Three days passed quickly, and Xiao Yan also ushered in the most painful moment in his life.

"Little guy, I don't have time. I will leave my Bone Spirit Cold Fire Origin to you. I will use the Flame Dispensing Glue to help you in the future. If you meet my old friend Feng Zun in the future, tell him that I am sorry for him."

Xiao Yan wanted to hug his teacher again, but saw the teacher's body dissipate at a speed visible to the naked eye. He said he wanted to help the teacher, but found that he had no ability at all.

"You are the most proud student of my teacher. I have always been satisfied with you. Teacher can no longer be by your side. In the future, everything will have to depend on yourself. Hahahaha, you are not the one who needs the teacher all the time. The little boy is following me..."

Yao Chen's body then completely disappeared between heaven and earth, while Xiao Yan knelt on the ground and cried crazily. He yelled the teacher's name unwillingly, but the teacher could no longer be seen.

Only the white light in the sky gradually dissipated, and the origin of the bone spirit cold fire burned at this moment.

After the medicine city completely disappeared, the sword in Xiao Yan's hand exploded and finally disappeared completely between heaven and earth.

Jiang Cheng stood not far away and watched all this, sighing and saying: "Yao Chen, Yao Chen, have a good trip."

Xiao Yan also had tears in his eyes, and he grasped the soil on the ground with both hands. Even if the blood on his palms was rubbed out, he still could not hide the anger here.

"Mr. Confucian Sage said back then that I should stay in Wutan City forever, otherwise, my Xiao family and myself... would suffer a bloody disaster."

Xiao Yan could no longer suppress the pain in his heart, and tears kept pouring out like rain. "If I had listened to the teacher, this situation would not have happened, and the teacher would not have fallen..."

"It's all me, it's all my greed, why should I have a greedy heart!!"

Having said this, Xiao Yan's face suddenly became ferocious, he let out a shrill roar, and then stabbed his right hand fiercely into his chest.

In an instant, Xiao Yan's eyes turned blood red. Looking at the teacher who had completely disappeared, he felt a sweet sensation in his throat and spurted out a mouthful of blood.

Jiang Cheng appeared here, held down Xiao Yan's right hand, and shouted: "Are you crazy? Do you know that you will die if you do this? Do you want to see Yao Chen sad?"

If he hadn't reacted in time, Xiao Yan might have died suddenly.


At this moment, Xiao Yan was like a helpless child. He knelt on the ground and cried loudly. His voice resounded throughout Taolin Mountain. Even the monsters from the outside could hear it clearly. Chu.

The Little Medical Fairy and others came here and looked at Xiao Yan who was in great pain, their brows couldn't help but knitted together.

They all knew Xiao Yan, and they also knew that their husband had tried to help Xiao Yan many times, but now they couldn't help but frown when they saw this guy kneeling on the ground so helplessly crying.

"Ooooh, teacher, teacher!"

Xiao Yan was seriously injured, he staggered to his feet, turned around suddenly, looked at the bloodthirsty beads on the table, and immediately rushed up and grabbed it in his hand.

The eyes are ferocious and blood red!
"It's all because of you. If it weren't for your teacher who wouldn't have died, we wouldn't have suffered the massacre. Break the Bloodthirsty Bead into pieces for me!" Even if the Bloodthirsty Bead disturbed his mood, it didn't make Xiao Yan stop. It was crushed to pieces on the spot. At the same time, he was also eroded by a wave of energy, and he fell back and spurted out blood again.

Xiao Yan stood up tremblingly, bowed towards Mr. Confucian Sage, and exhaled heavily. Red blood continued to flow from the corners of his mouth. His heart was damaged and his whole body was cold.

Jiang Cheng said calmly: "You little guy, don't you want to die? Do you know that the shock in your heart can easily cause you to die suddenly on the spot? Do you want to see yourself fall?"

"Thank you, sir, Xiao Yan. I will never forget it in my life." Xiao Yan smiled bitterly and glanced at the clear water and green mountains in the distance.

"Where are you going?" Jiang Cheng asked.

Xiao Yan said melancholy: "The Fighting Continent is so big, but I seem so helpless. My family has left one after another. It's really boring for me to stay in this world, but I promised the teacher to go see his old friend Feng Zunzhe , I plan to go to Zhongzhou. After fulfilling the teacher’s last wish, there is no need for me to continue practicing."

At this moment, Xiao Yan's hair changed from black to white, and his whole person looked extremely vicissitudes of life. The blood on his body continued to gush out from the wound every step he took. Even if Jiang Cheng wanted to help him, he was stopped by the latter. , I would like to see if I can reach Zhongzhou Continent with such a body.

"Going round and round, in the end I am still alone, alone..."

Xiao Yan said unwillingly: "After this is over, I plan to return to Wutan City and work as a vendor. I don't want to go anywhere else. I feel so tired..."

"I'm really tired... so tired..."

Looking at Xiao Yan, the little medical fairy and others who were gradually going away, they were helpless and sighed. Is this guy really going to be like this?
Yao Chen's death was a huge blow to him. Xiao Yan regarded Yao Chen as his father. The two were not father and son, but they were as close as father and son.

Whenever Xiao Yan encounters danger, the first thing he thinks of is his teacher, but now no matter how he calls, he can't hear his teacher's voice.

If it weren't for his own will, how could the teacher have fallen? If it weren't for himself, the teacher would still be alive because of his greed.

Yun Yun sighed: "What a pity Yaochen..."

"Human life is destined by God, and people who are destined can only be like this. Life and death are happening every day across the continent. Alas, look away."

In this world, there are thousands of people who are working tirelessly for their goals every day, but they still do not choose to give up after paying all the price and seeing no hope.

Destiny will not always protect you, nor will it always alienate you. When it closes a door for you, it will also open a window for you. If you learn to let go, you will suddenly realize that only then can you see a bright future. .

Jiang Cheng didn't want to see Yao Chen die, but the joys and sorrows of life were just like that.

There is no such thing as a banquet in the world that lasts forever. Besides, Yao Chen's injury was too serious this time. If he hadn't been discovered in time and injected with fighting spirit to survive, he would have completely dissipated long ago.

Jiang Cheng put one hand behind his back, looked at the sky in front of him, and said calmly: "You must also practice hard, otherwise in the future, in the great war...maybe..." (End of Chapter)

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