Ultra: Start by becoming the ultimate life form!

Chapter 181 Prophecy, Making Cards

Chapter 181 Prophecy, Making Cards

Nanchuan Town,
SSP office.

Putting the other cards aside, Qing Hideki looked at the Belia card in his hand with subtle eyes.

Under the bright white light, the giant on the Beria card is full of darkness and an expression of extreme arrogance.

"Beria is still so good at pretending."

"How the hell have they been beaten?"

Ao Hideki couldn't help but smacked his lips. He didn't expect that Beria's waist, which was pierced by him in Super Galaxy II, recovered so quickly, and even had enough energy to make a card.
It seems that any existence with the characteristics of an ultimate life form cannot be treated with common sense.
As for Luchiel, that guy should have been completely dealt with. If he was taken away by Regedo, wouldn't it mean that he could safely return to the Galaxy?

"Mr. Hideki, we are back."

"I'm so miserable"

Naomi, Zenta and Matsudo Mori walked to the desk with tired faces. After experiencing the Jabba incident, everyone became smelly.
"Mr. Hideki, we almost died there."

"We won't go to Asen anymore for smelly monsters..."

After earnestly instructing Asori, Naomi approached Ao Hideki and showed a tearless expression.

"Don't come over here. It stinks too much."

Qing Xiushu calmly took a few steps back and pretended to make a phone call.
"Ahem, to be honest, I have already booked a bathhouse and you can go together."

Zenta, who was about to cry when he heard the news, his eyes glowing, fell to his knees and then slid in front of Ao Hideki.

"Mr. Hideki competes high!!!"

"I am willing"

Hearing that something was wrong with what he said, Qing Hideki quickly stopped him and walked slowly towards the hot spring.

"I'm leaving... you guys chat."

On the way, Qing Hideki looked at the Mebar monster card in his hand, and a bold idea slowly emerged in his heart.
"Will it be the same as the Ultra Medal? Power can be rewritten."

Looking at the card, he felt more and more like the Ultra Medal that Hikali had made for him.

Without hesitation, he directly extracted the materials from Mebal's monster card with the surge of power in his hand.

Then the purple energy slowly dissipated and turned into a blank white card.
"I see."

Ao Hideki had a subtle expression when he saw the extra Mebal material in Star of Light.
"Well, how about this"

Immediately afterwards, a golden energy of extremely high quality was slowly injected into the card.

The card, which seemed unable to carry Qing Hideki's power, rapidly transformed from a silver background to a golden background.
At the same time, countless golden lightnings continued to twine around the card, and a golden giant with a sideways face slowly appeared on the card, looking at the expression outside the card with his hands folded across his chest.
"Is this a gold card?"

Qing Hideki, who quickly regained his energy, looked at the golden card in his hand and his expression changed slightly.
It seems like he can be borrowed by Ultraman for his power.
Sanchome bathhouse.

Kai, who had just defeated the water monster, was slowly immersing himself in the pool while rubbing his sore hands.

It seems that Ultraman Taro's self-destruction had a great impact on him. After all, he is not an Ultraman with a human body...
"It's most comfortable to take a dip in the hot springs at this time."

As soon as I closed my eyes, I heard and smelled a strong stench. When I slowly opened my eyes and looked at Zenta and Matsudo Mori, my face suddenly fell.
"It's you again"

This is not the first time he has met these two guys.
The guy from the death squad would run into him every time he fights monsters.
However, it seems that the equipment has improved a lot recently.


Qing Xiushu, who had changed his clothes, stood in the corner under Hong Kai's eyes.

"Brother Xiu Shu"

Upon hearing that Hong Kai's tone was wrong, Zenta, who joined in, looked at Ao Hideki and Hong Kai suspiciously.

"Mr. Hideki, Hongkai is your brother?"

Hearing this, Qing Xiushu slowly opened his eyes and spoke calmly.

"In a sense, it is indeed." Hongkai also said helplessly when he heard this.
"Brother Xiushu, why do you tell outsiders?"

"Mr. Hideki is not an outsider, he is the super figure of our SSP."

Zenta retorted at first, and then looked at Aohideki's streamlined figure that had been built through countless sweats with a bright face, and spoke expectantly.

"Mr. Hideki, I didn't expect you to have such a good figure."

"Would you like to be my model? It will definitely become popular."

"Asen, you said..."

After a long time, I felt that the noisy Qing Xiushu had had enough, leaving only a kind figure behind and said in a cold voice.

"Hong Kai, come out for a moment."

On the rooftop, Qing Xiushu watched Hong Kai slowly hand out two cards.

"Brother Xiushu, this is..."

Hong Kai's hands were shaking slightly after looking at the handed card and catching it.
One is full of dark energy, and the other is more mysterious energy of destruction.
"Beria still has it, what is this?"

Hong Kai recognized the Belial card at a glance, and his eyes widened when he saw another card that was even emitting special effects golden energy.
"Use the Belial card carefully, but you have to give it to Jakula later."

"Unless Demon Kingmon is completely wiped out, the world's crisis will never stop."

Qing Xiushu looked into the distance and said calmly
"Is that so? Jakula will definitely come to snatch it from me."

"Then it will be a good time to restore Jakura."

Hongkai nodded heavily and put the Belia card into the ring, looking at the other card solemnly.
"Brother Xiushu, what is this card?"

"Don't use it unless absolutely necessary"

Qing Xiushu looked directly at Hong Kai with an extremely serious tone.
He didn't know what kind of chemical reaction his power would have with Hong Kai, but with the blessing of darkness, Jagula
It’s hard to say how much trouble there will be in the future, so this card will be used as the last layer of protection for Hong Kai.
"Brother Xiu Shu"

Hong Kai held the card tightly with both hands and raised his head to find that Qing Xiushu's figure had already disappeared.
Jagula. I will definitely save you.
This time, it’s me to help you! !
"Water Monster?"

"It seems that resurrecting the Orochi is not far away, Kai. Please work harder."

Under the moonlight, Jakula looked at the card in his hand and showed a weird smile, and then his expression changed continuously.
A few seconds later, Jagula regained his cold expression and said indifferently...
"This guy is really restless."

"We are all one person, what difference does it make who controls the body?"

"Don't you hate what happened to Planet O-50?"

As if he felt that the will inside his body was gradually becoming silent, the dark personality shook his hair and glanced at the moon sadly.

"It's such a beautiful planet, but it's a pity that it will become eternal soon."

"On July 7th, a huge strange bird of wind appeared"

"On July 7th, the monster that destroyed the earth emerged from the ground."

"Today, monsters with endless pollution appear"

In the early morning, the eyes of a girl in a certain room moved slightly as if she was dreaming about something.
Is it a dream again?

The girl stood up and looked at the white light around her, then subconsciously glanced at the alarm clock beside her.
Something was wrong with the dream this time. I saw the fog band fading away and being filled with golden energy, not just the terrifying snake-headed monster.

There was even a terrifying golden giant with an Ultra Warrior glowing with golden light behind him, looking disdainfully at the monsters below.

It seemed that the golden giant had discovered something, and looked straight at the girl with infinitely oppressive eyes.
"It's really"

The girl woke up suddenly and found that her back was soaked with cold sweat.
"Is the giant that appeared the savior of this world?"

"Can you change our destiny?"

The girl who picked up the drawing board fell into deep thought.
(End of this chapter)

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