Ultra: Start by becoming the ultimate life form!

Chapter 140 Super Synthetic Beast!

Chapter 140 Super Synthetic Beast!

at this time……

At the PWI Research Center, Horii felt chilled when he learned from his assistant that the spaceship Romus [-] on which Shinjo was aboard was cut off from the cosmic network when it passed by Jupiter.

"What happened to Xincheng..."

Upon hearing the seriousness of the situation, Horii and his family were shocked when they called him, and stopped fiddling with the gift with his left hand.

He gritted his teeth and quickly devoted himself to searching for traces of Lomus No. [-].

It was my daughter's birthday...

Mars, Masaki, who was looking at the internal investigation information of the Universe Network, looked at the spaceship that had the accident, his eyes flickered, and he turned to Qing Hideki and said slowly.

"Senior, it is indeed a mistake for humans to rush into exploring the universe..."

"That so-called "Miss Smile" is probably a trap!"

Masaki's brain was running wildly, Jeep No. [-] from more than ten years ago.

And the mysterious monsters that were previously eliminated on Mars...

And the terrifying existence some time ago was gradually sorted out by him into a complete line.

And Romus is also No. [-]...

Interesting... is this the true face of Sphia's life form?

A special life form that can combine with everything to become a huge monster.

"Senior...could it be that judging from the data of Jeep No. [-], the Sphia life form is a special kind of strange existence that can combine with other substances to produce monsters?"

Facing Masaki's gaze, Qing Xiushu nodded in affirmation without any delay.

"Yes, the Sphia life form is this kind of existence, and it still has a highly intelligent life form."

"It can fuse with other creatures and substances to strengthen them or turn them into monsters!"

Sensing the strange aura appearing in the solar system, Qing Xiushu looked deeply into the boundless starry sky.


The nightmare existence of that physical giant...

Then he vaguely felt a powerful terrifying presence staring at him.

In Qing Xiushu's mind, a huge astral creature appeared in the universe like the Kun of the Void, devouring one living planet after another.

This is a super life form whose goal is directly at the solar system.

Grand Sphia, the mother body and leader of all Sphias, even its own home planet was swallowed up by it and turned into its own body.

It's just that Gatanjie, who can run rampant on the planet, is still far behind compared to this one.

If Dimojie was replaced, he would probably still be able to struggle...

"Senior, this matter..."

Dagu gritted his teeth and looked at Qing Xiushu firmly.

This matter...it's possible that humans are involved...

"You guys should train well on Mars..."

"The bigger guy is coming..."

After speaking, Qing Xiushu looked at Dagu deeply.

Dagu is the last guarantee of this world...

As long as he can still activate the light of hope for mankind, then no matter what enemy comes with this miraculous power, he will have to kneel down...

Then, under the watchful eyes of everyone, Qing Xiushu turned into a stream of light and headed somewhere on the earth.

Just now, someone on Earth was calling him...


the village,

"You mean, you are an acquaintance of Lord Hades?"

Obike poured tea for Camilla and said with a surprised expression.

The dark energy in this woman's body made him terrified...

This person is very strong...

"Is that considered half an "acquaintance"?"

Camilla said a little uncertainly, and he was a little unclear as to why Qing Xiushu didn't kill her.

Is it because of her figure or looks?
No, no!
Camilla looked at herself thinking crookedly and quickly shook her head, those women she saw when she came in just now.

Her looks and appearance are every bit as good as hers...

Is it because I also longed for light?
Thinking of this matter, Camila seemed to have found the key.

Sensing the special aura, Obik's expression instantly turned serious.

"My lord is back!"

I saw a shadow landing in the house, and then the light dispersed, revealing a man who looked quite extraordinary.

"Camilla? Have you figured it out?"

Qing Hideki looked at Camilla's expression a little surprised.

Are you planning to join him so soon?

"Well, I figured it out..."

"I want to become a giant of light..."

Camilla looked at Qing Hideki.


Somehow, Camila felt that her whole body suddenly felt relaxed after she made up her mind.

It was like the shackles that had imprisoned her for tens of millions of years were completely gone.


Qing Xiushu was shocked when he saw Camilla, whose elder sister's attitude had become gentler.

What's going on here?
"Then you can relax in the village."

"This is something that cannot be achieved in a short time..."

"But... you may have to keep this up for a while..."

Looking at Camilla who was still full of dark energy, Qing Xiushu comforted her verbally, and then condensed two golden energy in his hand and rushed into Camilla's body. "What are you doing?"

Camilla felt the powerful energy hidden in her body and was extremely confused.

Although I have known about this link for a long time, it can't be so fast, right?

"This is the power that limits your rampage..."

"The power of darkness is unstable. You must be often disturbed by the power of darkness yourself, right?"

Qing Hideki looked at Camilla who had some misunderstanding and said coldly.

The power of darkness is what he has been unwilling to touch, because even a gentle person like Dagu is affected by the darkness and wants to use Ultra Iron Fist on humans.

However, the victory team should have received a warning from Masaki.

Pluto's smiling face is nothing more than a cover.

Basically, it's the Sphia Vanguard lurking nearby.

The purpose is to attract the rescue spacecraft Kuklahu and Lomus [-] to form a powerful monster.

An extremely powerful super synthetic beast that combines power, light, and evolution.

The Space Synthetic Beast Chomos is a monster that cannot be underestimated in the new generation. It also has an impressive record of defeating Ultraman Dyna.

The subspace alone completely consumed Dyna's energy.

the other side……

"Kukla's call number has successfully completed the recovery and rescue mission."

"Thankfully, no one on the Lomus [-] crew was injured."

After hearing the news from the Super Victory Team, Horii took a deep breath.

"Let me just say that this guy from Xincheng won't die. He is an ace pilot."

"It just ruined my daughter's birthday party yesterday!"

Horii said as he looked at the gifts on the table and couldn't help but sigh.

The gift I didn’t send out...

"Report Chief! There is a warning from the Mars Masaki Research Institute!"

After hearing the news from his assistant, Horii's expression changed as he looked at the news.

"Contact the intermediate captain immediately! Notify the Super Victory Team!"

"There's going to be a big problem with the spaceship!"


"Possessed by a monster?"

Xincheng, who had just regained consciousness, frowned as he looked at the message from Earth.

"It's a life form called Sphia! It can combine with other substances to turn into monsters!"

"This is the information Mr. Masaki sent to the headquarters."

Got it!

Xincheng felt cold when he thought about the strange events on Pluto.

If that's true...

The Kukla will be completely integrated by this monster, just like the Jeep No. [-] more than ten years ago!
"Hurry to Romus No. [-]! That thing is following!"

As soon as Xincheng started running, he was hit by a huge shock and fell to the road.

"Drip drip!"

A huge shock was transmitted on Kukla [-], followed by an alarm that resounded throughout the sky.

"It's Hangar Three!!"

"There's a huge biological response!"

Tsutomu Nakajima in the control room quickly informed as he watched the power system drop crazily.

For a moment, Feiniao also withdrew his sour eyes and hurried to the command room with everyone.

"What the hell is this..."

As Asuka watched, Lomus [-] was completely occupied by the mysterious creature.

"It's that thing called Sphia!"

"Nakajima Tsutomu, is there a way to separate it?"

Are all creatures in the universe such cunning things...

More stubborn than humans who have been plotting for countless years...

"Okay! Now switch to secondary engine mode!"

Nakajima said reluctantly.

"By the way, be sure not to let the cut-off part fall into the city!"

"At this speed, it will cause huge damage if it falls in the urban area!"

Xibi contacted at the ground base.


"Okay, let's follow the ground command to carry out the separation operation!"


"come yet?"

Qing Hideki took the handkerchief handed over by Camilla, wiped the sweat dripping from his angular muscles, and looked up at a red energy flying object across the sky, which seemed to be heading towards a mountainous area. .

"Camilla, let them know."

The clothes on the side automatically adhered to Qing Hideki's body as if they were alive. After taking a deep look at Camilla, Qing Hideki's figure disappeared into the dojo.
"Let him leave"

Camilla felt the powerful energy still remaining around her with lingering fear.

Is this your power?

"I didn't expect that besides light and darkness, there could be such powerful energy."

"It's so powerful that it's scary."

Camilla thought back to the trace of energy fluctuation that had just been revealed.
It is countless times more powerful than it was more than ten years ago. I am afraid that the so-called ruler of darkness does not even have the power to stop him.
Is it a beating on me?
I am determined to become the Giant of Light!

Looking at the dojo, Camila had a special feeling, a special sense of security.
It turns out that the feeling of having someone on your head is so wonderful.
(End of this chapter)

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