Ultra: Start by becoming the ultimate life form!

Chapter 20 Alien Beauty, Silver Giant Appears

Chapter 20 Alien Beauty, Silver Giant Appears

At night, a thunderous crash was heard on the beach outside the sea view room.

I saw one gold and one silver ray of light fighting fiercely. After a while, the battle became more intense and the silver ray of light was beaten back again and again.

"Masaki, you still need more training."

"Senior, I will."

After a long time, the two rays of light stopped, and the silver light turned into Masaki, panting and supporting his body.

Looking at Masaki who looked very serious, Qing Hideki felt relieved.

After all, that was Masaki, and he was a man who knew how to strengthen himself.

Seeing Masaki who has become stronger and stronger in recent times, Qing Hideki couldn't help but feel a little excited.

In fact, Masaki's transformation into Lianying was a bit beyond Ao Hideki's expectations.

Lianying can actually exist on the earth for up to 4 minutes, which is even longer than Tiga's combat time.

At this time, there were several bright streams of light passing quickly in the night sky.

Three spaceships with capsules that resembled meteorites crashed into the Jingdong area with orange-red tail flames.

"That is?"

Masaki, who seemed to be feeling something, looked up at the night sky.

"It seems that another cosmic being has arrived."

Qing Xiushu couldn't help but sigh as he looked at the streamer, and then his figure flashed and followed the meteorite to the crash area.

On the rooftop, Qing Hideki looked at the beautiful woman in blue sleeveless clothes, with her navel and miniskirt appearing from the remaining flames of the spaceship.

"Sure enough, it's the episode of Muzhen Planet."

It’s the cosmic people again, the earth is really in trouble.
However, having said that, these female aliens don’t seem to be very good-looking.

Whether it’s the witch, the woman in blue in front of her, or the singer Maya behind her, they’re all not that bad. Is it because of evolution?

who is it?

As if she felt someone was watching her, the woman in blue raised her head and looked at the empty roof.

But she was so exhausted from escaping that she collapsed on the ground again.

The woman who regained her strength after a while had just left.

Investigators from the Victory Team arrived in their cars.

"Meteorite again? It doesn't look like the time machine from last time."

Looking at the fallen spaceship fragments, Shinjo scratched his head.

Horii patted Shinjou's shoulder sleepily and muttered.

"Hurry up, Xincheng, I'm so sleepy."

"Hi hi."

Early the next morning, Qing Xiushu took Zhengmu, who looked depressed, to the street.
"Is that meteorite yesterday really an alien?"

"Yes, you will know Masaki later."

After saying that, Qing Xiushu did a somersault and handed the red balloon that the little girl had floated away to her hand.

"Thank you bro~"

Ignoring the frequent glances from the people around him, Qing Hideki couldn't help but touch the child's head as he listened to the mother and daughter's thanks.

"It's okay, I should."

Masaki looked at the heartwarming scene between Qing Hideki and mother and daughter with a tangled expression.

Senior is obviously very gentle.
But how can we deal with those aliens and monsters?

While Masaki and Qing Hideki were shopping, a woman in blue caught their attention.

Masaki swallowed the ball in his mouth and looked at the slightly panicked woman in blue.

This feeling is not human.

He looked at Ao Hideki and after receiving confirmation, Masaki was ready to negotiate forward.

But being pulled back by a huge force, Qing Xiushu pointed at the place where a man was.

Then the two of them hid in the crowd and looked to the other side.

I saw an alien in the crowd with monster-like hands and who couldn't even imitate well, looking directly at the woman in blue.

In Tiga, he can be regarded as one of the worst monsters.
You must escape or you will die!
He turned around and looked at the woman in blue who was following closely behind the Muzhen star and was hiding in hiding XZ with a very scared look on her face.

The woman passed through countless small alleys and finally came to a place that looked like a chemical factory.

Hiding behind the huge jar, the beautiful face of the woman in blue is full of despair.

She couldn't remember how many planets there were.

Not long after she was born, she and her companions had been chased by Muzhen people in a spaceship for countless light years.

"Is it necessary today?"

Qing Xiu Shu looked askance at the building.

In fact, he was also a sad person who lived in fear all his life. Unfortunately, Dagu wanted to save him so much that he died in the end.

Qing Xiushu then looked at the Muzhen star and he felt like a predator to him.

But the character is far different. All tribes of the Predator will not go after unarmed civilians.

I can only say that like gzz Babar, he is the most disdainful person in the universe.

The younger brother of villains.

"Who can come and save me!"

Seeing Lucia getting closer and closer, she shouted in despair.

"Masaki, go ahead. Haven't you always wanted to fight? Then this will be your first battle."

Qing Xiushu looked at Muzhen Xingren with cold eyes.

This kind of cosmic being who has no soul and loves to kill should be humanely destroyed.

"it is good!!"

Zhengmu was also holding back his nerves during this period. He had long disliked the Muzhen star who looked like a beetle.Now Masaki feels like a galactic policeman.


Masaki jumped down quickly and transformed into a giant in the silver light.

"Who are you!!!"

The Muzhen people looked at the silver-red giant that appeared with fear on their faces.

how come.
Isn’t this planet filled with ordinary life?

Masaki, who didn't pay any attention to the Muzhen star, transformed into Lian Ying and assumed a fighting stance and directly used flying kicks.

Looking at Zhengmu who hit him with a flying kick without any courtesy, the Muzhen star immediately grew huge.

Perhaps sensing that he couldn't follow up on this move, he directly transformed into his second form and even retreated, knocking down several houses.

Roar! !

The Muzhen star roared and looked at the silver giant in front of him, his heart filled with anger.

With the emergence of the second form, the weird biological properties of the Muzhen people appeared.

The monsters transformed by the Muzhen Stars look extremely disgusting and terrifying.

With four legs, a slender neck, and an insect-like head, it looks like those disgusting monsters that have evolved in science fiction movies.


Qing Hideki looked at the Muzhen star who was able to reach B-level energy after the second transformation.

I kind of underestimated him.

Looking at the sudden appearance of the silver giant Lucia couldn't help but look happy.

"Finally free from the nightmare?"

"Giant, come on!!!"

A green light emitted from the head of the Muzhen star, and it shot towards Zhengmu.

Masaki's expression remained unchanged, he ducked sideways and immediately activated Ultra Roll mode.

Green rays and Ultra tumbles destroy many buildings along the way.

Seeing Masaki who was a little excited about fighting monsters, Qing Hideki urged.

"Masaki, stop playing around and solve it quickly!"

After Qing Xiushu's reminder, Masaki finally reacted and gave a unique nod to Qing Xiushu.

At this time, Dagu, who felt bad, rushed to the battlefield with a gun.

Looking at the newly appeared giant, I felt happy but also extremely confused.

Then looking at the buildings destroyed by Masaki's avoidance, Dagu couldn't help but complain.

"What are you protecting!"

After getting familiar with the giant's body, Masaki came over seriously and struck three times, five times and two times. The Muzhen people retreated and roared in pain.

This planet is too dangerous. .

The prey has just solved one.

"No! I have to run."

He ran away, and the Muzhen star, who was beaten and bleeding all over his body, ran towards where his spaceship was.

But the eyes of the silver giant are extremely flexible and even have the function of seeing through.

Zhengmu soon discovered the intention of the Muzhen star. The light evaporated from his wrist, and a white shuriken light directly hit the weak point of the Muzhen star.

The battle only lasted 2 minutes, and the entire beast froze for two seconds before a huge explosion occurred.

Masaki, who saw that he hadn't turned on the light yet, directly gave Dagu, who had just arrived, an Ultra praise.

It was something he had long wanted to do.

Masaki didn't care as he watched the monster explode and destroy the factory.

"Are you OK?"

Watching the silver-red giant fight, Dagu felt a little angry.

This loss is too great.


"Thank them."

Lucia pointed to the roof of the building and said.

Although they were in different languages, Dagu still understood them.

Then he looked towards the top of the building, and his eyes widened at the familiar person.

Isn't that senior?

Why did the people next to him give him a similar smell?

He is a giant of light.
Sure enough, he is really a senior...
Dagu, who was convinced that Qing Xiushu was a good person, secretly swore in his heart.

"Masaki, please remember to be quieter next time."

Qing Hideki looked at Masaki who didn't care and criticized harshly.

"Well, seniors fighting in a place like this will inevitably suffer damage."

"I will pay attention next time. I have asked my assistant to donate one billion for post-disaster repairs."

Masaki said excitedly as he had just experienced his first transformation.

Looking at Masaki, who exudes the aura of wealth, Qing Hideki's head is full of black lines.

But putting it this way, I seem to be quite rich.

But it seems that no compensation has been paid.

Judging from the situation, the one with the most is Dagu, right?

But in the original plot, he never made any compensation.

The Victory Team will not be bankrupted by him.
(End of this chapter)

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