Ultra: Start by becoming the ultimate life form!

Chapter 159 Darkness, meeting Zero again

Chapter 159 Darkness, meeting Zero again


"Mr. Hideki, are you the kind of superhuman in the TV series, with all kinds of superpowers?"

The way Liu Yi looked at Qing Xiu Shu, her eyes sparkled with countless little stars.
"Sit down Liuyi, something is coming."

As the vehicle drove through the mountains, Qing Xiushu narrowed his eyes slightly.

Just now he clearly felt a huge energy wave surging underground.
"Roar!! Boom!"

As the convoy was about to arrive in a mountainous area, the entire mountain suddenly exploded with countless rubbles, and then a strong monster with sharp teeth, sharp claws and a golden horn appeared.
"A monster has appeared! Stop the car quickly!"

The team member driving at the front quickly reminded.

"Bodyguard Monster, King Black."

"A powerful monster race, each of which is the lower limit of A-level strength."

Seeing the monster, Qing Xiushu's eyes lit up slightly.

Immediately after receiving news of the attack, the headquarters quickly ordered fighter planes to provide support.


The powerful light of the fighter plane only caused harmless sparks to burst out on King Blacksheng.
"Damn it, Daichi, guard your sparks!"

"I'm here to delay."

Seeing this, Kazama Watari took out his Ultra Pistol and activated it, sending out a beam of light to attack King Black.

The light that defeated the Zarab aliens with one blow last time and even provided strong support to Ax was easily blocked by King Black.

After his hands bounced away, the scattered light energy blasted countless deep pits into the surrounding mountains. It was clear that King Black had not been harmed at all by his vigorous appearance.
"Zhuo! What's going on with this monster!"

"It's too powerful, isn't it?"

Kazama Watari stared at King Black with wide eyes, who couldn't even deal with the light.

"Uncle, you guys"

Seeing King Black's powerful power, Dadi gritted his teeth and ran towards the back.

I have to appear.
Uncle Hideki didn't seem to want to take action either.

After the earth left, the air and ground attack units continued to provide powerful firepower to give Black King a full-body massage.
"Have you merged with Ax?"

After getting out of the car, Qing Hideki squinted his eyes at the countless waves caused by the appearance of Ax and Gaia.

"Expert Hideki, do you also know about Dadi?"

Dr. Hermann asked curiously, looking at Qing Xiushu's unsurprised face.

"It's impossible not to know such a strong power of light."

Qing Hideki looked at Ax who was fighting with Black King and said casually
"then you."

Dr. Hermann's smart brain was running wildly, thinking of the mysterious giant.
Expert Hideki is not from this world, right?
Or is it a giant of light from the future?

"X Cross Sword!"

When everyone present was attracted by the figure of Ax beating King Black, a Knuckle star named Bondillo wearing a cloak with a mysterious pattern and a scarlet head appeared walking near the armored vehicle.

As a dimensional businessman, Bondillo saw the unexpected surprise of Spark Doll - Ultra Pistol, and fell in love with the Ultra Pistol in Kazama Wataru's hand almost as soon as he appeared on the scene.

"Wuhu, boy, your stuff is not bad." Bondillo whistled, shot down the pistol with a laser shot and looked at Kazamadu and said jokingly.

"who are you?"

Kazama Watari had no choice but to engage in hand-to-hand combat with Bondillo.
"Not bad. I underestimated you, kid."

After dealing with Kazama Watari, Bondillo touched the face that was hit and walked toward the car with the monster dolls, twirling the Ultra pistol in one hand, obviously very happy.

"Don't. Don't"

In the vehicle, Liu Yi covered her mouth tightly and crouched in the gap, fearing that Bondillo would discover her location.
“The harvest is not small”

"There is also an interesting little pistol." Bondillo looked at the filled sparkling dolls and smiled, preparing to snatch the sparkling dolls away with pride on his face.
"You are really too weak, a weak existence that has not evolved at all."


A cold voice rang in Bondillo's ears, and one could clearly see that a small crater had been stepped on by a mysterious person on the top of the entire transport vehicle.

Qing Xiushu, who was squatting in the car, stared at Bondillo who seemed to be enjoying himself and said coldly.
"I'll blanch it, who are you!"

Looking at the indifferent face that was approaching him instantly, Bondillo was frightened and staggered, but after seeing Qing Xiu Shu clearly, he felt a surge of great courage.
Just an ordinary person, not even a sense of evolution
At first glance, he looks like an ordinary person who wants to show off his talents.
"To labor and capital"

Bondillo looked at Qing Xiushu and yelled angrily. In the middle of his sentence, he heard a snap of his fingers, followed by a strong signal of pain all over his body.
"I you."

"Hello, dog, me."

Bondillo, who saw his lower body beginning to be eroded by the light, looked at Qing Hideki and his eyes widened.

Why do a big shot like you pretend to be a newbie?
"You forced me."

Bondillo gritted his teeth, and seemed to have used some dark props, and his whole body turned into a black mist and rushed away...
"Sure enough, downsizing will affect strength."

Qing Xiushu looked at Bondillo running away, his eyes shining slightly.
Bandillo is also considered the leader of the Knuckles. After becoming huge, he can compete with the cut Zero.

But now, if you encounter such a strong combat power, you need to use some kind of powerful tool to escape.
Therefore, it is inevitable that Ultraman's human body often suffers various tortures.
After all, becoming gigantic is equivalent to changing from an ant to a human, and the difference cannot be explained at 01:30.

"Damn it. Damn it."

"I was forced to use this!"

Bondillo looked at the recovered body and looked at the dark spark in his hand and said angrily.

This is the dark spark he was given by a certain being called the Four Dark Kings in the wandering universe.

It was said that he could save his life, but as a price, he would have to be loyal to that adult for life.
"Zhuo, you have paid so much! Then these treasures are mine!!"

Bondillo felt the powerful energy far beyond before, and after letting out a roar, his whole body quickly became huge.
"Liu Yi, are you okay?"

Dr. Hermann and Asuna, who came from another car, looked at the calm Liu Yi and expressed concern.

"It's okay, the alien from space was eliminated by expert Hideki just now."

Liu Yi paused, her eyes glowing as she recalled the scene just now.

"That guy is not dead."

Qing Hideki felt the dark energy on Bondillo just now but had no impulse.
This guy needs some serious work.
He felt like there was some good news about this guy...

"Damn it! You guys!!"

Ax, who was killing King Black indiscriminately, was hit on the back by a sudden dark storm, causing a large number of sparks to burst out as he staggered.
"He's really not dead! Let's go help Ax quickly."

Dr. Hermann looked at the Knuckles who looked untouchable and exclaimed.

"No need, foreign aid has already arrived!"

Qing Hideki looked at the powerful energy fluctuations coming from the sky, and his tone of voice fluctuated slightly as he stopped the two men.

A huge space-time tunnel suddenly appeared in the sky. Ultraman Zero, wearing the ultimate armor, appeared on the battlefield with an invincible look. He almost knocked away King Black and X with just the energy storm.

"Tsk, the troublesome guy is here."

Bondillo, who was covered in dark energy, was filled with fear when he saw the powerful energy on Sero's body.
"Narkel, Bandillo, I have finally found you."

Cero, who was wearing a stereo, was not surprised when he saw Bondillo, who was full of dark energy. Instead, his tone became even colder.

This guy has had unknown objects on his hands several times.
"Could he be the legendary Ultraman Zero!"

Gehrman was instantly attracted to Zero, and Asuna and Ryui were no exception.
"Zero, long time no see"

Qing Hideki crossed his arms and looked at Zero, who had obviously become stronger again, and couldn't help but sigh.
What is talent? This is talent.
"Instructor Hades!!"

Sero looked at Qing Xiushu with his hands on his chest on the ground and his eyes widened.
Why is the instructor here too!

(End of this chapter)

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