Ultra: Start by becoming the ultimate life form!

Chapter 154 Dadi: Aix, you are weak

Chapter 154 Dadi: Aix, you are weak


Daichi looked at the rapidly increasing field of view, and did not feel the slightest panic. Instead, he calmly carried Asuna to a safe area and then assumed a fighting stance towards the monster.
"Dadi. Isn't this your first time merging with the Giant of Light?"

Inside Ax, Dadi looked puzzled as he saw no discomfort at all.
Even though he is a giant from an unknown realm, he knows that under normal circumstances, the combat effectiveness of those who have just merged with the human body is extremely low at the beginning.
There will also be various embarrassing situations...

Then why does he feel that the earth is calmer than him now?

"It's Ultraman X, right?"

Dadi controlled the giant's body to move his wrists and thighs, and after a few warm-up bounces like a boxing match, he assumed a martial arts fighting style.


Then he let out a fierce war cry, and the entire arcane body quickly sprinted towards the molten iron monster Dimaja.
Why didn't he have any doubts about becoming a giant? Apart from the strong willpower and fighting skills he had developed since childhood.

He once watched Qing Xiushu casually kill an ordinary monster.
Even in high school, he was put on a pedestal by those so-called Suzuran Tigers and other outrageous things happened.
There is no doubt at all about becoming a giant of light like Aix.
Because this is very beaver!


Dadi looked at Dimajia who was constantly firing fireballs, and stretched out his hand to directly scatter the fireballs.

Ao walked with extremely confident steps and looked sharply at the monster that seemed to realize that he was not easy to mess with and was slowly retreating.


Dimajia glanced at Ultraman X who appeared forcefully, but even the powerful fireball he was proud of did not have any effect.

In desperation, the whole beast could only reach out and hammer its chest, let out a roar as if to embolden itself, and pounced towards Aix.
"Don't embarrass uncle"

Dadi glanced in Qing Hideki's direction and quickened his movements.

Aix's body was as light as a feather before he had built up a strong physique that he had trained for more than ten years.

The entire Ao even entered a phantom state of high-speed movement.


In the battlefield, continuous roars sounded
With the blessing of powerful physical skills, Fist Attack attacked Dimajia like a phantom, and in an instant, lightning-like sparks burst out from various parts of Dimajia's body.

XIO base,

"The giant is actually fighting the monster. It seems that the monster has no power to fight back."

Shotaro Kamiki, the captain of XIO, narrowed his eyes when he saw Ax, who looked like a macho man coming from the world, beating Dimaja so hard that his body almost split apart.

I'm afraid this giant is here to help humans.
"Send my order!"

"Immediately use the Vanton photon cannon to support the giant!"

Shotaro Kamiki's eyes were like daggers, and he quickly directed the XIO team members.

Now, on the other side.
Qing Hideki was squinting his eyes as he looked at Aix, who seemed to have divine help under the control of the earth.
"it is as expected"

"With his strong willpower and body, not even Ultraman can keep up with the strength of the human body."

Looking at Ax Ao Hideki, whose combat power rating in the Star of Light has reached A level, he was a bit speechless.
Although he knew that Aix was not weak, he still had the strength to beat the B+ level Dimaga to death with physical skills alone after merging with the earth for more than ten years.

Among all Ultraman, he is also the strongest.
Although Aix is ​​not as good as the back-mountain overlord Yinhe, he is still considered a relatively powerful giant.
Otherwise, it would not have been possible to chase Griza around the world after devouring three living planets more than ten years ago.

Looking at the earth that confirmed his guess, Qing Xiushu thought of a bold idea.
As long as the willpower is strong enough and the energy is strong, it will be possible to reach the level of the Four Olympians in an instant.
"take it easy."

After gathering his thoughts for a moment, Qing Xiushu turned his attention to the battlefield again.
"Why did Aix suddenly become so heavy?" "What happened?"

On the battlefield, Dadi, who was fighting off the monster with whip legs, said in confusion. He felt that his physical strength was still very abundant, but he always felt like he was being shackled.
Hearing this, Aix looked at the lively land with a complicated expression, and his whole heart twitched.
Simply unheard of
Unlike what those predecessors once said, human beings are fragile life forms.
"Earth, use your unique skills to destroy the monsters."

Aix looked at the earth with faint eyes, feeling deeply moved in his heart.
It's really embarrassing
"Huh? Is that so?"

Dadi obviously didn't understand what was going on, but still followed the guidance of the light. The huge X crystal on Ax's chest instantly turned into an orange state.

[Zaladim Light! 】

Due to the blessing of the earth, Aix felt that the power of the light was much greater than before. The huge recoil made Aix retreat several hundred meters like Zero firing twin rays.
Immediately after the monster Dimajia roared, it exploded instantly and turned into a spark doll and fell to the ground.
"Aix, you are so awesome"

Dadi felt the strong thrust of the light just now and gave Aix a big thumbs up.

He is worthy of being a giant of light. It’s so easy to defeat monsters!

But why did I feel like I had kidney deficiency just now?
Is it an illusion?

"Yeah, well done. This proves that we have completed the "preliminary" integration."

Aix went from being full of confidence on the stage to now looking confused. All Ao could only subconsciously say yes, yes, yes.
What is the origin of the earth?
It is simply a human body within a human body.
"Hurry up and recycle the spark dolls, Dadi"

Feeling the fluctuation of the spark doll, Aix quickly reminded.
"The glitter dolls are a bit similar to the ones from the Milky Way side."

Qing Hideki picked up the Dimaga glitter doll, looked at the soles of the doll's feet, and found that there was no insertion point for the Galaxy Spark.

It’s interesting. Do all the monsters in this world live in the form of glitter dolls?
In other words, there is a certain existence that makes these monsters appear in the life form of glittering dolls.
"Uncle Hideki!"

Dadi looked at the man in the middle of the ruins and waved quickly with an expression of surprise.


Qing Hideki looked up at Dadi who was wearing combat clothes and nodded in response.

"Uncle, where have you been all these years?"

Dadi looked emotionally at the man who taught him how to grow up.
To him, Qing Hideki is like a family member.
"I'm very happy to see you like this, Dadi. You haven't wasted any of your skills."

"You also have strong willpower. It seems those three guys educated you very well."

Qing Xiushu looked at the earth and said loudly,
This young man who once lost his family has become extraordinary.
Not to mention fighting skills, his willpower and body are almost trained to the limit of human beings.

"Here you go, you've proven yourself."

"We'll see you in a while"

Ao Hideki threw the glitter doll to the ground and then disappeared from sight.
Based on the situation on the earth, perhaps the crisis of annihilation in the Aix space-time can be solved. To be honest, he is not sure about taking down the void monster Gliza.
A void monster born in the cave of space.
There's a little trouble
After Qing Xiushu left, Dadi held the glitter doll and was full of joy
Finally got uncle's approval
Only Aix had been silent just now, and his mouth was a little dry.

"Dadi. Is that really your uncle?"

"Nonsense!" Dadi said angrily, "My uncle is a strong man who fights monsters with his bare hands. That must be my uncle."

"Is that so?"

Ax looked at Dadi worriedly, putting doubts in his heart.

What kind of existence was that man who exerted that terrifying pressure just now?It feels countless times more terrifying than Grizza. Now he has no body and cannot exert his maximum strength.

Even if I show it, I feel like a chicken in front of that man just now.
Aix looked at the ground and thought of a terrifying thought.
Dadi, your uncle may not be human.
(End of this chapter)

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