Ultra: Start by becoming the ultimate life form!

Chapter 15 Dagu: Senior is a good person.

Chapter 15 Dagu: Senior is a good person.

"Senior, I don't think it's necessary to do this?"

"Can you really experience the Ultra spirit like this?"

On the beach outside the hotel, Ao Hideki drove a jeep towards Masaki Keigo who was wearing shorts.

"What kind of eyes do you have!"

"Masaki, listen to me! Don't be afraid! Run towards the jeep!"

"This is the training method that countless Ultra seniors have said."

"It's still an untold secret of the Kingdom of Light!"

"Believe me, isn't this already telepathic?"

Sitting on the jeep, Ao Hideki increased the accelerator while using the tone of someone who had come before, and sprinted towards Masaki Keigo who was running wildly.

This is what Qing Hideki has been doing for a while, training Masaki.

During this period, I also met an alien girl who was several hundred years old.

Since the last time Aohideki took Masaki to sense the stone statues in Kumamoto City and had a weak sense, Masaki Keigo directly changed his name to Ao Hideki-senpai.


"You feel it too, right?"

Sensing the appearance of special energy, Qing Xiushu and his wife came to the upper level of the hotel's swimming pool.

Sure enough, it was Ryosuke, the genius scientist who developed Ebron cells.


Listening to Qing Hideki's words, Masaki Keigo also remembered.

This guy seems to be his classmate, and his talent is pretty good.

He is only one Milky Way away and is better than the others.

Seeing that Ryousuke's strength was different from ordinary people, Masaki Keigo was convinced that this guy was destined to embark on the road of evolution.

It's just that this path of evolution doesn't seem to have anything to do with light.

Qing Xiushu also sighed.

If Ryousuke and Masaki work together.

Based on the talents of the two of them, it is estimated that the earth can directly evolve into the Kingdom of Light. In fact, Ryosuke is just a poor man pursuing evolution.

Horii looked at the scorching sun with a sweaty face and couldn't help but wipe the sweat away.

"Where did the monster go?"

According to the response of the tracker, Horii ran directly to where Ryosuke was.

After letting Masaki continue to experience the Ultra spirit, Ao Hideki returned to the beach to bask in the sun.

After looking at the white thighs for a while, he was enjoying the sunshine comfortably.

On planet O-50, there is no such a good environment for people to enjoy.


A sudden sound interrupted Qing Hideki's rest.

Looking up, it was Dagu who was holding his helmet, apparently on a mission.

Seeing Qing Xiushu's reaction, Dagu felt a little excited.

Finally met my senior! !

It’s been a long time since my senior showed up last Halloween, so I didn’t expect to meet him here.

By the way, no matter how you look at it, your senior doesn’t look like someone who wants to rule the earth.

"Senior, do you know about Ebron cells?"

Qing Xiushu opened his eyes and said.

"Ebron Cell, that's the person that Fatty Victory Team was chasing just now."

"The monster before was transformed from him."

Dagu was slightly shocked. Isn't that person a good friend of Horii?
How could this be?
"He won't live long."

"Eblon cells, his will cannot be controlled, and soon the whole person will completely turn into a monster!"

Da Gu, who hadn't yet inquired about the Ebron cells, couldn't help but feel chilled.

If a bad guy gets it, wouldn't it mean mass-creating monsters?
"Senior, thank you!"

Dagu's expression changed and he directly chased the two of them.

In the evening, Ryosuke and the female researcher were walking on the beach.

Horii, who had investigated the information, looked at the information in silence, with an extremely uncomfortable expression.

How could his best friend be like this? .

How could he really become a monster?

But through He Dagu's investigation, the iron-clad facts were placed before them.

Three months ago, someone indeed stole Eblon cells, and Ryosuke's abnormality happened to appear at that time.Ryousuke, who was having a heart-to-heart talk with a female researcher, suddenly twitched all over, and electric light flashed across his body.

Damn it!It starts again!

The side effects of Ebron cells are so strong, and it’s not just the desire for electrical energy!
If I had known earlier, I would have studied it for a while! !
Horii, who came in a hurry, saw his best friend become like this, and said with great pain.

"Ryosuke, come with me to TPC Medical Center quickly! If you continue like this, you will die!!"

"Stop holding on!"

The female researcher stepped forward and spoke.

"Ryosuke, you are wrong! Like Horii, he has short legs, is fat, always tells silly jokes, and is full of shortcomings, but everyone likes him!"

Liangsuke became even more excited when he heard what the female researcher said.

"How do you two understand me? I've wanted to be No. 1 since I was very young!"

"Horii, human beings have their limits. I have realized something in this short life. The more people try to win over others, the more they try to win over others, they will lose completely in the end, unless they become a being beyond human beings!"

Ryosuke roared while holding his heart tightly, feeling the Eblon cells in it, and images of monsters and giants flashed in his mind.

He said with a cold and arrogant expression.

"I'm no longer a human being!!! Horii!!"

As Liangsuke gradually lost his mind under his roar, his whole person began to undergo terrible mutations!

After Ryousuke transformed into a monster, he instinctively ran towards the energy area.

Alien evolved monster Ebron

The monster has no neck, its body is covered with various deformed spines, and there is a vague blue lightning in its open palm.

As soon as Ebron appeared, he immediately prepared to destroy a building with humans in it.

People on the beach also began to run away in panic.

Qing Hideki took off his glasses.


Qing Hideki's body was filled with golden lightning, and the golden giant's body landed directly on Ebron's head, causing a huge shock.

This is what Ryosuke must experience.

Rather than being beaten to death like this, it's better for me to accept this scientist.

Horii couldn't help but be shocked when he saw the golden giant appearing after a long time, thinking of the terrifying methods of the golden giant.

"No, he is still human!!!"

Qing Hideki looked at Albron in a violent state, and it was obvious that he had completely transformed into a beast.

In this case, you need a good beating!

With a little force, the golden fist slammed into Eblon's face, and the whole beast was directly knocked away thousands of meters and fell into the sea.

"Senior! Don't kill him, I'll deal with him!"

Hearing this, Qing Xiushu stopped and looked at Dagu who was coming next to him and motioned for him to perform on stage.

Qing Xiushu glanced sideways slightly, watching Dagu make a unique nod and rush over.

Dagu transformed into a red form and hugged Albron directly, trying to carry out Ultra influence.

But Eblon let out a roar and immediately hit Dagu who was severely beaten. Dagu did not fight back when he felt the severe pain coming from his body.

It seems that he is trying to restore Ryousuke's humanity by his own strength.

"Ryosuke! Recover consciousness quickly!!"

What a fool.
Only a kind-hearted person like Dagu would do this, right?

In fact, it is definitely good to be Dagu's teammate, much better than the human body in other time and space.

Not long after, Da Gu turned into a stream of light and knelt down on the beach, looking at Ai Bron unwillingly.

It was obvious that Ryosuke had been holding it in for a long time and his skin was itchy.

I want to transform and get some air.

Ao Hideki handled Albron as casually as if he were beating a child.

Ordinary punch after punch directly affects the monster.

Eblon also wanted to fight back, but was beaten back by the golden giant.

Neither the electric attack nor the explosive flash does any damage.

Eblon, who had evaporated a lot of sea water, was in despair.

Qing Hideki finally knocked out the entire monster's body tissue, and then returned to its human form on the sea.

Looking at Ryosuke, who was all black and blue, nose and face were swollen, Qing Hideki wrapped it slightly with golden energy and directly grabbed him and ran to Masaki's Sedic Technology Company.

Looking at the golden giant that turned into light and left, Dagu couldn't help but feel silent for a while.

"This method is unheard of"

"But it's good to be alive."

Dagu couldn't help but feel a little lucky that this was the first monster to be alive in the hands of his seniors, right?
(End of this chapter)

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