Ultra: Start by becoming the ultimate life form!

Chapter 180 Forest Beauty, Beria Card

Chapter 180 Forest Beauty, Beria Card
With a flash of light, a mysterious figure slowly appeared near the forest park.


Standing in front of the entrance of the forest, Qing Xiushu felt the figure of a girl appear in his mind and couldn't help but frown.

This girl seems to be able to see him directly in her dreams through a supernatural power similar to precognition.
"But it's time to go in."

"People of the Universe."

Qing Hideki looked at the forest that seemed to be emanating infinite vitality and said calmly.

This small forest has always been designated as a special management area. For people's safety, entry is generally prohibited. Legend has it that there is a tomb of a distinguished person inside.

It was called an untouchable forest in the Edo period, and no one has dared to step into it.

In modern times, it is called the Dark Zone, and it is also called an urban legend.

"However, these guys are really brave."

Qing Xiushu walked to the cordon, looked at the information on the notice board and sneered.

Do you want to turn this area into a redevelopment area?
It was such a bold act, and he wanted to die to the extreme.
How stupid.

"Uncle, wait a minute! Don't go in!"

The two children nearby saw someone entering and quickly shouted at Qing Hideki.

"Don't go into the forest, people will be eaten in there!"

"Many people have gone in but haven't come out yet!"

"No, I'm scarier than it is."

Qing Xiushu looked at the gradually filling white mist with cold eyes, and slowly walked into the white mist directly in the sight of the child.

Not long after entering the forest, Qing Xiushu noticed that the white mist around him was gradually rising, and the shadow of a woman in white appeared vaguely.

"Does the life of the soul fluctuate?"

Qing Xiushu glanced at the fluctuating magnetic field around him, and a powerful energy slowly spread from his body and directly illuminated the figure of the woman in ancient costume in the mist.
"The Legend of Princess Yuxiang"

The urban legends circulating nearby are true. It seems that this is indeed the tomb of a noble person.

The tombs of Princess Yuxiang and Big Snake are both underground here.
Legend has it that Princess Yuxiang borrowed the power of the Warrior of Light to set up a barrier in order to prevent the big snake from resurrecting.

He has also transformed into a guardian spirit and has been guarding this forest here.

"Orochi eggs?"

Qing Xiushu's telepathy swept through countless sealing barriers and directly felt the snake's eggs filled with the power of darkness underground.

In the perception, even the eggs of the serpent are still absorbing the darkness of human beings, which is getting stronger.

I carefully sensed that the egg of the big snake in the depths had the same dark aura as Jagula.
"Even the seal of the Kingdom of Light can penetrate. Is he that guy?"

Feeling the strange dark aura, Qing Xiushu couldn't help but frown.

Why does that dark being recruit such extremely powerful dark minions everywhere?
The resentments of Lukiel and the Abo people were resurrected by him. Does he want to destroy the multiverse and absorb the power of darkness?
Or maybe he wants to return the universe to the Dark Ages through countless darkness.
"But... take your time."

Qing Xiushu felt the spirit approaching, turned his back to Princess Yuxiang and said calmly.
"Are you coming out now?"

A soul body with a delicate little face of unparalleled elegance and a beautiful figure that could not be concealed even in ancient clothes slowly appeared.

Hearing Qing Xiushu's teasing, Princess Yuxiang couldn't help but blush slightly.
"Can a mysterious and powerful existence help the earth?"

After taking a few deep breaths, Princess Yuxiang looked straight at Qing Xiushu's back.

She came out because just now when she was observing Qing Xiushu using his super power, she seemed to see a golden god slowly lighting up his eyes in her heart.

"what can you give me."

Qing Xiushu took a look at Princess Yuxiang.
It is worthy of being recorded that the appearance of the legend is even higher than that of the little fox.

But it was just a look, the big snake was his target.
"Well, I can help you, Orochi."

Princess Yuxiang said firmly.
"No matter what you do, Orochi is mine."

Qing Xiushu said calmly, and then the golden energy in his hand slowly strengthened the seal.
No matter what, his purpose is to devour these ultimate beings
Once the seal is added, it can only be unlocked by Jakura using the Demon King Beast Kagabeliaka.Moge Orochi also made the same mistake as the Emperor.
That is, they all suffered from TV plot killings. In the end, the giant snake did not evolve completely, and Emperor Ampera died unable to move.
However, even if Orochi has no shortcomings and evolves to the ultimate SS level, he is still confident to deal with Orochi.

"Already done"

"Your mission is to raise the big snake to have no weaknesses."

After finishing, Qing Hideki walked towards a certain spaceship with a clear purpose.
That's where the malice came from.
"Create a big snake?"

Princess Yuxiang was a little hesitant, but she thought of the terrifying power of Qing Xiushu just now.

Watching Qing Xiushu's figure gradually disappear, he said seriously with a small face.

"Yu Xiang will work hard."

"The legendary warrior of the Jin clan."

In the heart of the forest, there is a huge spaceship staying here.

After a while, Qing Hideki appeared next to the spaceship and looked up and down at the spaceship, which was full of technology.

"Is it the Planetary Invasion Alliance?"

"Strength is very weak."

In the spaceship, Nostra, the Mephilas star, was playing cards with two officers.

"Lord Nostra, the current situation is very bad."

The Metrotronian who had played against six showed the picture of Qing Hideki's appearance just now and said with fear on his face.

"Isn't this giant from that race?"

"That's right, the invasion plan has been completely stopped now"

Nostra looked at the Beria card in her hand with melancholy.
According to his grandfather's experience working under Lord Ampera, this golden giant is probably the ultimate being who has fought with the emperor for tens of thousands of years.
"Then can we..." The Metronian said with a bitter look on his face, "If Beria's power is not enough, what about someone who doesn't like Orb?"

"I know this. I do know that there is a guy who doesn't want to deal with Orb."

"It can be somewhat restrained."

The Knuckle star recovered from the fear of being frightened by ghosts and spoke firmly.

"Well, I feel like I have to resurrect the big snake under my feet before I can be sure."

Nostra touched her chin and looked at the Beria card in her hand.
According to oral traditions from tribesmen who participated in the Ultra War at that time, Beria seemed to have been beaten violently by this golden giant tens of thousands of years ago.
Even now he has created the famous name of Universe Emperor
He always feels a little unstable.
"Belia card."

"I just accepted it"

The cold voice accompanied by crisp footsteps in the passage attracted the trio's attention.

"Who dares to enter here? Stop!"

Nuckl directly took out a laser gun and pointed it at Qing Xiu Shu's body and said jokingly.

"Ha ha."

The mysterious figure continued to move around, and the three Nostras were directly invaded by the powerful golden energy and turned into ashes.

"It's you"

"Sir, we rely on you."

"We had no idea this planet was included in the Kingdom's rule"

Nostra looked at Qing Hideki and begged, and what he responded to was a pair of eyes without any emotion.

"Beria card?"

Qing Hideki picked up a dozen cards and three purple energy materials.

“Thank you for collecting the cards”

Nodding slightly to pay tribute to the three dead people, Qing Xiushu's figure twisted and disappeared into the forest.
(End of this chapter)

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