Ultra: Start by becoming the ultimate life form!

Chapter 108: The prudent and incomparable mental civilization

Chapter 108: The prudent and incomparable mental civilization
In Gubian Village, a huge meteorite landed behind the village with scorching flames that broke through the atmosphere.

Because of the huge shock, a persimmon hit Grandpa Yueji's head.

Yueji, who was working hard, stopped the movement of his hands and looked at the persimmons on the ground with a puzzled look.

This is his favorite food
"Grandpa, grandpa, a huge meteorite fell into the back mountain."

Yue Ji's grandson saw the huge meteorite falling down the mountain behind, and quickly found Yue Ji anxiously and said excitedly.

Village, courtyard.

Obik, who was keenly aware of the bad intentions of the visitor, suddenly said with murderous intent on his face.

"My lord, something without eyes has been resurrected."

"Do you want him?"

Hearing this, Qing Xiushu, who was surrounded by countless mist at this time, instantly returned to his original appearance.

The closed heterochromatic eyes slowly opened. Just now, he had grasped all the conditions on the earth through his telekinesis.

"The harmless monster Baorn?"

"Is telepathy civilized? It's interesting."

"These guys are trying to cause trouble."

Looking at Obike Ao Hideki who was eager to express himself, he ordered.

"Obik, you and the witch go investigate the meteorite monster just now."

"I'm going out."

After saying that, Qing Xiushu's figure disappeared from the place like a dreamy bubble.

After these days of exploration, his strength has become stronger.
After experiments, the Miracle Form actually directly enhanced his superpowers in human form.

If his telekinesis continues to transform, it won't be a problem for him to directly cause a catastrophe by manipulating the earth's magnetic field in human form.

He can even stop a black hole like the number one telekinesis master in the universe from a certain anime.

Such an effect can be achieved with the addition of telekinesis alone, let alone teleportation.

It's completely possible to enter a super-light time-stop state just like Max.

That is the real smashing of Varudo.

When Gaia faced the spokesperson of the root body of death, he stopped for a few seconds.

Judging from the current situation, it is not a problem to pause in a small area for a few minutes, and there is no need to breathe at all.

As long as the cosmic beings whose life energy level is not high enough are like ants to him.

"It would be great if I could be like Shining Cerro"

"Maybe if we get to Si'ao"

It is also possible by reversing the time of his original universe.

But it would take reversing the time of the entire galaxy
I'm afraid that even if you reach that level, you won't be able to accomplish such a thing, right?
And this time happens to be another opportunity to advance in mental power.
The existence of mental civilization.
But the better plan is the resurrected emperor in Mebius...

The power of thought must be fierce...

But it seems that these guys have some ideas about the electricity-absorbing monsters Kiakta and Baorn.
"A Genai Jindaru?"

This is a mysterious telepathic race that once dominated the earth in ancient times.

Before its demise in ancient times, it was resurrected in the modern era by sealing its DNA in a clone-making machine.

In the original plot, after being awakened by Dr. Akizuki who was investigating the paintings on the ground, the Genai Jindaru attempted to use the three-headed monster hidden in the paintings on the Andes Mountains as a fighting force to regain control of the earth.

But now, they seem to have noticed something through their mind power.
I want to master the two monsters that are about to appear.

"I just don't know why these guys didn't come out to join in the fun during the Tiga period."

Qing Xiushu said a little puzzled
Could it be that the monsters of the earth are slowly reviving in batches?
Andean region.

This area is famous for its paintings on the ground, especially the most eye-catching images of three monsters that look different.

There are also various other ground paintings representing the ancient times, because these strange pictures even have scholars and doctors who specialize in research.

Dr. Qiuyue is one of the best.

At this time, I saw that the painting on the ground known as Dankshadel was injected with a lot of telekinesis by several Jinai Jindaru people who looked like Lao Bangzi.

Your Emperor of Earth is back!
After injecting telekinesis, the leader of the Jinaijindaru looked a little proud and hummed twice, then looked at the other two companions.

"There is an extremely powerful telepathic being on this planet."

"From my secret perception, he is comparable to the leader in his heyday."

"We have to be careful and keep our information safe."

The leader subconsciously looked at the surrounding environment and cautiously switched to using telekinesis to transmit the message.

"Don't worry, boss, we will definitely complete the mission..."

The two younger brothers also looked cautious.

For the recovery of the Jinaijindaru people, they had to carry forward with heavy burdens.

"Next, we will resurrect more of our kindred spirits."

"Otherwise, that guy named Dyna will be enough for us!"

The leader looked at his cautious younger brother and nodded with satisfaction.

When the Jinaijindaru people perished, the three of them lived the longest and died the last.

It does not depend on outstanding strength, but on careful thinking.

"Next, eliminate the traces and evacuate."

The leader quickly ordered, and before he had gone far, he looked back at the little boy in the grass like a devil.

"I almost forgot, there is a little fly."

"Next, we can resurrect another member of the same race." Hearing this, the little boy who ran to pick up the baseball retreated and fell to the ground.

With a horrified look on his face, he wanted to shout but found that he couldn't even move.

"Next, it's time to look at the quality of the world's armed forces."

The leader looked in the direction of the village with a nonchalant look.
Physically slaying monsters?
I admit, that existence is indeed very strong.

However, our family that ruled the earth in ancient times was not without the birth of telepathic geniuses.


"call out!"

Over the Andes region, the roar of the engines of two fighter planes filled the sky as they investigated the monster incident in this sky.

The driver gradually slowed down and breathed a sigh of relief as the load decreased.

"Reporting that no traces of monsters have been found in the Andes region of headquarters."


On the patrol fighter, the pilot picked up the device and replied.

In an instant, a huge bird monster spit out a blue energy attack, destroying the pilot and the plane.

And another crazy maneuvering fighter plane was also destroyed instantly.

"Didi! Is the patrolman still there?"

"What unexpected incident happened?"

Looking at the patrol fighter planes that lost contact on the radar, the Super Victory Team was preparing for emergency support at the prompts of Asuka.

Just the next second, the monster disappeared from the radar, as if it had never appeared.

"Mai!! Immediately use the temperature measuring device to check the surrounding area where the monster disappeared!"

Xibi looked at the screen with a solemn expression and gave instructions quickly.

The disappeared monster, then this time the opponent may be difficult to deal with.

"Koda, contact the South American branch immediately and ask them to transmit the camera data of the fighter plane!
Nakajima, you are responsible for counting all the data of the monsters! "

"Roger that!"

After Xibi gave the order, he stood behind Midorikawa Mai and stared at the radar.

The most important detector is the Super Victory Team's eyes, which actually have no effect on the monsters at this time.

This is a hard fact to accept for the Super Victory team.

Not long after, multiple high-energy radar light spots appeared on the radar screen one after another.

When Mai saw this, her heart trembled.
"Captain. A huge cosmic creature has appeared in Gubian Village."

"And there are also huge energy sources emerging in emerging solar power generation bases."

Looking at the two high-heat spots that instantly appeared on the screen, Mai felt a little desperate for a moment.

After Koda found out the results of his investigation, he followed the captain's analysis with a serious expression.

And it's in Millennium Town.
Hopefully it's not the one I remember.

"Captain! We suspect that the monster came from a painting on the ground!"

"The painting on the ground of Dendel is exactly the same as this mysterious monster!"

Xibi looked at the three radars emitting high-intensity energy and ordered calmly.

"Asuka, Koda-san, go investigate the painting incident on the ground!"

"The rest of the team members, follow me!"

Xibi looked at the situation and saw something unusual.

Obviously they had appeared one by one before, so why are they so similar to the Diga period?
Even monsters appear in groups.
Could it be that the darkness came so quickly this time?
Xibi's fingers hidden under his sleeves clenched tightly, and the huge strength made his fingers turn white.

What the hell happened?
How could such a strange situation occur?

At this time, the Andes region.

The leader of the Jinaijindalu looked at his younger brother who was doing things efficiently and looked relieved.

"Two worthy brothers, in this way we will surely conquer the earth."

"Brother must be thoughtful, that hypnotic monster is a bit ignorant."

"It can only attract some attention for us."

"But there is another powerful monster. As long as we give him energy, he will help us deal with Ultraman."

The two boys looked at each other and immediately flattered the leader.

Seeing four monsters on his side, the leader also showed a confident smile.

"Four to one, the advantage is mine!"

"That guy with strong mental power, let me deal with it!"

"Ultraman Dyna, your death is coming soon!"

"But you two worthy brothers, please preserve our genetic factors first."

"I have a hunch that this time it may fail. Let's have more protection!"

Feeling that he seemed to be a little swollen, the leader quickly said to the younger brother carefully.

"It's wonderful, what brother said makes sense!"

"Me too!"

(End of this chapter)

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