Chapter 290 The Snake Tribe is in Disaster

"Sir, where should we go next?"

The little fairy doctor asked curiously.

"Then I will take you around the world. There are still more than two years until the Pure Lotus Demon Fire is born. During this time, I will spend this time with you. I really want to relax."



Zhongzhou Continent, within the Soul Clan.

Sitting in the main hall is a man dressed in gray and white clothes. He looks to be about thirty years old, with a slender figure and a handsome face.

A pair of pupils are extremely bright, as if they can penetrate people's hearts.

The first sense that gives people is elegance. If you hold a book in your hand, you may be just like a scholar.

"In that case, the four demon saints of the Soul Clan must be dead."

Hun Yan, who was under him, lowered his head deeply and said, "Yes, Patriarch. It is said that the three of them have discovered the footprints of Confucian Saint Jiang Cheng, but after chasing for more than ten days, they all died. It should be that guy." Do it.”

After hearing these words, Soul Emperor slowly opened his eyes and stared at the men in front of him indifferently.

"Xue Gong Jiang Cheng... I have heard of his name. It is said that he studied to become a strong Fighting Saint, and his strength is a bit terrifying. He has already reached the Fighting Saint realm when he was only in his twenties. If he is still If he can kill three of the four demon saints of the Soul Clan, then his strength is between the seven-star and nine-star fighting saints."

"People like the clan leader are really a threat. If they are allowed to grow, they will definitely be a great danger to our soul clan. Why don't we send troops to kill them."

Soul Emperor sneered: "Kill it?"

"If he could be killed, how could he survive until now?"

"This one……"

Speaking of this, Hun Yan also fell into deep thought. He was right. If he could be killed so easily, he would have been killed by the strong men of the Soul Palace long ago, and the deputy master of the Soul Palace, the Four Demon Saints of the Soul Clan, would not be killed. , all died in his hands.

This guy seems to be the nemesis of the Soul Clan.

Every time someone is sent to hunt him down, he will face the consequences of life and death.

If this continues, it will definitely be a great harm to their soul clan's great cause. The soul clan's thousand-year foundation must not be destroyed in the hands of this person.

Emperor Hun Tian said: "I know this matter, let's make arrangements and let Hun Shengtian and others go."

Hun Yan was startled when he heard this, because Hun Shengtian was one of the four elders of the Hun Clan. His strength was extremely terrifying. Although he fell into the hands of Xiao Xuan, the leader of the Xiao clan, he was still under the secret method of Emperor Hun Tian. survived.

Now the clan leader actually sent him to hunt down Jiang Cheng. What a waste of money!
"The great cause of the Soul Clan does not allow anyone to interfere. This guy is really too dangerous. He has already reached this situation at a young age. Looking at the entire Dou Qi Continent, there is no one there. Even Xiao Xuan back then avoided him for fear of being caught. .”

Soul Emperor also personally explained it. He was only half a step away from that step, so naturally he didn't want anyone else to interfere.

Hun Yan nodded heavily, "Good clan leader, I will arrange for people to hunt down Jiang Cheng now. This guy must pay a heavy price."

"Well, remember to bring his soul back. This emperor has other uses."

After saying this, Emperor Soul Heaven closed his eyes again, as if he didn't care about anything at all.

Hun Yan carefully left the Hun Clan's hall. Since the death of the Hun Sha trio, his status has plummeted several times, and his voice in the clan has become increasingly slim.The strong men who were relatively friendly before have also turned a cold shoulder to him. The main reason is because the other three brothers have fallen, which has caused his status to decline rapidly. It is even said that he is not as good as a small soul hall master, Hun Mie Sheng.

Hun Yan wished he could eat Jiang Cheng alive right now.

"Jiang Cheng, I, Hun Yan, will definitely make you pay a heavy price in this life. I will extract your soul and suppress the soul clan for millions of years. I want you to experience that being a young man is worse than death!"

At this time, Jiang Cheng didn't know that the Soul Clan had already begun to make moves. This matter was of great concern. In order to prevent their plan from failing, the Soul Clan also sent a large number of strong men to search for it in the Dou Qi Continent.

The minions of the Soul Palace have already spread all over the Dou Qi Continent. Now they only need to issue tasks, and it won't take long for the news to come back.

Jiang Cheng put one hand behind his back and stared at the clear water and green mountains in front of him. This kind of life he yearned for was the true meaning of life.


Unknowingly, half a year has passed by in a blink of an eye.

Everyone also traveled to the southern continent and the southeastern continent. Although their realm has not improved, they still have some insights. I believe that it will not be long before everyone's strength will improve.

Queen Medusa bit her lip gently. Just as she was about to speak, she suddenly found that her jade pendant was filled with a special ring of fighting energy.

"Huh?" Queen Medusa frowned, because this was the method used by their snake tribe to transmit messages, and they would not use it unless there was anything important.

As the jade pendant was injected with fighting spirit, the voice of the snake people was heard in the latter's mind.

Queen Medusa's face was startled, and she quickly turned around to look at Jiang Cheng behind her and said, "Husband, the Snake Tribe is in trouble, we have to go back."

"Snake people?"

Jiang Cheng put down the wine glass in his hand gracefully. The Snake People were located in a city not far from Taolin Mountain. There were strong men from the Gama Empire guarding the place. No one would take action against the Snake People.

But now there is someone who dares to take action against the snake people. Could it be a strong man from another continent?
Cai Lin said worriedly: "The Great Elder Snow didn't mention this matter... We can only find out who it is when we go back..."

Jiang Cheng nodded, now he had no choice but to give up going to other continents, and returning to the Gama Empire quickly was the top priority.

I just don’t know if I can make it in time.

In order to save time, Jiang Cheng brought everyone into the small world, and he himself also moved forward at full speed, flying quickly towards the location of the northwest continent.

With his strength, it will take at least three days to reach the Gama Empire in the northwest continent. I hope the snake people can sustain it for three days, otherwise everything will be completely destroyed.

Jia Ma Empire, Warcraft Mountains.

The city where the snake people are located.

Countless human powerhouses are surrounding this place, each one is making a piercing roar in a show of force, and advanced engineering equipment is also ready.

Countless rays of light flashed through the air, and each collision shattered the space.

The air became distorted wherever it passed, and it was even said that two ice dragons could be seen flying freely through the clouds, making deafening dragon roars.

Haibodong stared fiercely at the man in front of him and said angrily: "Don't think that just because the leader of the Yunlan Sect, Yun Shan, is seriously injured, you can do whatever you want!"

(End of this chapter)

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