Ultra: Start by becoming the ultimate life form!

Chapter 19 Dagu, we are different.

Chapter 19 Dagu, we are different.

In the early morning, the cry for mercy from an unknown bridge in Tokyo stopped abruptly with a muffled groan.

"Hehe, that's how it is"

Qing Xiushu's eyes flickered as he sorted out the whole story.

Sure enough, they are the crows in the original plot. In fact, they are also called Lebbusters, a race in the universe that rules similar to humans.

When driving a probe ship to the earth, it was discovered that human beings are particularly similar to the slaves on their own planet, and slaves are scarce for them.

So I had some ideas and a group of crow people began to capture humans at night.

Fragile humans, who are not even at the top of the earth's biosphere, naturally cannot resist the crow people's capture.

This episode is also a rare life-size battle for Ultraman.


Qing Xiushu casually destroyed the body of the cosmonaut with a ray of light and disappeared into the bridge hole.

The next day, it was just dawn.

Suburban area, very remote old industrial area.

In a vacant lot covered with weeds, an abandoned factory full of the atmosphere of the times stands.

The windows of the building have long been broken, and there are draft windows everywhere.


What is extremely strange is that the crows that are supposed to be resting are extremely active.

On the roof of the building and in the sky, there are groups of crows that seem to be attracted by the same kind, circling and neighing, which makes people feel a little scared.

A man appeared out of thin air next to the abandoned building. The crows on the surrounding branches and windows looked at the strange eyes of the man who appeared out of thin air.

"Looks like you went to the right place."

Qing Xiushu's golden eyes glanced at the strange crows, and they were so frightened that they fled in all directions.

Looking at the old wall, Qing Xiushu twisted his neck with a ferocious expression, punched directly through the wall and rushed in.


Seeing the sudden appearance of Qing Xiu Shu, the crows were frightened and immediately raised their shrinking guns and aimed at Qing Xiu Shu.

The reaction was quick, and crow men in suits rushed to the invasion site from various places.

"Now, the louder the noise, the better!"

Qing Hideki did a backflip to avoid the light, and at the same time, his figure flashed quickly with golden light in his hands and punched the crow man one after another.

too weak!too weak!
Everything is like this, there is no use asking others!

The crow people fell into a pool of blood one by one, it was a complete one-sided massacre.

The fierce battle on the lower level of the building did not affect the crow leader at all.

The Crow Man on the roof has rows of boxes containing humans filled with fearful humans.

Shinichi was surprised and a little happy when he heard the sound of fighting.

"Everyone! The victory team is here!"

"My cousin is here to save us!!"

During the time he was caught, he eavesdropped on the conversation between the crow leader and the crow people.

He also knew who the group of guys were.

In fact, they are cosmic beings who enslave human beings, and they seem to plan to directly send out troops to conquer and rule the earth after returning to their home planet.

The slaves on their home planet are about to become extinct, and the earth is a paradise-like existence to them. It is an undeveloped treasure land, which can be said to be full of gold.

And the gold in their hearts naturally refers to human beings.

"Victory team?"

"You think they can come and save you?"

The red-eyed crow leader opened his huge eyes and looked at Shinichi's extremely strange voice.

"It's useless even if the giant comes, it's useless!"

"We Lebxians will rule this planet!!"

"We are just a probe ship of the empire, and we have captured so many slaves these days!!"

"Just look at the bodies of the victorious team. Haha!"

The leader of the red-eyed crow people said indifferently.

blah blah..
Out of nowhere footsteps sounded behind the red-eyed crow man.

"is it?"

Qing Xiushu's cold voice sounded.

Such a cosmic person
"You guy."

The red-eyed crow man called to his men, but there was no reply, and the room on the top floor fell into a deathly silence.

"Have all my men been killed by you?"

The red-eyed crow man seemed to have discovered something and said slowly.Are these people with golden eyes an evolved race on this planet?

The red-eyed cosmonaut's eyes flickered, and he immediately put on a fighting move and looked at Qing Hideki with a wary face.

Evolved races, their planet also has such existence.

He is one of the advanced races on their planet.

The two faced off for a long time, and after a while, the red-eyed cosmonaut stared straight at Qing Hideki, dripping with cold sweat.

He couldn't see through that this person seemed to be a higher level of evolution!

"Well, Your Excellency, do you want us to cooperate? I am of an advanced race..."

"I think the technology on this planet is extremely backward."


Qing Hideki's figure moved at high speed, appeared directly in front of the red-eyed cosmonaut, and punched him in the face.

Feeling the sudden fist wind, the red-eyed crow was frightened.

Move at high speed!
The red-eyed crow man who was flown upside down was full of regrets. If he knew that there were high-level beings on this planet, he would not have come.

"We can."

"Okay, let's talk!"


In the dim environment, Qing Xiushu punched the corpse one after another.

I don't know how long it took before Qing Xiushu stopped what he was doing.
Looking at the red-eyed crow leader who was completely disfigured, a ray of light immediately destroyed the corpse.

Advanced races...hehe.

Looking at the humans in the box, Qing Xiushu sighed slightly.

If no one came, the situation of these people would be very similar to that of his home planet.


Xincheng, a TPC level one iron-headed boy, has arrived at the factory and is waiting for Dagu and others to arrive.

"This is a factory that has been abandoned for who knows how many years. Is it really here?"

"It should be here, the energy reaction is very violent!"

Vice Captain Munakata said.

"Go quickly, Shinichi is still waiting for me!"

On the side, Xincheng was already waiting and rushed in without haste.

"Wait for Xincheng."

Dagu, who was worried about Xincheng, rushed over.

When they arrived at the factory, Xincheng was stunned by the hellish scene.

"Wait! Don't come in!"

I saw green blood all along the corridors and walls.
"These crow people seem to have been brutally killed by someone!!"

"must be careful!!"

Captain Munakata, who arrived later, looked serious.

Someone who can kill crows and people like dogs must be very extraordinary.

Dagu seemed to have sensed something and rushed to the roof first.

Looking at the increasingly bloody scenes, Dagu felt chilled. These crow people must have encountered an irresistible creature.

If you guessed it right, this is the method.

Arriving at the top of the building, looking at the Qingxiu tree standing by the window, he spoke with some difficulty.

"Senior. Why."

Qing Xiushu glanced at Dagu and the humans locked in the storage box.

"Fortunately, there is an existence like you in this world, otherwise you would not be able to imagine what would happen."

"In the laws of this universe."

"There is no right for human beings to choose, only a destiny chosen by human beings."

"The fate of mankind lies in your hands."

"We are not the same kind."

Dagu said quickly.

"Wait, aren't we all giants, humans..."

"Why not..."

Stretching out his hand and looking at the disappearing Qing Xiushu, Dagu was filled with doubts, and then he looked at the storage box and thought about it.

Is the fate of mankind in my hands?
(End of this chapter)

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