On the plain, countless ferocious beasts took shelter temporarily.

There was respect in his eyes.

It is enough to show how shocking the identity of Bai Ling is.

The army of ferocious beasts made way for everyone. There was even a ferocious beast equivalent to the Dou Sheng realm lying in front of Bai Ling, wanting to take her into the depths.

Bai Ling touched the head of the ferocious beast and said, "Don't go to such trouble. You go deal with the group of guys behind you. No one is allowed to walk in here alive without my order."

This ferocious beast in the Fighting Saint realm nodded its head heavily, and immediately raised its head to the sky and roared. In an instant, countless ferocious beasts poured out from all directions. Such a vast scene also made Hunyu's face change greatly.

The young patriarch of the Sky Demon Phoenix Clan also had a solemn look on his face. If this continues, let alone seeing the ancient Bodhi tree, even this beast tide will become an obstacle to them.

If this continues, the ancient Bodhi tree will fall into the hands of the ancient tribe.

Hunyu clenched her fists.The originally calm cheeks suddenly became a little ferocious, "Crazy guys, everyone, now that we are here, we have no intention of returning the same way we came!"

"Now the ancient Bodhi tree is right in front of us. If we pass through the army of ferocious beasts, we can see the ancient Bodhi tree from ancient times. You should be like me and want the opportunity to gain enlightenment."

Hun Yu's words also made all the strong men in the field ready to move. After all the hardships, they finally arrived here, and naturally they didn't want to miss such a good opportunity.

The ancient Bodhi tree has only appeared a few times in millions of years. Whether it is inherited from the ancient tree or the so-called Bodhi tree, it will help them improve their strength.

Now, giving up now would naturally not suit me!
The soul jade enhanced the atmosphere and said: "Brothers and friends, we are all here for the ancient Bodhi tree. Today we must break through the beast tide. My soul jade is here to promise you that if you have the opportunity to enter this place, the things inside will be with you." share together!"

"Brothers, go!"

Following Hun Yu's order, thousands of people behind him rushed toward the location of the ferocious beast like a tide, as if even if they died, they would gain enlightenment from the ancient Bodhi tree!
The young patriarch of the Sky Demon Phoenix Clan raised his lips and said, "As expected of Brother Hunyu, he still has a way of beguiling people's hearts."

Hun Yu smiled strangely and said: "Hehehe, we are just using each other. Let's go in too. With this group of bastards helping us resist the army of vicious beasts, we should be able to save a lot of energy."

The young leader of the Sky Demon Phoenix Clan nodded slightly, and immediately informed the tribesmen behind him that they must follow him to avoid unnecessary trouble.

As the latter charged, countless strong men fell into a hard fight, and in just an instant, a large number of strong men fell.

Only a small number of people ran towards the depths, avoiding the attacks of ferocious beasts and preventing sneak attacks from people around them.

Bai Ling turned around and looked at the resulting battle behind him, and said disdainfully: "Listen to me, no one is allowed to enter here. Anyone who lets someone in will be responsible for the consequences."

At the king's order, the ferocious beast became more violent, and they all knew that if the king was angry, it would be an unprecedented disaster.

Bai Ling said calmly: "The ancient Bodhi tree is a treasure from ancient times. It is no less precious than strange fire. To think that it can be obtained so easily is just a dream."

Jiang Cheng said softly: "It is not a clear move to cut off other people's opportunities like this."

"Leave me alone?"

Bai Ling glared at Jiang Cheng,
Thinking that this guy would leave after getting the ancient Bodhi tree, my heart was a little blocked. Obviously, I couldn't accept the fact that Jiang Cheng left the ancient wilderness again.Jiang Cheng touched his nose and stopped saying anything. He could only follow Bai Ling and continue walking towards the distance. The group of strong men behind him would never have the chance to gain enlightenment from the ancient Bodhi tree.

Either leave now or stay here forever.

Because the army of ferocious beasts has all gathered, even the ferocious beasts in the Fighting Saint realm have joined the battle. If you want to pass in front of such a strong man, you are undoubtedly not seeking death.

I don't know how much time passed, but everyone successfully passed through the army of ferocious beasts and arrived on a plain.

I saw an ancient tree with an extremely huge shade standing alone on this vast plain about a few thousand feet away.

A stream of fresh air rippling over the ancient tree, changing into various shapes from time to time, appearing mysterious and unpredictable.

"What a big tree."

Xiao Xun'er's pretty face revealed bursts of surprise. She didn't expect the ancient Bodhi tree to be so tall, and there was a special ring of fighting energy surrounding its body.

Fighting energy wandered back and forth in the air, causing ripples.

Jiang Cheng looked at the ancient Bodhi tree in the distance and said softly: "It is indeed an ancient treasure in the Dou Qi Continent. It is indeed extraordinary."

"You wait here for a while."

Bai Ling turned around and transformed into her own body. Her body was a little white fox, which didn't look very big. The nine tails behind her were also integrated into one of them, making her look extremely cute.

When people see it, they feel like they want to touch it.

Bai Ling jumped under the ancient Bodhi tree and made a crisp sound.

The ancient Bodhi tree swayed slightly, and a willow branch slowly stretched out, as if it had known Bai Ling for a long time, gently stroking Bai Ling's white snow-like hair.

Xiao Xun'er was also curious and said: "Brother Jiang Cheng...could it be that Ancient Bodhi Tree and Senior Bai Ling know each other?"

"The ancient Bodhi tree has lived here for millions of years, and Bai Ling, as the king of the ancient wilderness, naturally knows him." Jiang Cheng has already felt that the hostility of the ancient Bodhi tree is gradually dissipating. It seems that Bai Ling has played a role. .

I don't know how much time passed, but Bai Ling also successfully recovered his human form. He turned around and waved his hands towards Jiang Cheng and others: "Come on, I have already made an agreement with Grandpa Gu Shu and agree to you sitting here." Enlightenment.”

Gu Qingyang was overjoyed and quickly ran over with the strong men of the ancient tribe to observe the towering ancient tree in front of him up close.

On the vast plain, the ancient Bodhi tree slowly spread its branches, covering everyone almost instantly. There were countless golden cocoons hanging in the branches, and there seemed to be people in each cocoon. .

Bai Ling explained: "Don't worry, this is just a way for Grandpa Gu Shu to protect himself. For countless years, many humans have wanted to get Grandpa Gu Shu's treasures, and naturally many strong men have fallen because of this."

"So Grandpa Gushu made him into a puppet to protect the ferocious beasts in the ancient wilderness." Bai Ling said in a soft voice: "I grew up here since I was a child, and I have a very good relationship with Grandpa Gushu. If you just meditate, it will not cause Grandpa Gushu to be dissatisfied." (End of Chapter)

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