Ultra: Start by becoming the ultimate life form!

Chapter 160: Instant Kill, Zero’s Strength

Chapter 160: Instant Kill, Zero’s Strength

"Ultimate Armor."

Hearing Sero's telepathy, Qing Hideki raised his eyebrows.

He knew this guy Zero very well. Whether they were fighting together or giving him special training, he was fully aware of Zero's abnormality.
Especially after destroying Beria and obtaining the equipment presented by Noah, the entire Austrian strength has improved by leaps and bounds.

His normal strength alone has surpassed the father of Ultra and won the title of the strongest Ultraman in the Kingdom of Light.

Of course, this is not an exaggeration. The battle between Ultra's father and Emperor Ampera used the Holy Sword to unlock the ultimate form, thus entering the normal S state.

And Zero has already made it to S just by relying on his talent.

In terms of performance, just the ultimate form that Zero obtained by his own strength, even with residual blood, is the only strong one in the new generation.
"Your Highness Zero!!" Liu Yi said excitedly looking at Zero.

"His Royal Highness Sai Luo?"

Sero glanced at Liu Yi and smiled, then turned his attention to Qing Hideki.
"Instructor, I'm on board!"

Looking at Qing Xiushu's eyes, Zero also realized something. After taking back the armor, he directly inserted the head dart into his chest with telekinesis.

Watching Bondillo and Black King directly condense huge energy fluctuations and spread around after beating Ax.

"Ultraman Zero, the Ultraman I've seen is quite handsome."

Asuna looked at Zero's muscular figure and couldn't help but feel some affection for Zero out of thin air. Then she looked at Dr. Hermann and said, "Ultraman Zero, doctor, do you know his origins?"

"Of course I know," Gehrman hummed a few times and glanced at Qing Xiu Shu who had his hands folded across his chest.

The relationship between these giants must be very complicated
"Ahem, there are so many legendary stories about Ultraman Zero. It starts with a lost boy who went down the wrong path."


What else was Dr. Hermann going to say? The huge energy storm raised in the battlefield directly made several people unsteady. It was not until a golden light curtain appeared that everyone felt the energy impact dissipate.
"Expert Hideki."

Liu Yi pouted at Dr. Hermann, and then thanked Qing Hideki.

Seeing Qing Xiu Shu's presence in the battlefield, Zero no longer controlled energy, and directly turned on full firepower and looked at Bondi Luo with disdain.

"I'll deal with you here today!"

【Twin rays! ! 】

A powerful light that was much thicker than before burst out from Zero's chest, and countless earth and rocks floated in the sky to form a huge energy wave layer.

Thanks to his diligent training with Leo, Zero's normal muscles are almost equivalent to those in the form of a sun, and he can just offset the recoil of the light.
"Aix, we can't fall behind!"

Dadi and Aix looked at each other, and the crystal on the chest instantly turned into a huge orange light and shot out from it.


King Black and Bondillo were hit by two huge beams of light, making a huge explosion and disappearing from everyone's sight.


Ao Hideki took the Bondillo material that had not turned into a glitter doll in his hand with a casual move.

This is a change after advancing to SS-, the range of influence of the Star of Light is even more powerful.

"This guy"

"Uncle, that guy just now was called Zero, right? He's so strong."

After the battle, Dadi held King Brak's doll and looked at Qing Hideki curiously.

"Yes, if that guy is here, maybe he can even solve that thing."

Qing Xiushu said in an incomprehensible tone.

"Huh? What?"

Daichi chirped as he followed Qing Xiu Shu.

Only the Aix terminal in his hand changed a little, emitting a faint light.

In the data space, Aix thought about the implication of Qing Hideki's words.
"You mean, can that giant help deal with Glizza?"

"Is everyone's condition okay? Can you still perform the mission?" Captain Shenmu picked up the communicator and contacted. If someone is careful, they can observe layers of sweat appearing on Shenmu's back.

"Captain, there is no problem. Only member Watanabe fainted."

"It's not a big problem. Let's return to the base quickly."

Shenmu breathed a sigh of relief.

This time I really taught him a lesson.
They should be escorted there secretly. If these monsters are taken away by evil space people, the subsequent problems will be huge.
"By the way, I also met the super handsome Ultraman Zero today!"

Liu Yi jumped happily and raised the camera in her hand.

"That giant is really strong. Aix is ​​already strong enough."

"I didn't expect this giant to be stronger than him."

Asuna couldn't help but say as the difference between Ultraman flashed in her mind.

"I said, you guys."

Dadi looked at these teammates and suddenly felt that all his efforts were in vain.
If that spaceman hadn't come out for a sneak attack just now, he would have put King Black in order.

"Let's go, go back to the base now"

"Judging from the current situation, it is safest to leave it in Gio for the time being."

Qing Hideki glanced at the position of Zero's aura and ordered with an absolute tone.


Everyone was a little hesitant for a moment, and subconsciously could only look at the captain on the communication device.

"This mission will be handed over to expert Hideki for command."

Shenmu thought about this thrilling experience and said calmly.

Soon Gio and his team brought the sparks back to the base. Qing Hideki, who stayed at the same place, looked at the vehicle going away, and his figure flickered to another location.

On a hillside somewhere, Zero transformed into his first human body "Lan" and quietly admired the sunset.

"How did you, Zero, come to this time and space?"

As the space fluctuated, Qing Hideki's figure slowly appeared and looked at Zero and said loudly.

"Instructor Hades, didn't I form the ultimate security team?"

"I fell in love with this guy because he was selling monsters everywhere and causing war."

Sero was a little frightened when he saw Qing Hideki's appearance.
Have the instructors reached that level?
"But you can kill that Bondillo easily, right?"

Qing Xiushu looked at Sero with bright eyes.
To be honest, even with Bondillo's strength, he could kill him with all his strength and strength.

"Instructor, this is not."

Sero scratched his head and looked at Qing Xiushu and said embarrassedly.

"It's really troublesome for you that the same giant of light can't replenish energy in different universes."

"Now that you're here, let's "live" well in this world."

As he spoke, Qing Hideki casually waved a powerful light energy and injected it into Zero's body.

"Thank you, instructor Hades"

"But is there anything special about this time and space?"

Feeling extremely full of energy, Zero felt like he could speak without any weakness.

"Very well, this matter starts from 15 years ago when I came here."

"So there will be a super powerful void monster in this world in the future."

Qing Xiushu paused and slowly told the story about Gliza.
In addition, Zero is just asking for a guarantee.
Cero can not only shake people, but also has good combat effectiveness because he is often in high-end games.

Of course, this assumes that there is sufficient energy.
(End of this chapter)

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