Chapter 289 Arrive in Time
The Little Medical Fairy looked at the attack that was just around the corner and closed her eyes silently, "I'm sorry, sir, the Little Medical Fairy can't stay with you anymore."

But for some reason, the little medical fairy did not feel the severe pain of being penetrated through her body, nor the feeling of her soul being stripped away. She suddenly opened her eyes, only to find that the sharp nails were still pointing at her, but they did not penetrate her body. Body, because there is already a person right next to the other person's withered fingers.

The moment the opponent's attack came, Jiang Cheng blocked the fatal blow for her.

"Silly girl, how could I let you die?"

Jiang Cheng threw the old man in front of him out and turned around to look at the pretty and pale girl.

He gently stroked the little medical fairy's cheek.

"Sir, it's really you." The little medical fairy's eyes were filled with mist, and she threw herself directly into the latter's arms. Her voice was slightly choked and she said: "Teacher, you are finally here."

"Silly girl, the teacher is always here." Jiang Cheng's eyes were full of tenderness, and he gently wiped the remaining tears on the little medical fairy's cheek, then took out a few pills and put them in the latter's hand, "Girl, you go See how Xiaohuo and the others are doing, leave this guy to the teacher."


The little medical fairy quickly ran towards the location of the Amethyst Winged Lion King in the distance. The father and son were severely injured in order to delay time, and they must be dying now.

Jiang Cheng turned around and looked at the people in front of him, and said calmly: "Although I don't want to kill anyone, you have touched my reverse scale."

"Boy, I advise you not to meddle in other people's business, otherwise you will be the one who suffers!"

The former one-star fighting saint climbed up from the ground with difficulty, and said with fierce eyes: "I'm not afraid to tell you that when I was running the Dou Qi Continent, you were still rolling in your mother's womb. If you have the sense, leave here quickly, otherwise I will definitely... I’m going to make you pay a heavy price!”

Jiang Cheng clasped one hand behind his back and stretched out his right hand with a dull look, "Are you coming together or one by one?"


The latter immediately shouted loudly, and rushed towards Jiang Cheng in the distance like a thunderous giant.

However, just as he was halfway through, the surrounding space suddenly began to distort, and his body was frozen in place at this moment.

The black-robed Dou Sheng's face suddenly changed, and he quickly looked around his body, only to realize that his body was unable to move.

"Space is solidified, you are... a five-star or above fighting saint warrior!"

Jiang Cheng didn't speak, but calmly stretched out a finger. As the energy in the finger gathered, a more vast energy suddenly appeared out of thin air.

"Don't...Senior, I was wrong, don't kill me, senior, don't kill me..."

Although the other party had cried and begged for mercy, Jiang Cheng remained unmoved. Since they had made a mistake, they should pay for it with their lives.

A deep light, so small that it was almost the size of a thumb, shot out instantly.

The light just appeared, and the space trembled a few times.

With a loud bang, the Fighting Saint's body completely disappeared into the Warcraft Mountains like glass shards.

The remaining strong men were stunned in place, and some even didn't believe their eyes.

The boss is dead now?

After reacting, the remaining brothers turned around and ran away without looking back, but in the face of absolute strength, any escape was in vain.The previous light condensed again and penetrated these people's bodies directly in front of the little medical fairy, and was eventually burned away.

Only the echo of the previous cry was left in the air.

Jiang Cheng turned around and strode to the Amethyst Winged Lion King. After seeing that they were fine, he breathed a sigh of relief.

The Amethyst Winged Lion King knelt on the ground, kowtowed deeply and said, "I'm sorry, Master, for making you worry."

"Okay, this time I know that the mainland is not that easy to break into. You need to be more careful in the future and don't provoke those peak experts."

Jiang Cheng rubbed the Amethyst Winged Lion King's head and comforted him,
The father and son knelt down deeply. If the master had not appeared in time, I am afraid that everyone on the field today would have become a dead soul under the knife.

Not even the little medical fairy could be spared.

Jiang Cheng picked up the delicate body of the little medical fairy, then used his own fighting spirit to support the bodies of the two monsters, and then flew towards the location of Cai Lin.

Although their injuries have recovered, the trauma to their meridians and the consumption of fighting energy must be repaired, otherwise they will definitely bring a lot of trouble to themselves in the future.

At this time, Cai Lin and others had washed themselves, sat on the big smooth stone, and combed their hair.

After Jiang Cheng and others appeared, Fairy Qingyun and others also ran over quickly. After confirming that there was no big problem with the latter, they breathed a sigh of relief.

Mei is full, Qinglin, and Ziyan are also concerned about the little medical fairy's injury.

The little fairy doctor smiled sweetly and said: "I'm fine. If sir hadn't arrived in time, I might have really laughed."

After hearing this, Cai Lin also said worriedly: "Girl, if I had known, I would have asked you to follow us all the time. If something happened to you, your husband would definitely blame himself to death."

The little medical fairy looked at the teacher beside her who was healing the Amethyst Winged Lion King, pursed her green lips and said, "Thank you, teacher."

Jiang Cheng said: "Alright, I am your teacher, and naturally I am responsible for your life and safety. The teacher will not let anything happen to you."

He has always been a good teacher and is extremely attentive to his disciples. No matter whether he encounters a bottleneck or is in danger, he will appear as soon as possible.

From this we can see how competent Jiang Cheng is in treating his disciples.

This is what a teacher should be like.

I don't know how much time has passed, but the fighting spirit of the two Amethyst Winged Lion Kings has almost recovered.The little medical fairy only needs to take poisonous pills to restore the consumed fighting energy, and even improve her own strength.

The Little Medical Immortal's medicine refining level has reached the level of a seventh-level alchemist. It will not take long to reach the eighth level. He only needs to break through to the realm of Dou Zun, which will basically be completed.

"Sir, where have you and Mistress gone? I see you rushing back and forth every time."

"We went to the Ancient Wilderness Territory. We originally wanted to take everyone to visit the southern continent, but we were delayed for some reason. Otherwise, we would have met you long ago."

Fairy Qingyun straightened the little medical fairy's three thousand black hair, and her jewel-like eyes revealed a little bit of relief.

It is also a good choice for them to have such a disciple. Not only their strength has increased several times, but their level of refining medicine is also outstanding. This kind of disciple is a rare treasure for anyone.

(End of this chapter)

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