"If you want to take away bodhicitta, I will kill you myself."

Bai Ling's eyes flashed with cold light, as if to warn this group of people that they could gain enlightenment, but if they had any crooked thoughts, death would be the only thing waiting for them.

Gu Qingyang and others also nodded quickly, indicating that they would not have any ideas.It is their chance to see the ancient Bodhi tree. Whether they can get it depends on their luck.

The rest are side details.

Xiao Xun'er and others also immediately sat cross-legged on the ground, trying to understand.

Jiang Cheng was not in a hurry. His understanding was only useful to those below the Dou Sheng level, and since he had already reached the six-star Dou Sheng realm, it was naturally not of much use.

Arriving under the ancient Bodhi tree, Jiang Cheng slowly stretched out his right hand. The moment it touched the ancient tree, an endless force swept through the latter's limbs.

A strong sense of oppression also burst out, and the air became more and more distorted wherever it passed.

Bai Ling strode over. She knew that Jiang Cheng would not harm Grandpa Bodhi Tree, but why did he let Grandpa Bodhi Tree generate so much energy?
Jiang Cheng's consciousness came to a separate space. Here, apart from himself, there was only the ancient Bodhi tree.

The ancient Bodhi tree seemed to want Jiang Cheng to help him, so it used the illusion to transport him to the ancient times.

As the scenery changed, two figures swept over them almost instantly, and the surging fighting spirit shocked the world.

Jiang Cheng looked at the two strong men fighting in front of him and murmured: "They are both Dou Emperor. It seems that the original records are true."

He once saw a special record in an ancient book. Countless years ago, an injured Dou Emperor wanted to devour the spirit of the ancient Bodhi tree to recover from his injury. In the end, the Bodhi tree and another Dou Emperor joined forces. Start to kill.

Nowadays, these two powerful warriors must have come from ancient times.

The power generated by the two fighting emperors was so terrifying. In just a moment, this place became nothingness, and countless creatures perished as a result. However, their battle never stopped.

And these so-called negative emotions have gradually eroded the ancient Bodhi tree over countless years. Only then did the uncomplicated spiritual wisdom of the ancient Bodhi tree begin to lean towards darkness and gloom.

If it weren't for Bai Ling's presence, I'm afraid that the ancient Bodhi tree would have already fallen into the stage of decisive killing.

Jiang Cheng put one hand behind his back and said, "You want me to help you erase the negative emotions of that strong Emperor Fighter, right?"

The ancient Bodhi tree shook its leaves, as if telling Jiang Cheng that he had been tortured to the point of going crazy, and only this human being could make him feel the joy of rebirth.

Whoa whoa whoa!
As the bodhi seeds appeared one after another, Jiang Cheng's expression changed slightly. It seemed that the ancient bodhi tree wanted to use the purest energy of the bodhi seeds to eliminate negative emotions.

With the appearance of a total of 24 bodhi seeds, Jiang Cheng also knew that if the negative emotions of the ancient bodhi tree were not eliminated, it would not be long before it would become an ancient bodhi tree that only knew about killing.

"I can help you eliminate negative emotions without Bodhi Seeds, but I need you to hand over Bodhi Seeds to me."

wow wow wow...

The ancient Bodhi tree shook its leaves to express its agreement with Jiang Cheng's request.Jiang Cheng slowly took back his folding fan and immediately took out a treasure that looked like a crystal ball.

This object is called the Quiet Soul Sphere, and it is a treasure that the system rewards him with. He has not used it for so many years, so Jiang Cheng threw it into the ring.

I didn't expect to use it here today, so I didn't want to waste the opportunity given by the system.

As a circle of silver-white light beams filled the light ball, they all penetrated into the jade-like body of the ancient Bodhi tree. As this ray of fresh air poured in, the ancient Bodhi tree suddenly trembled. .

Immediately, a very thin trace of black energy seeped out quietly, and finally turned into nothingness and disappeared.

The beam with endless evolution can not only clear the negative emotions in the ancient Bodhi tree, but also help the latter recover from his injuries as quickly as possible.

Now after so many years, the ancient Bodhi tree's injuries have still not recovered, which is enough to show how seriously it was traumatized by the battle that year.

wow wow wow...

The ancient Bodhi tree that had been healed also heard a voice of thanks, and Jiang Cheng also said: "The injuries on your body have penetrated deep into the roots, and you need more pure strength to recover. I wonder if you are interested in entering my little world. ?”

The small world left behind by Lin Yuan Dou Emperor contains extremely terrifying fighting spirit energy. If the ancient Bodhi tree practices here, it will definitely be able to regain its former strength. It is not impossible to even break through Dou Emperor's realm.

If judged according to the realm, the strength of the ancient Bodhi tree is about high-level semi-saint, and its peak strength can rival Dou Emperor, which is enough to show how terrifying its strength is.

Now as long as he helps it recover, then he will have a partner in the Dou Emperor realm, and he will also play a vital role in the future when he goes to the world.

huh huh,
The ancient Bodhi tree also swayed its branches slightly. Due to the language barrier, Jiang Cheng had no idea what he was talking about, so he could only let Bai Ling help him analyze it.

As his consciousness returned to his body, Bai Ling couldn't help but ask: "What did you just do? Why did Grandpa Gushu suddenly burst out with fighting energy that was no less than at his peak?"

Jiang Cheng replied: "I just removed the negative emotions from its body. It's just that the injury to the ancient Bodhi tree was too serious. If this continues, I'm afraid it won't be long before it completely dies."

Hearing that Grandpa Gushu also disappeared, Bai Ling also said anxiously: "Then how can we help Grandpa Gushu?"

Jiang Cheng told Bai Ling what he wanted to say. After hearing this, Bai Ling couldn't help but frown slightly and turned his jewel-like eyes to Grandpa Gu Shu.
She still needs to hear what Grandpa Gushu thinks about this matter.

A willow branch went down vertically, gently stroking Bai Ling's long hair, as if telling everything about himself.

Bai Ling felt what Grandpa Gu Shu said, and felt solemn in his heart, "Grandpa, have you really thought about it?"

Whoa whoa whoa!
After receiving the affirmation of the ancient Bodhi tree, Bai Ling breathed a long sigh of relief and said: "Grandpa Gushu agrees to follow you into a separate small world, but are you strong enough to do it?"

Even she herself did not have the ability to send the ancient Bodhi tree into a separate small world, and Jiang Cheng was only at the Six-Star Fighting Saint realm, so there was no way he could successfully send it into the space created by the strong Fighting Saint. (End of chapter)

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