Jiang Cheng is also well-informed and knows what this bead is.

This thing is called a blood-thirsty bead. Anyone who touches the blood-thirsty bead on a knife will lose their mind and turn into a monster who only knows how to kill. At the same time, those who come into contact with the blood-thirsty bead will go completely crazy if they lose the blood-thirsty bead.

"I see. No wonder I feel like the fighting energy in my body is being contained these days. It leaks out all the time. It turns out it's this bead that's responsible for it."

"You should take good care of yourself. Do you know that with this kind of consumption of soul power, even if the powerful Dou Emperor comes, you will have no chance to live anymore."

Now Yaochen has long since run out of energy, and his soul body can tell. If it weren't for the support of Jiang Cheng's fighting spirit, I'm afraid he would have disappeared long ago. Is it really worth it?

"Hahaha." Yao Chen stroked his mustache and said with a smile: "After living for so many years, I am satisfied to be able to teach such an outstanding disciple. It's just that I didn't get to see Xiao Yan become a peak powerhouse. The greatest pain in my life."

"Mr. Confucian scholar, I wonder how much time I have left?"

"Based on your current situation and the fact that I will inject some fighting energy into you, you can have up to three days."

Hearing that he still had three days to live, Yao Chen didn't know what to say. People will feel a little bit unwilling before they die, right?
But being able to see that his disciples can survive makes Yao Chen satisfied, but it is a pity. If they were not controlled by the blood-thirsty beads, they would not be like this.

"Then Mr. Lao, I want to teach Xiao Yan one last time in these last three days."

Hearing this, Jiang Cheng didn't know what to say. He just lamented the injustice of this fate.
In the end, Yaochen still died. If he had not gone to the Southeast Continent, this situation would not have happened.

And Xiao Yan himself had told him many times that if he stayed in the Jia Ma Empire, he would not be in any danger in this life, and he could practice slowly until he broke through and then go to a higher world, but Xiao Yan insisted on going his own way.

Yao Chen just smiled indifferently, looked at his unconscious disciple and said, "Mr. Confucian Sage, you are done."

Jiang Cheng nodded and placed his right hand on Xiao Yan's head. As the vast fighting spirit was injected into it, Xiao Yan slowly opened his eyes from the coma.

But at the first moment, he didn't care about other people, but asked where his blood-thirsty bead was, as if that was everything to him.

"Teacher, where is my pearl? Give it to me quickly, give it to me quickly..."

Yao Chen said in a deep voice: "Xiao Yan, that bead is called the Blood-devouring Bead. It will interfere with people's mood and greed, and it will harm you."

"Teacher, what are you talking about? That bead is very useful to us, don't you feel it?"

"Teacher, please stop lying to me and give me the bloodthirsty beads quickly. I will definitely become stronger."

At this time, Xiao Yan can no longer care about so much. What he wants now is that bead. Once he gets it, he will definitely break through to the peak state.

At the same time, Jiang Cheng walked over slowly and placed the beads in his hand steadily on the table.

After Xiao Yan saw the beads on the table, he hurried over, but Jiang Cheng held his shoulders down. It wouldn't be too late to give it to him after he fully understood the matter. "Xiao Yan, look at your own Najie and your teacher. Didn't you find anything wrong?"

Xiao Yan couldn't help but froze after hearing these words, then glanced at his broken world, and then turned his attention to the erratic teacher, with a hint of panic on his face.

Immediately he couldn't believe that all this was true and quickly asked: "Teacher, this is not true, this is not true..."

Yao Chen sighed and said: "Little guy, you are the most outstanding disciple I have ever seen. I still have three days to live. Let me accompany you for the last three days."

As Yao Chen's voice just fell, Xiao Yan looked at his teacher with fear on his face, not believing that all of this was true.

At the beginning, he also knew the moment when the teacher consumed his soul power to help him.

"Teacher, please wait a moment. I will help you find herbs or pills to heal your soul. I will definitely be fine. Even if you die, I will save you."

"Xiao Yan!" Yao Chenduan shouted: "Please save it, my master is hopeless. Even Mr. Confucian Sage has no ability. What else do you think you have?!"

After listening to the teacher's words, Xiao Yan fell directly from the bed. His eyes were lifeless. Even Mr. Confucian Sage couldn't cure him, so what qualifications did he have?

Xiao Yan knelt on the ground and kowtowed to Jiang Cheng, hoping that he could extend the life of his teacher, and then he would search the world for something that could restore the power of his soul.

"Your teacher has already exhausted his soul. It is not easy for me to help him maintain his life for three days. He even consumed my life force just so that he can accompany you in the end. Xiao Yan, be kind to the end." time."

At this point, Jiang Cheng also turned around and left, leaving the room to their master and apprentice to talk about old times. Three days passed in a blink of an eye, and I hope they can tell everything in their hearts to avoid leaving any final regrets.

Xiao Yan had already knelt on the ground at this time, with tears streaming down his face. He didn't believe that all of this was true, but when he saw the teacher's broken ring and his withered soul, he knew that all of this was true. .

"The teacher is very satisfied with everything you have done before. You also have the capital to defeat powerful enemies."

"I am very satisfied with the fighting skills you have created, but with my current physical condition, I can no longer accompany you. And this time the teacher will not fall asleep again, but will disappear completely. I am very happy to be able to teach you." To have you as my disciple, hahahaha."

"Silly boy, the teacher can no longer protect you. Everything in the future is all up to you."

At this time, Xiao Yan was kneeling on the ground in pain, regretting why he was greedy for this treasure, and slapped himself crazily until the corners of his mouth bled, and he did not stop.

"I only focused on pursuing the strongest power, but ignored your feelings. I was so stupid. Teacher, what's the use of this power..."

Xiao Yan clenched his fists, "Teacher... I'm sorry for you, I'm sorry for you..."

"Silly boy, birth, old age, illness and death are all destiny. The teacher has already died once, so he is no longer afraid of dying again." (End of Chapter)

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