Ultra: Start by becoming the ultimate life form!

Chapter 136 The Strongest Warrior on Earth, Fighting Instructor!

Chapter 136 The Strongest Warrior on Earth, Fighting Instructor!

In the light star space, two figures suddenly appeared, and they were Qing Hideki and Mana.

The two slowly fell into a space filled with endless golden light.

This is the first time Qing Xiushu has taken someone through time.
Strictly speaking, it doesn’t have to be a human being…

"Is it because Mana is a robot?"

In the light space, Qing Hideki glanced at Mana, who was looking around like a curious baby.

"However, Galaxy actually knows what I need..."

Qing Xiushu was also surprised when he saw the material with unusually powerful fluctuations coming from his hand.

"Plasma Spark Energy"

"Yinhe is such a rich guy!"

Qing Hideki felt a gentle power flashing in his palm, but he wanted to put it directly into the material library.
"According to legend, the crystals on Galaxy's body are filled with plasma spark energy."

“I didn’t expect this to be true.”

Qing Xiushu was also a little surprised by this "big gift" from Yinhe.

With the energy of the plasma spark tower, as long as he has one more S+ or SS- level material, he can stably enter that level.
The realm of the overlord of the universe.
"Come on Mana, let's go to another time and space."

Qing Hideki stretched out his hand to open a light door and took Mana directly to the world of Dyna.

Dyna space and time,

An empty area somewhere in Tokyo.

"Uh, ah!!"

After being hit by the impact, the bird flew backwards for more than ten meters. After a few rolls, it raised its head with difficulty and looked at the lean and slender man in a suit in front of him.

That's right!It was this guy just now who transformed into Dyna and easily defeated the monster.
The person who attacked the flying bird had a broad face, eyes like daggers, black training gloves on his hands, and leather pants on his lower body, making him look extremely powerful.

There seemed to be a majestic fighting spirit emanating from his body.

"Who the hell are you guy?"

Holding back the pain in his body, Feiniao climbed up and clutched his arms tightly, looking sharply at the cosmonauts not far away.

This mysterious man's fighting strength far exceeds his.
"Hmph! I am a Guregar who visited the earth from the planet M16 in Hercules. I am a fighter who loves martial arts! I have been working hard to train and travel the universe in order to fight with powerful warriors!"

"I have always heard that there is a powerful golden giant on this planet called Earth. I didn't expect that I haven't found any trace of it for so long! Then let's test the waters with Dai Na first!"

"Accept my challenge! Ultraman Dyna!"

The man in the suit was full of energy, and the strong muscles all over his body made sounds.

In order to defeat the strongest warriors among the people of the universe, he underwent hellish training.

For this day!
"Take the move, Ultraman Dyna!"

Gulegel looked at Asuka with bright eyes.

Immediately, the figure approached Asuka like a phantom, and the sharp boxing skills attacked Asuka's body with a roaring sound through the air.

"I'm not afraid of you! Come on!"

Feiniao, who had the bonus of Dyna, was also bolder. Feeling the oncoming fist wind, he gritted his teeth and started fighting Gulegel.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

As the stone bricks on the walls and the ground clashed, huge holes were kicked out by Gulegel, and earth and rocks flew everywhere in an instant.

"You guy."

Feiniao shook his painful arms, and his head gradually returned to calmness. For a while, he did not dare to compete with Gulegel's physical skills.

"Ultraman Dyna, you are too weak!"

"Not to mention the fighting skills, even the physique is too weak!!"

Seeing the flying bird unable to dodge as the door opened wide, Gulegel kicked the flying bird in the abdomen with his right whip leg, sending him flying against the wall and he passed out.
"Is this the end? Next is that guy..."

Gulegel swept his slightly wrinkled suit and looked at the unconscious Asuka with frowning eyes.

Even though he had withdrawn his strength and avoided his vital points, Dyna couldn't defeat him.
There's no way to compare it to Dyna's transformation into a giant.
Thinking about it, Gulegel, who was about to leave, glanced at the unconscious Feiniao, called an ambulance and left the battlefield.
"This guy is quite interesting."

"A cosmic being similar to the cosmic swordsman?"

As expected, Qing Xiushu appeared on a familiar high-rise building again.

"Sir, aren't we going to take care of that spaceman?"

Mana also saw this battle and was a little confused about Asuka's passion.

Are all the Ultraman possessed in this world so powerful?
Although he can't beat the spaceman... he is still very powerful.

Mana, who had seen several human bodies, quickly understood what was special about Asuka.

This human body should be the "elite" among human beings.

Hearing Mana's doubts, Qing Hideki smiled and said, "That guy is very suitable to be a physical arts instructor."

Looking at Gulegel, Qing Hideki suddenly thought of the instructor of the Giant Project. He could actually teach physical skills.

But apart from those giants who are truly destined or whom he is optimistic about, to be honest, he has nothing to do to teach them.

Besides, although Tiga Time and Space is the base camp, he cannot always stay in Tiga World.

With Gulegel's fighting skills, he can't even compare to the Leo brothers who specialize in physical arts or the U40 Ultraman.

But it's more than enough for the average person.
Being able to defeat a monster by fighting is already a very powerful force.

"Well, let's fight this guy Dyna once when he becomes gigantic."

At the street corner, Guleger didn't leave quietly until Asuka was taken away by medical staff.

He is just a challenger and does not want anyone involved in the sacred challenge.
It seems that the earth has more than one giant.
Should we go to find the strongest golden giant, or fight with other giant incarnations?

"Who on earth is this person!!!" Gulegel roared as his expression suddenly changed as he jumped in the jungle.

Just now he felt a powerful aura rising in his perception not far away.

I saw the bodies of a man and a woman in the open space in the distance crossing the jungle like phantoms. It wasn't until the mysterious man revealed his face that he said calmly,

"Guregel, haven't you been looking for me all the time?"

Ao Hideki looked at Gulegel, who had a similar aura to Leo and Diavolo, and his eyes shone slightly.

The cosmic fighter Gulegel is a martial artist who loves fighting. He has been chasing the title of the best fighter in the universe and has been challenging the strongest people on every planet in the universe.

He is not a bad person, and he is even unwilling to involve any third party for the sake of fairness in the fight. He has a strong code of conduct as a martial artist.

"Then the strongest warrior on this planet is you!"

"Accept my challenge!"

Guleiger had long sensed the strong sense of threat coming from Qing Xiushu, but he still issued a challenge with a serious look.

In his martial arts intuition, he vaguely felt that this was probably the most powerful existence he had ever encountered, and even his calves were trembling.
"Okay! But if you lose"

Qing Hideki looked at Guleiger, who seemed to feel his strength, but still gritted his teeth and planned to challenge, with some approval in his eyes.

This courage is worthy of praise
"Lost! Any request will do!"

Saying that, Gulegel suppressed the fear in his heart, stood up and launched a powerful and heavy flying kick, intending to kick Qing Hideki directly in the chest.


Qing Xiushu looked calm and used his footwork to easily avoid Gulegel's flying kick. In the blink of an eye, he saw a century-old tree easily exploded by the flying kick.

Didn't this guy show all his strength in the battle with Asuka?


Gulegel was not angry when he saw that the blow missed, and he rushed towards Qing Xiushu quickly and tried to fight closely.


On the battlefield, Qing Hideki easily blocked Gulegel's crazy attack with one hand.

Obviously, Gulegel's boxing skills were completely seen through.

Ao Hideki's vision has been raised to an incredible level during the discussion with Diavolo and the Leo brothers.

In addition to the physical skills of the U40 sage, there is also the mysterious four Osaka's macro-cosmic vacuum combat, light calculation and physical skills. He is also considered to be the next batch of existences.

The skills are completely up to standard, now all I have to do is continue to evolve.

Seeing that his combo didn't work, Gulegel suddenly felt that his heart was a little broken.

This is the first time...

He looked in disbelief as the man in front of him suppressed his strength to the same level as him. Why did he lose before he even made an attack?

"The strongest warrior on earth, can you let me see your fighting skills?"

After seeing that the whip leg was ineffective, Gulegel took a step back, couldn't help but swallowed when he saw Qing Xiushu's indifferent expression, and said with a desperate look.


Qing Hideki looked at Gulegel with this expression and knew he had a way to calm down...
Conquering his subordinates in this way is the most loyal. Although it doesn't matter whether he is loyal or not based on his strength, it does not mean that he likes trouble...


I saw that Qing Hideki had just assumed the posture of the cosmic boxing technique, and as soon as Gulegel came out, he knelt down on the ground and pressed his forehead firmly against the ground.

"Sir, I would like to become a sharp blade in your hands from now on!"

He was also completely convinced by Qing Hideki. Not only was he powerful, but his fighting skills alone were beyond him on so many levels.

"Well let's go to Mars next!"

Qing Xiushu looked at the Gulegel star who had completely surrendered and nodded slowly with a smile on his face.

Another subordinate with the strength of the Ultra Guard, the Gregorian has at least A-level strength.

There is also a powerful mimicry ability, mimicry ability. By the way.

"By the way, Gulegel, can you imitate Ultraman?"

Qing Hideki looked at Gulegel who revealed his true body and said.

"That's fine. Do you have any requirements, sir?"

Gulegel scratched his head and said with a confused expression.

"Can you transform into this Ultraman?"

As he spoke, the energy in Qing Hideki's hand floated into the shape of Zero, and it also came with data and light skills.

"This Ultraman? Okay."

As he said this, Gulegel appeared in a burst of light and transformed into something similar to Zero. He was a little surprised to feel the powerful energy.

"Sir, this Ultraman is so strong!"

"Not bad!"

Looking at Gulegel Qing Hideki, who was instantly pleasing to the eye, he nodded slowly, so that he would not be afraid that he would not be able to become an instructor because of his ugly appearance.

With that said, Qing Hideki left the order to Gulegel to go to Mars and then turned into a ray of light with Mana and headed to the village.

"grown ups."

Gulegel, who looked like Zero, stretched out his arm and was a little hesitant as to whether he should say anything.

When he was looking for Ultraman Dyna's human body, he encountered a disgusting energy aura, which was very similar to the negative energy biological weapons he encountered when traveling the universe.
However, I think it should be easily solved with the strength of adults.

Gulegel looked deep into the starry sky.

There also seemed to be two powerful warriors there.
The giant of light hidden on Mars
(End of this chapter)

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