Ultra: Start by becoming the ultimate life form!

Chapter 109 Masaki, what are you barking at?

Chapter 109 Masaki, what are you barking at?
It didn't take long for the Super Victory Team to finally figure out the basic situation of the monster.

"Captain, the Baoun who landed in Gubian Village is actually a sleeping monster."

"I just didn't know who woke me up. I was frightened and ran around. I had no intention of hurting anyone."

"This matter can be solved by using sleeping gas to make it fall asleep and send it to the universe."

After Mai visited Fubian Village, she used a communication device to communicate with Captain Xibi.

"Understood, please be safe over there."

After learning the good news, Captain Xibi's heart, which had been on tenterhooks, finally calmed down.

Rubbing his sore eyes, it was really difficult for the Super Victory Team to investigate three abnormal situations at the same time.

Qing Xiushu's figure was like a time traveler, traveling through space with ease, and it didn't take long before he arrived at Gubian Village.

"This is the hypnotic monster."

Qing Xiushu looked at Baouen who looked like he was sleeping even though he was awakened, and was running around in the mountains because of being frightened.

"I don't know why this guy got excited when he saw the red Dyna."

"It couldn't be that Asuka's father accidentally destroyed his tribe when he was madly fighting monsters and upgrading in the universe, right?"

Looking at the scared and timid Baouen, Qing Hideki shook his head helplessly, and then his telekinesis directly attacked Baouen's consciousness.

Within three seconds, Baouen lay down and fell asleep near Gubian Village.

Immediately, Baouen's body was filled with golden energy, and he was directly carried into the starry sky by the mysterious power.

"Who is that?"

Mai stared at the black figure that seemed to flash before her.

Such a familiar light
She seemed to have seen it when she merged with Diga. Was that figure one of the giants?
“The confidentiality method is well done.”

In the village, Qing Hideki couldn't help but click his tongue as he looked at the humans who were gradually forgetting Ultraman.

Is this a sequelae of merging with Tiga?
Is it to protect humans?

In Gubian Village, Mai looked at the man's figure disappearing on the branches.

Once you've made up your mind, slightly change your true words.

"Captain Xibi, Baouen was taken to the universe by an unknown force."

Hearing this, Xibi said happily, "That's really great."

The news about the monster from the other side just now made him feel uncomfortable. Fortunately, the news from Mai's side was good news.

Ba'on's matter is settled.

Then we only need to fight on two fronts.
"All of them, attack!"

"Be sure to thwart the enemy's plot"

Xibi's heroic voice echoed on the fighter plane.


An abnormal phenomenon with extremely strong energy intensity has occurred in the Andes region. Three extremely ferocious monster paintings on the ground emit fierce light from the edges. The powerful monsters are being resurrected.

"Brother, it's done!"

"The earth is ours now!"

In the back garden, three members of the Jinaijindaru people were controlling the monster with happy faces.

"It's actually a three-headed monster! A four-headed monster."

The Super Victory Team's combined fighter plane looked at the three resurrected monsters in the sky and felt chilled.

And in the nearby mountains, countless black shadows overlapped to form a huge monster, and it was far more powerful than the other three monsters.

The electricity-absorbing monster Kiakta has the self-healing power of splitting and reorganizing.

It also has wrist strength comparable to Dyna's red form, and can also release a large amount of lightning light.


The Super Victory Team plans to take down one monster before proceeding with the battle.

However, the attack with the powerful light of Ultraman was easily dodged by the flying monster.

"Damn! What happened to the earth?"

Xibi looked at the extremely fast flying monster Dank Shadel and said angrily, these three monsters have different focuses, speed, strength and comprehensiveness.

With the cooperation of the three, it can be said that ordinary monsters cannot be defeated at all.

"Interesting. I'm afraid I have to invite the Civil War Phantom God Corn Cob to come."

Ao Hideki's figure emerged from the tree next to the garden. With the blessing of super powers, Qing Hideki's teleportation became stronger.

It can even teleport for more than ten kilometers in human form, and can even walk in space.

In giant form, that is even more unimaginable.

I just don’t know if I can deal with Grizza.
The void monster born in the lair of the universe. "Die!"

Looking away from the monster, Qing Xiushu's majestic telepathy swept directly over the three of them.

In the blink of an eye, the two Jinaijindaru people with weak telepathy were directly turned into a mosaic.

In their eyes, the majestic power of thought was like a planet hitting them, with no way to escape.


Qing Xiushu looked at the leader who could actually compete with his telepathy with a look of surprise.

"Damn it! You're the one who ruined the revival plan of our Genai Jindaru people!"

The leader looked carefully into Qing Xiushu's cold eyes.

If the quality and quantity of his telekinesis hadn't been higher than those two, I'm afraid he would have died just now.
Is this guy the guy with powerful telepathy?
"It's a pity that I already have the power of teleportation!"

The leader looked at his body gradually disappearing and showed a relaxed smile.

Although they have genetic factors and they will not die, who doesn't want to live?
I still have half of my telekinesis power to use, so it’s better to leave first to be on the safe side.

The two younger brothers can just find time to resurrect themselves.


Qing Xiushu no longer hesitated. With a snap of his fingers, the entire area seemed to fall into black and white, and even time was frozen.

Taking the steps of death, Qing Hideki approached the leader of the Jinaijindaru people step by step.

Seeing the leader's eyes change from calm to frightened, Qing Hideki showed a ferocious smile with big white teeth.

"Don't be afraid."

After a while, Qing Hideki released the Jinaijindalu with satisfaction and allowed him to turn into ashes and disappear.

"The ability to stop time is useful."

Ao Hideki discovered that the telekinesis power of the Genai Jindaru was almost the same as that of ordinary Ultra warriors, but the training skills were extremely rough.

The three Jinaijindaru he killed together were as many as half a Sai.

"Maybe these are also the best."

After discovering that the method of resurrecting the Genekin Daru people was extremely complicated, Aohideki destroyed all the cloning machines.

Originally, he wanted to clone those Jinaijindaru people into piglets and kill them.

But think about it, this is neither Absolute nor the Ultimate Life.

So he gave up this plan.

His plan in this time and space is simple.
That is to defeat Sphia, the perfect life form boss.

Let’s take a look at the difference between the ultimate life and Sphia, which is called the perfect life.

Moreover, Sphia's special form and abilities are worth absorbing.

Then Qing Xiushu set his sights on the starry sky
He sensed a powerful silver light moving rapidly there.

That guy Masaki...has also grown up.

On the battlefield, with the energy indicator flashing wildly, Dyna looked at the powerful monster in front of him with a heavy expression.

This kind of monster is not weaker than him, and its light is also extremely powerful.

The monster that just disappeared suddenly consumed too much of his energy.

"Silver light?"

"What is that?"

Dai Nian subconsciously looked at the silver figure descending from the sky to the ground.


Under Showa's war cry, a strong giant figure suddenly knelt on the ground on one knee, causing a huge cloud of smoke.

Silver, red and black, the strong body seemed to be watered by blood and self-discipline, bursting out with a powerful force. His milky white eyes looked at the electricity-absorbing monster Kiakta not far away and stretched out his finger to hook it.

Masaki looked at the monster with Ultra's contemptuous eyes.

"What are you barking at?"

Wang Wang!

Beside the forest, a puppy jumped up and down, barking and licking wildly at the feet of Qing Xiushu.

"It's you, Geddy!"

Qing Hideki pinched the back of Geddy's fateful neck and said with a gentle smile.

Geddy also answered in a humane way.

"Wang Wang!"

(End of this chapter)

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