Ultra: Start by becoming the ultimate life form!

Chapter 119 The Brutal Ultra Brothers

Chapter 119 The Brutal Ultra Brothers


"The seal can no longer control this guy."

On the coast, Qing Xiushu looked at the seal that had been made by all the strength of the Oti brothers and was already crumbling.

Even if Ultraman's power is greater than two, it can't stop the resentment of Saurus and the Yabo people from growing stronger under the sea.

At this time, countless ocean bubbles are rising on the seal of the sea.
It seems that there is something terrifying brewing inside.

It seems that with the blessing of darkness, the power of Aboman, the father of hybrid monsters, has become stronger.
"Men of Abo, come out!"

Qing Xiu Shu's clothes were blown against the dark air waves, and he looked into the depths of the ocean with his heterochromatic pupils.

A twisted form and a soul exuding a dark aura appeared in the dark red seal.
The resentful Yabo people looked at Qing Hideki and were stunned, as if he had seen Qing Hideki's true form.

"Absolut people? This universe should have nothing to do with you, right?"


Qing Hideki's eyes flickered, and he was a little surprised that he could tell his identity at a glance.

He is worthy of being a hybrid expert who has been active in the Ultra Universe.
"I'm just passing by and it has nothing to do with you, right?"

Ao Hideki's expressionless face met the Awa people's resentment.

"It seems that you are also a hindrance, right?" Thinking of the power he gained, Yabo's fearful expression gradually faded away, and he looked at Qing Hideki with a fierce look.

"Even Tartarus, who is said to have the ability to transcend space and time, can't be found in this universe, right?"

"Do you know Brother Tazi?" Qing Xiushu's body began to gather energy, and he looked at Yabo with a surprised expression.

Apparently the people of Arbo knew some information about the kingdom
After all, he had been following the Emperor of the Universe, so he must have heard about the powerful warriors and forces in the Universe.

"Now that you know it, do you still dare to take action against me?"

I saw a ball of dark energy heading towards Qing Xiushu, and when it reached him, it was caught by a hand and crushed directly.

"Huh, with this power, I will destroy the Kingdom of Light sooner or later!"

Hearing this, Yabo said disdainfully that even his soul form had reached S level under the blessing of this darkness.

During the conversation, it seemed that the seal would be completely broken soon.


Looking at the extremely arrogant Awa people, Ao Hideki shook his head and directly controlled a huge force of telekinesis to sweep towards the Yabo people.

"what happened?"

The Yabo people looked at their unable to move soul body and asked in fear.

With the continuous improvement of his mental power, Qing Xiushu's super power can even limit the soul body of this level.

"Energy Slash!"

I saw Qing Hideki's figure approaching Yabo's resentment like a ghost, with a light blade of about one meter extending from his palm.

The light blade sent out hundreds of energy sword energy with golden lightning, cutting the resentment of the frightened Yabo people into pieces.

You can even vaguely hear the resentful roars of the Abo people.


"This dark power is a bit extraordinary."

The light blade in Qing Hideki's hand turned into countless light particles and disappeared.

The strange-colored eyes stared closely at the Yabo man who was obviously in a fragmented state but suddenly turned into a dark mist.

You must know that he does not have limitations like those human bodies. After he is shrunk, he can only use the krypton life ultimate move and extreme state.

The rest of the skills can be used in the human form. Although the scope of the telekinetic slash just released is a bit small, it can still cause damage to S-level opponents.

But after the Yabo people's resentment was cut into pieces by him, it did not dissipate as he imagined.

It seems more like it is becoming more and more connected to the darkness.

"Absolut. You forced me to do this!"

The reorganized Yabo people had completely turned into a dark existence at this time, staring at Qing Hideki with scarlet eyes.

Just now, his balance with the darkness was broken.
Darkness takes over, and the price is loyalty to someone great.
"It doesn't matter! As long as we destroy this planet and these annoying guys, that's fine!"

The people of Abo are also fearless in their resentment.
He is loyal to more than one master!

As long as the new owner can handle it
After saying that, the Yabo people directly threw themselves into the seal without giving Qing Hideki a chance to break through his telekinesis.

Not long after, a black-red light beam appeared that penetrated the sky and earth, stirring up the storm in this area.

Immediately following, a huge black-red energy light ball with a diameter of several hundred meters soared into the sky and flew directly into the sky.

"Great existence, I am willing to serve you."

"Just let me destroy it all!!"

"Give this universe destruction!"

The voices of the Yabo people continued to echo in the sky, and at the same time, the dark light balls were also entangled with countless dark auras.Even the protective shield was broken through by the aura of darkness, and darkness instantly covered the entire planet.
"Is this the true power of darkness?"

"What is it that exists?"

"Siao? Or some unknown existence?"

Facing the dark air wave coming towards him, Qing Xiushu stared at the dark ball of light in the sky.

The Ultra brothers also had heavy expressions on their faces when they saw the strange scene.

Saurus, resurrected!

"Seven, take action! It seems that he can't stop the darkness that Hades mentioned!"

"Only true elimination can end it once and for all!"

Beidou Xingsi glanced at Mebius, and then at the beam of light penetrating the sky and earth next to him.

"Perhaps this is our real last battle!"

The star clusters looked solemnly at the ball of light in the sky.

In his telekinesis, the dark power was terrifyingly huge.
Mebius, who was sealed high in the sky, was extremely tangled in his heart as he watched his senior walking toward the battlefield.

"Please stop! You don't have much fighting energy left now!"

"You will die after forced transformation!"

After hearing Mebius' worry, all the Austrians looked at each other and understood.

Xiao Meng, we have no shortage of energy for a long time!

"Membius! Ultraman is the one who makes the impossible possible!"

"Now let us teach you one last lesson!"

The stars nodded towards Mebius, and then put on their glasses.

In a burst of brilliance, the Ultra Brothers descended into the world again.

The people around looked excited at the appearance of the Ultra Brothers.

"It's the Ultra Brothers!"


The Ultra brothers who had just appeared directly assumed a fighting stance and looked at Gaci and Zarrab cautiously.

"So that uncle was talking about courage?"

"As long as your heart is strong enough, you can"

Takato looked at the Ultra brothers and was completely shocked.

"Rescue Membius quickly!"

"We won't have to fight until that guy in the sky comes back to life!"

Ace nodded to the Austrians, then rubbed a white and shiny jagged light wheel and ran towards the Zarrab people.

【Ultra Disc Blade! 】

"Ace! Isn't it necessary?"

The first generation stared blankly at Ace who rushed forward with a forbidden technique with a ferocious look on his face, and was startled by the energy fluctuations coming from beside him.

"First generation, don't be polite to them!"

The first generation turned his head and saw that the Emelim light on Severn's forehead was twice as thick as usual, and the green light swept towards the Gaci star.


The first generation looked towards Jack and found that Jack was using his most powerful light, the Shinerama Ray, to shoot into the sky.


The first generation saw that all the brothers who had no shortage of energy were as fierce as tigers, and then took off directly towards Membius's position.

"Mebius, let me save you!"

But Mebius, who was high in the sky, was dumbfounded.
No, the lack of energy mentioned by the seniors refers to the casual use of ultimate moves?
Really, a bunch of old guys!

"I, Gaci, XXXX, you XXX."

Zarrab, who was being chased by the forbidden technique, cursed the Gazi star crazily.

"Zarrab, why are you scolding me? I don't know. The intelligence said that the Ultra brothers have no energy?"

"It must be the Knuckle star who did it, I XXX."

The Gazi people ran away frantically to answer Zara's sermon.

This Seven is so fierce
Knuckle Star (dead state): "?"

(End of this chapter)

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