Ultra: Start by becoming the ultimate life form!

Chapter 14 Masaki, these are all silly dreams of a child.

Chapter 14 Masaki, these are all silly dreams of a child.

Some time later, on the night of Halloween.

"I understand the truth, but why do I have to dress like that person?"

"Speaking of which, can you really feel the Ultra spirit like this?"

A man wearing a Tiga holster was driving a car and talking to the man in a Batman suit in the passenger seat.

Batman's costume is of course Ao Hideki.

When he left the base, he asked Kirino to get a fragment about Masaki's original future, and flew directly towards the Sedic Group where Masaki was located.

This is a decision he made early on, and it will develop according to the plot based on his current situation.

For the time being, we have to rely on Masaki's scientific research capabilities to obtain the instrument for converting light.

If you can do it a little bit, then just a little bit.

After all, he is Masaki, who has talents similar to those of Iron Man God. Wouldn’t it be nice to use him as Doraemon?
[Name: Qing Xiu Shu]

[Race: Ultimate Life Form]

[Life level: A-]

[Evolution Material: None]

[Time travel: 0.4]

[Skills (human): high-speed movement, super jump, telepathy]

[Giant: Absolute Light, Absolute Destruction Light Ball, Absolute Destruction Light, Flame Destruction Light]

Telepathy is what he gained after advancing to the A-level, but he didn't know when he had a skill similar to Ultra Telekinesis.

Masaki didn't believe it at first, but he believed it directly after Ao Hideki showed his power and in the future clip.

Masaki, who is very good, actually sensed the future disaster earlier than Dagu.

I just didn't expect that Da Gu, who had the same gene of light as him, would change in advance.

As a result, he went to investigate and Dagu could not compare to him except for his kindness and integrity.

After that, Masaki, who had an explosive mentality, took a wrong turn.

In fact, his intentions were good. Initially, he wanted human beings to evolve collectively.

As the number one scientist in Tiga time and space, he is extremely proud and confident, but he believes too much in his own power.

It was this innate talent that led him to this extreme, and then he went berserk.

"Well, don't worry, you will know soon why you can't be chosen by the giant."

"Wait a minute, Masaki, just watch and learn!"

Ao Hideki looked at the pumpkin-headed street lights hanging outside the car window to comfort Masaki Keigo a little.

Masaki, who was driving next to him, had a black line on his head. In fact, he refused.

But under the temptation of becoming a giant, he had to agree to Qing Xiushu's request.

The TPC headquarters also dispatched team members to investigate because of the strong magnetic field.

"Why do you have to dress so scary for Halloween?"

"Who knows? We're going to a place where people gather on Halloween anyway!"

"But what about Dagu and Lina?"

Horii sat in the car and scanned the Halloween streets outside. At this time, a group of children dressed in strange costumes were going door to door asking for candy.

Xincheng, who was driving when he heard the last sentence, suddenly became angry and said sourly.

"Dagu and Lina must have gone on a date."

"Only date people who have nothing to contribute to TPC!"

Xincheng, a single dog, is a bit separated at this time. It doesn't matter if he is comforted by his sister, he still has to eat dog food when performing tasks.

At this time, two people who had just gotten off the bus attracted everyone's attention.

A Batman and a Tiga.
"Hey, are you right? Is there Diga's leather sheath here?"

“It feels so cool”

After getting off the bus, Masaki Keigo and Ao Hideki mingled in the crowd and looked at Dagu and Lina who were showing off their affection.

"Can someone like this become a giant?"

Looking at Dagu who looked like an idiot, Masaki Keigo couldn't help but complain.

Hearing this, the corners of Qing Xiushu's mouth twitched, Dagu was indeed not smart enough.

But after all, he also graduated with a doctorate.

"You have to discover his shining point!"

Seeing Dagu playing with the children and showing a hearty smile, Masaki Keigo felt a little silent.

How long had it been since he had been so happy? He had been making relevant preparations since he learned about the darkness when he was a child.

Could it be that to become a giant, you have to be cheerful?

Do not!wrong!


Ao Hideki's reminder interrupted Masaki Keigo's thoughts.

Until a witch appears.

This guy is not human!

The extra-dimensional monster Gillanbo.

There is a pumpkin dimension mobile ship that moves between different dimensions and reality. His hobby is abducting children and absorbing their dreams.

This guy is very ungrateful and uses candy to trick children!
It's not that strong, it's just unexpectedly disgusting.

"Let's go!"

Ao Hideki, who was watching Dagu chasing after him, reminded Masaki Keigo who was meditating.Both of them were not ordinary people, and they quickly followed Dagu's figure.

"what should I do now?"

Seeing Dagu being carried away by the rainbow light, Masaki Keigo asked Qing Hideki sideways.

Qing Xiushu remained silent as the golden energy in his hands evaporated.

The two disappeared directly into the open space.

"here is?"

Masaki couldn't help but question.

"This is the other dimension of that monster."

The small space is filled with toys and amusement equipment, giving it the feel of a game arcade.

It looks amazing with the colorful lights.

Sweet music is playing, a child is riding a wooden horse, and the TV on the wall is full of dreams of children whose dreams have been robbed.

"I see, are you taking away a child's dream?"

Masaki Keigo did a little analysis and directly understood the meaning.

Then he glanced at the transformer on the table.

So, Dagu, what would you do?

The most eye-catching thing in the whole room was Dagu who was stripped naked in the column until only his pants were left.

"Dago, you are so miserable."

After rescuing Dagu from the column, Qing Hideki took Masaki to the battlefield.


Da Gu, who was lying on the ground, vaguely saw a very familiar figure from behind, and he picked up the transformer while struggling.

Jilanbo appeared on the grass and looked at the child who was as numb as a puppet. Dagu, who was in a bad state, still chose to transform.


Diga, the incarnation of Dagu, appeared on the grass and directly faced the giant Jilanbo and launched an attack.

Dagu sprinted directly towards Jilanbo, but was directly choked after a struggle.

The whole Ao made a painful sound, and then a flying kick was dodged by Jilanbo's teleportation.

Then Jilanbo made a strange sound and separated the clones one by one, making it difficult for Dagu to tell them apart.

"That's so stupid! I don't know why Light chose him!"

Seeing Dagu's performance, Masaki couldn't help but complain that if he had dozens of ways to handle this monster.

"Keep watching."

Qing Xiushu reminded.

The two of them still looked down patiently.

After experiencing the red light after the joke, Da Gu had no complaints or thoughts of giving up.

Dagu, who understood how to fight, immediately hit Jilanbo and retreated repeatedly.

Teleportation seemed to have no effect on Dagu, and the whole beast was ready to run away.

Finally, under the ancient red light, Zaipelliao light was used to take down the beast's head.

Looking at the violent explosion of Ji Lanbo and the Qing Xiu Shu of another dimension who was about to collapse, he spoke.

"Let's go, Masaki."

Looking at Dagu who never gave up, Masaki who was thinking seemed to have realized something.

There's still something about this guy.

Was my understanding all along wrong? Is it impossible to force it?
The meaning of the giant's existence is not to rule, but to protect?

Finally looking at the child who turned into golden light and appeared on the ground, Dagu let out a long sigh of relief.

Sure enough, seniors will not rule the earth.

After returning to his human form, Dagu looked at the divine light stick in his hand and seemed to feel that someone was observing him.

Looking up towards the top of the mountain, I couldn't help but shout when I saw that familiar figure.

"Senior, can we talk?"

Seeing Dagu becoming stronger again, Qing Xiushu's figure disappeared from the top of the mountain.

This time, I was taking Masaki to see Dagu’s quality, and I didn’t plan to have an in-depth communication with Dagu.

"Dagu, you must become stronger quickly."

"If you want to become stronger, you must experience loneliness."

"Don't think about living in peace with the enemy! This is just an idea that the weak deceive themselves!"

Ao Hideki left a few words of advice before dissipating and leaving. Masaki Keigo, who was still wearing a Tiga leather jacket, was thoughtful for a moment.

Based on his many years of experience, he fully agrees with Qing Xiu Shu's idea. Of course, it would be better if he didn't sign so many contracts.

As the price for Qing Xiushu's help in becoming a giant, he needs to agree to Qing Xiushu's two conditions.

First: Make a space storage bracelet.

Second: After becoming a giant, you must give Aing Hideki enough light.

"Haha, it's just a child's stupid dream!"

As he said this, Masaki's eyes gradually brightened, and then quickly disappeared on the hill.

"Get stronger?"

Dagu thought of the quarrel in the war room and couldn't help but squeeze the divine light stick in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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