Ultra: Start by becoming the ultimate life form!

Chapter 153 Dadi: Uncle Zhang is here.

Chapter 153 Dadi: Uncle is back.

"Open Panel"

Determining the target time and space, Qing Hideki called the panel.
The journey through multiple time and space finally allowed him to enter the realm under the Four Olympians, and he could touch even some ordinary combined Olympians.
There's just one problem. From the end of Gaia's time and space, in addition to receiving the initial light of Noah, he also received the gift of the Milky Way.
All I have been getting is the evolution of powerful villain BOSS materials, and I am still going more and more cross-country on the path of being a villain, becoming bigger and bigger.
[Name: Qing Xiu Shu]

[Race: Absolute (Ultimate Life Form)]

[Life level: SS-]

[Evolution Material: None]

[Time travel: 1.5]

[Giant skills: Absolute light, absolute destruction light, destruction light ball, destruction field, final catastrophe, flame destruction light, reinforced barrier, energy conversion, miracle impact]

[Form: Miracle Form]

[Physical skills: Phantom Beast Fist-Dragon, Space Fighting]

[Normal skills: ultimate physique, ultra telekinesis, telekinesis, teleportation, barrier, gravity manipulation, time suspension, light fusion]

"Time pauses. Is it the one I imagined?"

"And it seems that many skills are no longer included in the statistics."

Qing Hideki looked at his luxurious panel and fell into deep thought.
The super self-healing, high-speed movement, etc. acquired previously have been integrated into the ultimate physique. What is even more powerful is that all skills have been greatly enhanced after entering the SS-realm.

In other words, except for the mysterious Four Olympians, he can touch them all.
But it's still not very stable. Being able to touch it just means you have the ability to protect yourself, but it doesn't mean you can defeat the enemy.
"Aix Time and Space..."


The Star of Light emits strong fluctuations in space and time, and then a huge golden vortex appears in the space.

Qing Xiushu is sure that he can prosper in the new generation and be able to protect himself when he encounters the big boss.

The whole person quickly turned into a light and entered the time and space tunnel leading to the world of Aix.

It's time to go back and see how that kid from Dadi is doing.
After careful calculation, it's time for him to merge with Ax.
But... Aix's biggest gain is the void monster Glizza.
This scary guy...

Aix time and space,
A fierce fighting training is going on at the XIO base.

Facing the male team members who rushed up, Yamase Asuna easily used a few kicking skills to sweep away several people except Daichi.


The new team member Daichi Daichi, who was looking at the strong threat, easily took over her various fighting skills.

In the end, after a kick was easily caught by Da Kong Daichi, he took a few steps back helplessly.

Asuna Yamase looked at Daichi Sora, who was not even sweating yet, with complicated expressions.

Does this guy treat me like a child?

"Dadi, no wonder you joined the special search team and are still active on the front line."

"Better than the fighting skills I learned in the United States."

"My uncle taught me well." Dadi didn't say much and just looked at the sky with deep eyes.

In his mind, he recalled the man who took him home.
Uncle Hideki.
"Dadi, who is your uncle?"

"My fighting skills are already the strongest besides yours."

"Is Uncle You still stronger than you?"

Tomorrow pouted and said in disbelief.
She couldn't survive a single move at Dadi's hands, and sometimes she even wondered if Dadi had been transformed by an alien.
"To be honest, you may not believe it. My uncle."

Dadi recalled the memory of Qing Xiushu fighting monsters with his bare hands with helplessness.
My uncle has transcended human existence long ago.
"Level 2 alert! There is an abnormality in the S5-[-] area, please dispatch urgently!"

"There is an abnormality in the S2-5 area, please dispatch urgently!"

Suddenly the alarm sounded loudly in the training room
"S2-5, no, it's Gomora's warning!"

Dadi thought about the strange incident that happened in the morning, quickly put on his equipment and rushed towards the destination. S2-5 area,

"It's a monster!"

In the car, Dadi held the Gio ray gun tightly, and the image that appeared more than ten years ago appeared in his mind.

Can he solve this monster?

Can you be like Uncle Hideki?
"Dadi, are you okay?"

Asuna looked at Daichi Sora with concern and a somewhat melancholy expression.
At this time, in the direction of Umezawa City near the S2-7 area, a huge monster broke through the mountain and knocked away countless boulders and appeared in everyone's sight.
It has huge fangs and a sharp mouth, and the high bulge on its back has orange crystals on its head, and its whole body exudes huge heat energy that is difficult to approach.
"Damn it, Asuna, I'll take you away."

Just feeling the unbearable heat and huge rolling stones, Daichi made movements that were almost human limit, and several people evaded and hugged Asuna and quickly left the position close to the monster.
Just as everyone in XIO was attacking the monster, no one noticed a human-sized ball of light slowly landing on a nearby hillside.

Qing Xiushu looked at the rapidly moving earth with bright eyes.
"This guy Dadi seems to be doing well. He's not in ruins either..."

"My physique has almost reached the limit of human beings. Maybe I can fly Ax like Oh Si."

And that’s Aix, right?
Qing Xiushu looked at the data terminal in Dadi's hand, which contained rich power of light.
Has Ax already set his sights on the earth?
"Why do I feel cold on my back?"

In the cyber virtual space, Ike looked confused. He couldn't figure out why he felt a chill on his back after he had become a data being.
Soon, Asuna followed Oku Daichi in the city to fight with the molten iron monster Dimaga.

Even the powerful body of the earth can't stop the monster's progress.
During the pursuit, Asuna was scratched on the leg. She looked at the rushing earth and the monster that was condensing molten iron rays and roared quickly.

"Dadi! Don't come here! Leave quickly!"

"Stop joking! How could I leave you!"

Daichi held Asuna in his arms and ran wildly in the alley with a determined look, followed by a huge scorching flame.
"It's over!"

"Can we still support you?"

XIO captain Kamiki Shotaro looked seriously at the live broadcast of the battlefield.

"Integration! The earth quickly merges with me!"

Seeing that the two of them were about to turn into ashes, Aix quickly called to the earth in the terminal.

At the critical moment, a golden light emitted from the legs of a human figure wearing a windbreaker directly kicked the giant monster to the ground.

After being kicked down, the mysterious figure quickly landed on the tall building.

"how is this possible"

"They are aliens, right? Such a small body can actually capture monsters."

On the other hand, Mingrai, who was watching the whole thing pass by, looked at the figure on the tall building and fell into confusion.
"Dadi, it seems you haven't exercised enough."

Qing Xiushu crossed his arms and nodded while looking at Dai Da who was holding his sister in his arms.

"Uncle! You're back!"

Dadi looked at Qing Xiushu from a distance and suddenly became extremely excited.
This is his uncle, it must be!

"Hurry up and merge with Ax"

Qing Hideki waved his hand and looked at Aix with twinkling eyes.
Fusion with data. It’s still the first Ultraman.
"What..you know about me?"

Ax's eyes were confused, and he didn't remember that he knew such a special being.
"it is good!"

Although he didn't know what his uncle said, Dadi still did as he was told.

Daichi placed Asuna, who had been fainted by the roasting, on the ground. The X terminal in his hand raised high flashed a cross of white light.

Then the giant with a huge X crystal on his chest appeared in everyone's sight.
Ultraman X is coming!
xio Everyone: "What kind of giant is that?"

Ao Hideki: "Aix, not bad."

(End of this chapter)

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