Chapter 139 Sphia Pioneer!
After a few days,
News information about the destruction of the space spark monster Bazobu was being broadcast on TV. "The huge spark monster was wiped out on the plains by Ultraman Dyna. He once again saved mankind."


After taking a look at what was broadcast on the TV, Qing Hideki looked at the insect-like spark doll in his hand and looked at it carefully.

That's right, Mana has returned to her old profession on Earth.

Collect monsters using modified sparks brought from galactic time and space.

But let Xiaoton handle this kind of monster.
"How is your investigation going on Sphia?"

After casually throwing the monster to Jayton as a snack, Qing Hideki asked the witch and his group who had been waiting outside the door for a long time.

Hearing Qing Xiushu's words, Obik and the witch walked in quickly. After looking at each other, the witch took the lead.

"The Sphia life form is suspected to be Ligardron from more than ten years ago."

"But... one thing is different. Ligadelon has no brains."

There was a sudden pause as she spoke. The witch suddenly remembered the historical records and said with a fearful face, "The Sphia life form has high intelligence and can be reorganized with various beings to turn into synthetic beasts. It also has mysterious powers. "Subspace Capabilities"

"This is the message that a powerful clan member 2000 million years ago went to the universe to find a new home and tried his best to pass it back."

"After this, we Kirialodians will completely set our sights on the earth."

"That's it." After hearing the information that the witch learned, Qing Xiushu tapped the table with his index finger, and his mind became brighter and brighter.

He does know the real biggest crisis in the Tiga and Dyna universes.
I'm afraid this Sphia life form is like a Dracion-like existence in this time and space.
Of course, there's no way to compare in terms of strength. If it weren't for Ultraman's explosive cheating, humanity would probably perish sooner or later.

Ever since mankind entered the era of new realms and began to explore the universe, Sphia's attack has already begun, and there are omens from the Tiga space and time.
"Sure enough, the Dark Forest Law applies to Ultra Time and Space."

"The same is true for the source of death in Gaia's time and space."

As long as there is a slight threat to the civilization of their own ethnic group, they will send soldiers or weapons to eliminate the civilization.

Compared to Angel Zog, Sphia's parent dark planet Gransfia is more oppressive.

If it weren't for the temporary Dyna explosion and plot killing, it would be impossible to eliminate such an existence.
The dark planet Gulansfia is at least a special SS-level existence.

Although it has a fatal weakness of weak magic resistance, the power that can even swallow light means that at least some aspects of it have reached the cosmic level, and the solar system is just an appetizer to it.

With the power of a planet in three seconds, and the strength bonus getting stronger the more it is swallowed, even the main body is constructed of mysterious space-time energy.

In other words, if it weren't for the plot, as long as it remained in an unobservable state in time and space, the solar system and humans would be nothing more than easy playthings.

He had a hunch that as long as the Sphia home planet was turned into materials, it would not be a problem to advance to SS-.

“In the era of the new realm, the planets in the solar system are linked together by a huge network called the cosmic web.
The scientific research team of the private organization PWI and TPC chief scientist Mr. Masaki provides technical support to jointly develop the system. If it can be successfully integrated with the artificial sun project, then humans will be able to challenge a more infinite universe!Exploring toward more distant stars."

At the Mars base, everyone watching the TV broadcast from Earth fell into silence. They all looked at Masaki who was training with complicated eyes.

Dr. Otomo was also slightly frightened. He looked at Masaki and said, "Dr. Masaki, I didn't expect you to have made such a big contribution in the field of quantum galaxy communication."

Hearing the praise from a giant in the industry, Masaki couldn't help but show a Versailles smile, "No, it's just a hasty plan."

"That organization is okay. That guy named Horii is quite a talent."

As he spoke, Masaki couldn't help but squint his eyes as he thought about the interesting fat man he met when he went to work at PWI for a few days.

"Masaki, I don't accept it! They are all hereditary, why can I only get a doctorate in civil engineering?"

On the side, Dagu and Zhengmu started yelling again.

"A scientist."

Gulegel, who was making a training plan for Dagu, Masaki and Ryousuke, also cast a slightly admiring look.

Knowledgeable people should be respected everywhere
"Hmph! But in the end, we still have to find the direction of human evolution."

"Otherwise, if we enter the universe for no reason, humans will be like delicacies without any defense."

"When encountering certain evil beings, the entire civilization will perish!"

Zhengmu looked at everyone's appearance and woke up.

He actually doesn't agree with this method, which involves emitting electromagnetic signals into the universe. The earth, which has just entered the space civilization, should develop secretly.

Then it is even more necessary to evolve at the level of life!Those cosmic civilizations with powerful technology basically have superpowers or physical evolution.
And the evolutionary direction he planned for mankind on earth is to become a giant of light!Even if only one in ten million people can connect with the stone statue, then he has half the success.

As long as it continues to iterate, there will be more and more giants of light!
Finally realize the evolution of all mankind!Relying on external things is not enough!

"Masaki, your idea is in line with the main theme of the universe..."

Ao Hideki and Kirino appeared in the open space aside, listening to Masaki's speech and couldn't help but nod.

He has been here for a while...

It would be great if there were such scientists on his home planet.
As long as some people can escape, in tens of millions of years, the light of human civilization will be lit again.

"Senior. That's just what I think about more."

It looked like Qing Hideki Masaki also calmed down his expression and became very kind.

"It's okay, what you said makes sense. Human beings can only rely on themselves after all."

"Even if a giant exists, you must prove that you are worthy of the giant's protection!"

"By the way, this is Kirino, a person with super powers. He should be able to connect with the giant stone statue."

After praising Ao Hideki, he introduced Kirino to everyone.

"A person with super powers. A holder of super ancient genes?"

"I'm afraid there will be a huge breakthrough in super ancient genes this time."

Masaki and Otomo looked at each other, looking at Kirino with a gentle expression of interest.

"Ahem. Just keep watching TV."

Qing Xiushu watched the broadcast on TV and thought of something to remind everyone.

I remember correctly, this is the vanguard of Sphia...

The TV explained all the cool features of the project, but the screen was barely covered with the words "make money".

The last scene is the smiling face of a beautiful woman, "Miss Smile," captured by the spacecraft on the surface of Pluto.

From the universe, one can clearly see the face of a beautiful woman made of stone. It is obvious that it is a relic of a certain civilization or a product of supernatural forces.

"Miss Smile."

Qing Xiushu looked at the real-time broadcast screen with solemn eyes.

If I remember correctly...

The exploring spacecraft will return to Earth after completing its collection mission tomorrow.

The person responsible for the operation of the entire spacecraft is Shinjo, the former victorious team's dead pilot.

And the Sphia life form will arrive together with the spaceship.

"That guy from Xincheng? I didn't expect him to be doing so well."

"And Horii, have you become the technical director?"

Dagu said with a little envy as he looked at Xincheng's commanding men.

"Dago, please stop breastfeeding."

"No surprise. This is the first test of Sphia's life form."

"I'm afraid their home planet has already moved on the road."

Qing Xiushu warned everyone with serious eyes that he sensed powerful energy fluctuations on Pluto.
This Sphia will fuse into a super monster
"Has the war started yet?"

"The Giant's plan needs to speed up!"

Zhengmu also had cold eyes, looking at the starry sky in a daze as he watched a terrifying existence devour living planets everywhere in the universe.
Is it coming? The existence that destroys the universe.

(End of this chapter)

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