Ultra: Start by becoming the ultimate life form!

Chapter 107 Chapter 107 Miracle Form

Chapter 107 Chapter One Hundred and Seven Miracle Form

Abandoned apartment.

"Gabby, what's wrong with you?"

Yuxiang looked at the enlarged Gabixiu in fear, and couldn't help but step back.


Asuka, who was looking for signs, saw this scene and raised his pistol angrily.

However, he was forced to hold Yuxiu hostage and did not dare to shoot.

"Tsk, wouldn't it be better if we took action earlier?"

"At this time, the hardliners have to come out."

The figure of Qing Xiushu suddenly appeared on the roof of the ruins.

"That's it?" Asuka, who hurriedly ran out of the ruined apartment, looked at the man on the roof and wondered at Dana's prompt.

Thanks to his father being Dyna, he was willing to share some power with him.

The man on the tall building was surrounded by substantial golden telekinesis, which directly held the newly enlarged Gabixiu firmly in place.


Gabixiu, who had just turned into a super big mouse, felt as if he was being suppressed by an asteroid, and the whole beast fell into deep thought.

Why can't I move?Why can't cities be destroyed?
Isn't this planet's gravity suitable for large creatures?
"Finally found it, why did Gabixiu suspend his operations?
It's him? "

The Des star teleported to the roof of the building and looked at the giant Gabixiu with a solemn expression.

After spotting Qing Xiushu's handsome figure, he couldn't help but be stunned.

No way.
Can you control monsters with just superpowers?

The man's expression was indifferent, and a golden light in his hand saved the little girl.

The whole body shone with light, and a ray of light was emitted from the hand. The seemingly small light directly cut Gabixiu in half.

"This is."

"who the hell are you?"

During the explosion, Asuka stared at Qing Hideki's figure with wide eyes and shouted repeatedly.

"This is the end."

The figure of Qing Xiushu dispersed on the roof with the wind
"Hey, Asuka, stop standing there and come and see Yuka!"

The teammates looked at Feiniao who was still stunned and felt angry.

"I'm coming."

Feiniao reacted and ran over quickly, but his heart was not at all calm.

Who is that guy?
What a powerful force, is it the Giant of Light?
But the body condenses light
Is this kind of thing really reasonable?

TPC base.

Kiki helped Yumimura Ryo, who was watching with eager eyes.

"Liang, you are too tolerant."

"If that mysterious man hadn't taken care of this monster, do you know how many people would have been lost and killed?"

Hearing the captain's angry shouts, Yumimura Yoshi shrank his neck and admitted his mistake with a pale face.

"Captain, I was wrong about this."

After hearing Yumimura Ryo's apology, Captain Hibi's expression softened a bit.

"Well then you can go see Yuka later."

"Maybe that spaceman... is a friend."

Xibi was a little uncertain when she thought about her experiences many years ago.

"I just hope Yuka won't become more autistic."

Liang couldn't help but murmured in the car.

"It's okay. Who knew such a cute thing was a monster?"

Asuka looked at Liang who was feeling disappointed and comforted him.


Midorikawa Mai looked at the abnormal atmosphere and complained with a black line.

This is to see Yumi, not an emotional game between the two of you.


At this time, Qing Hideki had returned to the coast of Chiba.

Facing the sea that sent waves of joy to her, Qingxiu also felt a little emotional.

It seems that after the conch died, the earth recovered well.

Then Qing Xiushu also closed his eyes.

Just now, he seemed to feel a huge force awakening in his body, as if it was about to exceed a certain limit.The initial light turned into a streak of silver and washed over his body, as if crawling through his body, his whole body was filled with warmth.

A mysterious power representing a miracle shone on him.
"Isn't this the power of miracles?"

The initial light actually has such an effect.
I originally thought it could turn on the human body mode...


The initial light that had just been strengthened by half suddenly became powerless. It seemed that it was because its origin was too strong and could not continue to be strengthened. The powerful force that had just surged up quickly faded away.

"What the hell is this..."

Qing Xiushu clearly felt that what Noah gave was definitely not simple.

Immediately invest the human light and the fruits and seeds obtained from the tree of life into the initial light.

Don't let me down.
After being blessed, the initial light surged rapidly in Qing Xiushu's body like gold, as if to completely integrate Qing Xiushu's power.

The golden energy seemed to be strengthened by the initial light, and it faintly burst out with a sense of platinum substance.

Outside, Qing Xiushu's original golden eyes revealed a powerful platinum light.

The left eye was turned platinum, while the right eye still had golden pupils.

"This power."

Feeling the powerful addition of superpowers in his body, Qing Hideki even felt that he could suspend the movements of the entire planet at this time.

[Obtained form: Miracle form]

Under the reminder of the Star of Light, Qing Xiushu gradually came back to his senses.

"Miracle form?"

"The day has come."

Qing Hideki slowly exhaled as he felt the power gradually regaining his composure.

There is actually no morphological division among the Absolut people.

Even Brother Tazi's so-called shining form is just a display of his own power.

It's just different from the normal state and the desperate state. Strictly speaking, Qing Hideki has been fighting in one form.

He had never even thought about switching between fighting or King forms like Ultraman.

“But this time it was an unexpected surprise.”

Qing Xiushu vaguely saw an image of himself in the form of a giant flashing through his mind.

His whole body shone with white gold light. Except for his eyes, which were still gold, the rest of the light shone with a white gold light similar to Ultimate Glory Zero. Even his original color was replaced.
Full of a supreme breath
"A miraculous form that can maximize superpowers and light?"

Qing Xiushu was also a little surprised
This form may not be said to have the highest output, but it must be the most difficult to deal with.

In the Ultra World, monsters with super powers will have a much higher rating.

"Thank you"

Daisixingren looked at Qing Xiushu, who exuded a strong aura, and stood ten meters away with sincerity, bending down and thanking him.

"Is it because of the oppression of the life hierarchy?"

Realizing that even the fish around him did not dare to come over, Qing Xiushu gradually took back his power and became gentle.

At first glance, he looks like a warm big brother next door.

The gap was such that the pressure on his body suddenly disappeared, and the Des star man approached Qing Hideki a little bit, "Thank you so much, sir. If it had been any later, a terrible tragedy might have happened."

"Nothing!" Qing Xiushu waved his hands expressionlessly, then turned his attention to the orphanage, "You also saw the child who is the same as your daughter, right?"

"I really can't hide it from you. Yes."

The Des star man lowered his head in flattery.

"Then you should accompany her to get out of the nightmare during this period of time."

He lowered his head and listened to Daisixingren's face light up, and he quickly raised his head and said.

"Thank you..big."

"What about people?"


The Des Stars hurriedly ran to explain the situation to the Super Victory Team, and finally allowed the next group of people to visit the children who had lost their parents.

"Sir, you still have a kind heart."

In the evening, the little fox who prepared food for Qing Xiushu covered his mouth and smiled.

"Humph, that's not the case. I just don't want to cause trouble."

Qing Xiushu sealed off most of his power and was doing the simplest physical training in the courtyard.

Tick ​​tick
The man in the courtyard has a broad, thick back with distinct grooves. Every muscle is like an ancient Greek sculpture. He does not appear bloated or thin. His sweat drips from his body to the floor drop by drop.

He still has too little willpower.
The long period of smooth sailing made him forget the painful journey at the top of the Warriors.
Under the night, Qing Xiushu kept exercising with a burning gaze.

"The only thing that can defeat darkness is the infinite will!"

(End of this chapter)

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