Ultra: Start by becoming the ultimate life form!

Chapter 135 Gift from the Milky Way

Chapter 135 Gift from the Milky Way


I saw golden streams of light constantly reorganizing in the battlefield, creating a huge terrifying shadow.

Finally, with a miraculous flash, the divine giant radiating platinum-gold light appeared on the battlefield.

"It was at that time that the color of the giant changed..."

In the ruins, the light in the auditorium widened its eyes as it looked at Qing Xiushu, who was full of divine light.

"This guy Yinhe is very good at fishing."

Ao Hideki couldn't help but shook his head when he sensed Luchiel's energy level.

Victor Lugiel has weakened to the SS-level. He still looks powerful but is far less oppressive than the last Lukiel.

Lowering his head and scanning the place where Guang's body was lying in the auditorium, Qing Xiushu was speechless in his heart.

The two Crouching Dragon and Phoenix chicks just couldn't defeat Luchiel, and it was Luchiel who had just been resurrected.

After being beaten so quickly that the Death Lantern was extinguished, Galaxy itself still didn't take action?

He just killed Barton and Jayton in advance to no avail...

Speaking from the bottom of my heart, the new generation is really too flashy.

Auditorium Light seems to have more moves than in Falling Star Town, but in fact it is far inferior to the performance of Falling Star Town Galaxy.

Ao Hideki always felt that these Ultraman just liked to sneak up on fish, causing Galaxy and other Ultraman's performance to fluctuate.

You say he is strong. Sometimes it takes a long time to defeat monsters. You say he is weak. The original light can burst the barrier of Super Jeton.

With this kind of energy level, I don’t understand why the combat power fluctuates so much.

If it were in the hands of King B in Fujinomiya, the Milky Way would not be able to be played out by him.

You must know that most of the time when Aguru defeats monsters, it is the first attacker who kills the monster before the light is turned on.

"It's you guy!!!"

Lukiel watched the silver-rayed giant growl in disgust, and directly used dark sparks to attack Ao Hideki's position.


Ao Hideki snorted coldly, and saw a slight wave of his arm in giant form, and a silver vortex directly swallowed Luchiel's dark spark.

Within three seconds, a beam of light was reflected and directly bombarded Luchiel's body.


Countless sparks burst out from Victor Luigiel's body after being attacked.
"This guy!!"

"Suffer to death!"

Lukiel looked at the silver giant who once again made him unable to get off the stage with an angry look, waving his claws and rushing towards Qing Hideki's position.

Seeing the incoming Luchiel, Ao Hideki flicked his claws away with a wave of his hands, knocking Luchiel back several hundred meters, and then the two behemoths fought in the hilly area.

"Have you become stronger in fighting?"

Ao Hideki felt a little surprised when he felt the power transmitted from Luchiel. It seemed that these villains would become stronger as he weakened.

But that guy from Yinhe suddenly became so weak? Could it be that he was borrowing his strength?

Could it be that the leather bags of the new generation in the future have been flattened?
"It makes me feel like I saw Galaxy fighting Luigi El."

Auditorium Light was helped up by Arisa, leaning on the car and panting violently. Even though his whole body was in severe pain, Auditorium Light still looked firmly at the sky above the battlefield.

After entering the realm and disappearing, Lujiel and the mysterious giant fought against each other again and again, causing space fluctuations. He lowered his head and looked firmly at Galaxy Sparks and said loudly.

"Galaxy, Taro! Do you still have the power you can lend me?"

After hearing this, Taylor and Galaxy, who were connected to their original consciousness, also hesitated a little.

"We can fight, but Xiaoguang, you and I only have this last chance to materialize."

Yinhe looked at Xiaoguang's physical condition and said with a strong warning in his eyes.

"Don't worry!" The light in the auditorium showed a relieved smile and looked at Luchiel with a firm gaze. "As long as we destroy it, it doesn't matter if this is the last battle!"

Just as the auditorium light was about to complete its transformation, a voice interrupted the auditorium light's transformation.

"Xiaoguang, let's fight again!"

Xiang stepped hard through the grass, held the Holy Spear of Victory in his hand and raised it toward the auditorium.

"it is good!"

"Ultraman Galaxy materializes!"

"Victoria Ultraman!"

Two rays of light erupting with powerful power once again landed on the hills that had turned into flat ground.


In the realm of destruction,
Ao Hideki, who opened his domain and was entangled with Luchiel, both retreated thousands of meters after fighting each other.

"Huh, this is your field, right?"

"Why don't you use your most powerful light?"

Lukiel looked at Ao Hideki who had been suppressing him with physical skills.

"And you, this mysterious guy, should your name be revealed, right?" Qing Hideki looked at Luchiel, who was being suppressed by his superpower auxiliary physical skills, and smiled.

That guy from Galaxy is back
"I am the ultimate life form, the warrior of the Absolut people, Absolut-Pluto-Hades!"

Qing Xiushu casually swept his skirt and stretched out his hand
"It turns out that you restless guys would have suspended the time of your universe as soon as they knew it."

"Suffer to death!"

Lukiel roared angrily, and then black and red lightning burst out all over his body, and a powerful force condensed in his body.

"Haha, let your body take care of you!"

Ignoring Luigi El who was condensing the light, Qing Hideki waved his hands and directly released the power of the field.
Previously, high-intensity combat energy would drain away crazily after turning on the Miracle Form. In order to use it for normal combat, Qing Hideki came up with a way.

That's dogfighting!
In fact, under normal fighting and lighting conditions, he can maintain his miracle form for up to 10 minutes.

It's just that he consumed too much energy last time to forcefully absorb the devouring light. In fact, as an ultimate life form, his energy and physical skills are not bad.

But it still can't compare to that kind of particularly outrageous existence, such as the dark giant under some kind of blessing.
In other words, it is the ultimate super beast that has absorbed countless high-level energy.
Under Qing Hideki's advance notification, the Galaxy body and Victory body directly condensed all the power of the six Ultra brothers.

The power of Galaxy's ultimate move, coupled with Victory's ultimate move, and the Cosmic Miracle Light Burst are far more powerful than when fighting Luigi El.

The force that distorted the space directly bombarded the waist of Victor Lukiel, who had just escaped from the domain.
"The supreme impact of the miracle of the universe!"

"This is?"

"Yinhe, I hate it!!!"

Luciel roared, feeling the pain from the huge energy impact.

[Absolutely - destroy the light ball! 】

Seeing Victor Luchiel about to explode, Ao Hideki waved dozens of light balls with both hands, directly like fuses that detonated bombs, and Luchiel disappeared completely with the explosion.

"it's over"

"Victory, you are very good."

Galaxy, who returned to his true form, looked at Victoriot who was standing aside and nodded.

"No, it's not over yet!"

"That guy is still alive"

Qing Hideki, who returned to normal, raised his arm and recalled a purple ball of light from where Luchiel was killed.

"Luigi El material."

"Hades, what is this?"

Yinghe looked at the light in Qing Xiushu's hand curiously
"This is the key to Luciel's resurrection."

Facing Erao's gaze, Qing Xiushu was not greedy and directly handed the Luchiel material to Yinhe
"Galaxy, try if you can absorb it. I heard that Luciel and you are one entity."

"After these several beatings, Luciel will definitely not dare to talk nonsense anymore."

After saying that, Qing Xiushu looked at the Milky Way.

He actually wanted Galaxy to destroy Luigi El's consciousness. It was actually very simple for such a weak Luigi El Galaxy to do such a thing.

"This is feasible."

"I will suppress him with all my strength!"

Yinhe looked at Luchiel's light and put it directly into the timer on his chest without hesitation.

"This is."

Seeing the trace of aura leaking from Yinhe's body after the fusion, Qing Xiushu suddenly felt a huge sense of oppression.

The combination of Luigi El and Galaxy is only a little worse than the four arcane levels.
Together with Brother Tazi, he is the only one among the Four Ao's.
"Thank you"

"Luciel actually looks at his origin and is one with me."

"He was born before I even took that step."

"Originally, I planned to come into contact with that field and completely suppress him."

"Seeing as you have been pursuing high-energy existence, this must be quite useful to you. This is the light I have accumulated without incident."

Saying that, Yinhe took out a light ball and handed it to Qing Hideki.

"Then, let's fight together next time!"


After saying that, Galaxy left the earth under countless golden lights and went to the universe where he was.

"I'm leaving too!"

Immediately afterwards, Galaxy Victory also disappeared.
"this thing"

Seeing the powerful energy fluctuations coming from his hand, Qing Xiushu's expression changed, and he turned into light and landed on the ground, taking Mana with him to a certain time and space.

"This is the end?"

Matsumoto looked at the battlefield with a confused look on his face.
"Ultraman is gone."

Auditorium Light and Xiang looked at each other with relieved smiles.

That giant is actually a senior.
Shizuka City,
Meiling watched the broadcast on TV with mixed emotions.

Mr. Hideki.
Left again
(End of this chapter)

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