Ultra: Start by becoming the ultimate life form!

Chapter 120 Seven, don’t chase me, the gang is coming!

Chapter 120 Seven, don’t chase me, the gang is coming!

"Zarrab, look! That bastard Seven is chasing me!"

The human phantom of Gazi star frantically avoided Severn's light skills, and turned to look in the direction of the Zarab star.

"People from Gazi, I am my father!"


At this time, the Zarrab alien, who had transformed like Ace, had a crazily rotating eight-point light wheel inserted into his neck.

Fierce sparks burst out between the body of the Zarrab star and the light wheel. Seeing that he would not survive, he looked at the Gaci star who fled not far ahead and said heartbrokenly.

"These Ultramans are crazy!!"

Looking at the extremely cruel Ultra brothers, the Gaci people sped up their pace and ran away frantically in fear.

Just as he was about to escape from Shengtian, his way was blocked by a tall giant figure full of gold.

"It's you!"

The Gaci star swallowed his saliva and took two steps back in fear, looking at the golden giant in front of him in disbelief.

They were all deceived
This guy is the enemy!
The people of Planet Knuckle may have encountered something unexpected! !
The golden giant who stopped Gaci turned Gaci into ashes with a casual punch.

This guy's body is weaker than he thought, but the clone and virtualization are not bad.

After finishing, Qing Hideki raised his shining eyes and looked at Severn who was chasing Gaji.

"Thanks, Hades!"

Looking at Ao Hideki, who had relieved the pain of the Gaji star with one punch, Seven also showed a grateful expression.

Ace on the other side also directly sawed the Zarrabian in half alive, and the whole Ao burst into hearty laughter.

"It's so cool! My guess was right! Sure enough, people in the universe don't feel pain either!"

After finishing, Ace returned to the team with his waist in his arms. The first generation who had just rescued Mebius was trembling coldly.

"Isn't this too cruel of you, Ace?"

The first generation said cautiously.
"Not at all! This is to end his boring life quickly! Isn't Hades doing the same thing?"

Hearing this, Ace shook his head seriously.

"Everyone, that big guy in the sky is coming out!"

"My light is totally useless!"

Ultraman Jack frowned and lowered his crossed arms to release the light.

"Dip dong! Dip dong!"

All Ultraman except the first generation have their timers flashing again.

"Senior, don't you guys have no energy?"

"Fighting like this will consume your lives!"

Mebius just wanted to talk to the seniors at the red light.



Severn and the first generation suddenly let out war cries.

At this time, the black-red light ball in the sky burst out with powerful golden energy fluctuations that continuously impacted the surrounding clouds.

The strange fluctuations directly interrupted the Ultramans' opportunity to chat.

"That guy is resurrected!"

Qing Xiushu walked up to Zhongao with strong steps and looked at the smoke and dust exposed by the huge creature in the light ball.

"Hades! How strong is that guy?"

Seven frowned as he looked at the giant creature in the smoke.

"If nothing else, I'm afraid he's not much different from the Emperor of the Universe."

Qing Hideki looked cautiously at the ultimate super beast Saurus roaring in the smoke.

The Star of Light has already reached the SS- level in terms of strength judgment.
This guy was supposed to be S+.
Is it because of that dark power? The black version is three times stronger, so don’t be so outrageous, okay?

I saw the dust mist dissipating and the head alone was huge. It also had many tentacles and the dark beast let out a shocking roar.

"Is that the ultimate super beast that my brothers defeated 20 years ago?"

Mebius took a few steps forward, looked at the enhanced version of Ultra Killer Saurus, who was covered in dark energy, and said with a shocked expression.

Such a powerful force...

"That guy is not Saurus, but the stronger Dark Ultra Killer Saurus."

Ao Hideki looked at the darkened Ultra killer Saurus and said loudly.

"What? Has that guy become stronger?"

The first generation clenched his fists and looked up at the enhanced version of Saurus in the distance.

"Jie Jie Jie~"

"Soldier of Absolut, you know your stuff!"

The resentment of the Yabo people, whose entire body turned into pitch black, emerged from Saurus's surface and made a terrifying and evil sound.

"This is the Dark Ultra Killer Saurus, who is more powerful than Savrus!"

"After absorbing countless human darkness and the power of that Lord, the power of this ultimate super beast is no less than that of Lord Ampera!"

"Brother Ultra, I will definitely wipe out your light this time!"

"I was born from darkness, and I will dye everything with the power of darkness!"

"Suffer to death!!"

The resentment of the Yabo people crazily exuded a dark aura, twisting their huge bodies and even causing huge earthquakes.

"What on earth is this..." Membius felt the vibrations coming from the ground and swallowed.

I saw a scorpion-like monster emerging from below Savrus's position, even bigger than Savrus' head, and its body instantly reached a height of several hundred meters!

hold head high!
Saurus roared like a dark storm.

Ultraman, who was already low on energy, knelt on one knee to support himself when he was hit.


Seeing this scene, Qing Hideki reached out and crossed the kingdom logo on his chest.

A powerful light emitted from his body filled up the Ultra Warrior's status with the flashing red light in the blink of an eye.

"It's coming!"


Ao Hideki took a fighting stance, and a huge red dragon appeared on his body and ran towards Savrus.

"It's coming!"

Severn followed closely behind, and the head ax turned into dozens, which caused fierce sparks as they rubbed against the madly attacking darkness.

"Eight-point light wheel!"

Ace flew directly into the sky and released his ultimate move. Not to be outdone, the first generation and Jack directly used their most powerful light.

"Brothers, what are you doing?"

Membius's eyes widened, like a big cat staring at his brothers who were killing everyone.

It turns out that the brothers’ energy has long been replenished by instructor Hades.
Then why didn't the brothers take action before?
Mebius's brain was running wildly, and the thoughts in his mind gradually became clear in connection with what Severn said.

"I understand!"

"Wait for me, brothers!"

A strange feeling arose in Membius's heart, and a power called bond stirred in his body.

"Isn't it right? This will activate the bond?"

Qing Hideki used the Phantom Beast Fist to attack the chrysanthemum cannon under the giant scorpion. Watching the light gathering, he quickly switched to the light skill to counter the waves.

When the two collided, the light gradually moved toward Qing Xiushu.


Looking at the huge dark light so close at hand, Qing Hideki increased his energy output and forced it to remain level.

"It's indeed SS-'s light!"

Qing Hideki looked like he was still suppressing the powerful light, his body flashed and he directly avoided the impact of the light.

The dark black light baked the ground into a magma-colored appearance, and even if you looked closely, there was a dark aura squirming in it.

"This guy reached SS-" with just one skill.

Qing Hideki looked at the O's who were blown away by the dark lightning, and his eyes were fixed on the luminous body of the scorpion's mouth below Saurus.

That's where his final kill will be
The original work has a powerful ray that can destroy the power of the Ultra Brothers.

What kind of existence did this dark power fall from?
"Even if it's just a little bit more, it's such a huge bonus to these monsters."

Qing Hideki cut off the tentacle with one blow, saved Severn who was caught by the ferocious tentacle, and stared at Saurus.

"Thank you! Hades!"

After being rescued, Severn and the Ultra brothers stood in a row, looking cautiously at the ultimate super beast Saurus.

"Where did this guy's darkness come from? Is it the legendary ultimate darkness?"

The first generation's eyes were extremely cautious, and he suddenly remembered the prophecy that Wang once said.

"The strongest light cannot break his recovery and defense!"

Severn said in a deep tone.

"Then brothers, what should we do now?"

Mebius also couldn't decide to pay attention. This was the first time that Ou Sheng had encountered such a powerful opponent.

"I have encountered this dark force many times."

"He exists in many times and places."

"I think only those four legendary warriors know who it is."

Qing Xiushu frowned, this was the strongest darkness he had ever encountered.

The darkness of the red ball was crushed by him before it could develop.
I don’t know why Luigi El’s darkness of time and space didn’t appear.
Is it because Lukiel and Ginga are integrated into a being that is no less than a fourth Olympian?
"Come on everyone!"

After the first generation calmed down, he let out a war cry and prepared to fight Saurus again, but was directly stopped by Ao Hideki.

"First generation, look over there!"

Zhongao followed Qing Xiushu's gaze and saw six golden light pillars penetrating the sky and earth appearing on the shore on the side.

I saw Zoffie, Taro, Leo, Eddie, Astra, and Seven 21, all exuding powerful golden light, making fighting gestures, and descending on the ground in Taro's BGM.

"It's Captain Zoffie, Instructor Taylor, and Instructor Leo!"

"There are seniors 21! and brother Eddie!"

Mebius looked at the reinforcements with excitement.

The little boy Takato on the coast had his eyes wide open.

"A lot of Ultraman Zoffie, Taro, Leo."

The crowd not far from the little boy was even more excited and roared with red faces.

"Ultraman is here!"

"Ultraman is here! The earth is peaceful!!"

(End of this chapter)

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