of this kind of person was that he was very handsome. Have a good impression.

This person is none other than Hun Yu, one of the geniuses of the Soul Clan, and his talent is second only to that of the Young Clan Chief Hun Feng.

Hunyu had seen Jiang Cheng's portrait and thought she would never have the chance to meet him in this life. She didn't expect that this guy would appear in the ancient wilderness. He was really crazy.

"Immediately inform the clan elders that we have found the location of the Confucian Sage in the Academy and request support."

"Yes!" An eighth-level Dou Zun behind Hun Yu nodded slightly, and his whole body turned into a black shadow and disappeared into the ancient realm.

The Manghuang Ancient Territory is not far from their soul clan. As long as a strong person in the Fighting Saint realm gets the news, they will rush here as soon as possible.

Jiang Cheng must die here today!
Outside the ancient domain platform, Jiang Cheng and his group walked towards the location of the ferocious beasts. The roars of the beasts around them became more intense, as if they were telling them not to step foot here.

Bai Ling didn't pay attention to the roars of the ferocious beasts, but said enthusiastically: "It seems that you have offended the Soul Clan. Just now I felt a Dou Zun locked on your aura and flew towards the outside world. I must have gone to call someone.”

"Hehehe, the soldiers are coming to cover up the water and the earth. The Soul Palace has already been fighting with me to death." Jiang Cheng elegantly waved the folding fan in his hand and said with a bright smile: "If you don't mind, girl, you can help me solve this problem. "

"Go aside."

Bai Ling curled his lips and said, "I have no time to deal with your nonsense."

Above the endless plains, black clouds filled the air. On the ground, huge ferocious beasts could no longer contain the restlessness in their hearts, and they roared crazily at the humans who came here.

"Get away!" Bai Ling's eyes turned cold, and his clear eyes turned blood red. Under the strong sense of oppression, the ferocious beasts that were just preparing to attack were suddenly frightened and quickly made way for them. , allowing a few people to smoothly enter the depths of the ancient wilderness.

Everyone who saw this scene couldn't help but swallow their tongues. This woman could scare away all the ferocious beasts with just one sentence?
This is too scary, isn't it?
When some people saw the opportunity, they rushed forward without hesitation, hoping to use the gap between Jiang Cheng and others to rush through the beast tide.

However, just half a step into the plain, his head was bitten off by a ferocious beast that was equivalent to the peak Dou Zun.

The strong men who were still about to move also stopped at this time, with frightened expressions on their faces.

Why does this feel a little wrong? These ferocious beasts are obviously timid, but why do they still attack humans?
Could it be those people’s fault?

Bai Ling moved his fingers slightly, and the army of ferocious beasts that had just bowed their heads just now entered a state of war readiness. Anyone who wanted to enter this place would be attacked like never before, even more ferocious than before.

"Originally, I only promised you to enter the depths of the Wilderness Ancient Territory alone, but because you have met the geniuses of the ancient clan, I will take them into this place together."

Bai Ling clasped one hand behind his back, his long silver-white hair swaying slightly, and a hint of anticipation on his delicate cheeks, as if he was waiting for Jiang Cheng to praise him properly.

Jiang Cheng also saw what the latter was thinking, and said with a bright smile: "The girl is indeed benevolent and righteous. I have seen countless magical beasts, but none of them can compare with the girl."

"If there is a real comparison, then the horse is really better than the unicorn, and the jackdaw is better than the phoenix."

Bai Ling covered her cherry lips and giggled, as if she liked Jiang Cheng's praise of herself. The corner of her mouth raised and she said, "I just like how honest you are. Let's go, let's go find the ancient Bodhi tree."

With her hands behind her back, she looked like the little girl next door, with a happy smile on her face.

Gu Qingyang sent a message: "Xun'er, didn't you say that the king of the ancient wilderness is a woman who kills decisively? But why do I feel strange emotions in her?"

Xiao Xun'er pursed her green lips and said: "I don't know, but it should be the reason of Mr. Confucian Sage." (End of Chapter)

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