Chapter 195 Nexus, Glizza
Gio's training room.

Qing Xiushu was the only one using the training room filled with fitness equipment at this time.


The huge force made the fitness equipment make a violent collision sound.


After finishing the training, Qing Hideki looked at the scene with a relaxed look on the screen reporting on the Gio team's success in defeating the spaceman's conspiracy.

It had been three or four days since I met Captain Shenmu. The change was that besides trusting Dadi and his team more, it was Zero who took Pigumon everywhere to look for dark thunderstorm energy.

The sea monster Gus, King Red, Cat Miu, Gomora and the artificial life form M1 were all arrested one after another under the push of Zero and Ax Kaiwushuang.
From these, you can see how high Glizza's recovery is.
He wouldn't be surprised if it appeared directly in the next second.

"Is this? It's already here!"


Suddenly, two images flashed horribly in Qing Xiushu's mind.

One is a terrifying black beetle in the night, and the other is a terrifying dark energy light ball condensed on the sun.
Are there other alien beasts like Grizza?
If you saw the biological texture just now correctly, isn't this the small alien beast in Nexus?
This kind of thing is extremely dangerous in Noah's eyes
In other words, the alien beast is a low-end version of leaf rot. Unless it is destroyed at the molecular level, a small piece can be regenerated.

What's even more terrifying is that the alien beasts are a group and can share enemy intelligence and evolve crazily.
"Things are completely serious." Qing Hideki put down the dumbbells in his hands and rubbed his brows.

What if alien beasts overrun the world?
That would be a big problem.
research room,
After entering the door, Qing Hideki ignored the pleasant scene, looked at Sero, who had a suddenly serious expression, and then looked at Gehrman.

"Dr. Hermann, can you immediately analyze the dark energy deep in the sun!"

"Expert Hideki." Dr. Hermann paused, then looked at Qing Hideki's sharp eyes and started to operate.
As soon as I pointed the detection instrument toward the sun, it started to sound an alarm like crazy. I saw that the golden light somewhere on the screen was eroded by darkness.
Countless dark thunderstorm energy is leading to the earth along the space
"What the hell is going on?" Mamoru swallowed as he looked at the huge dark thunderstorm.

"I'm afraid that scary guy has been resurrected."

Beside Dadi, Aix reminded.

"Which guy?" Dadi sounded confused.

Because an abnormal situation near the sun was detected, Gio began emergency preparations after reporting it to the headquarters.
Correspondingly, emergency evacuation drills are also being conducted around the world.
Data shows that the terrifying darkness deep in the sun will come to the earth in less than 48 hours.

Regarding the doll issue, the senior management still rejected the centralized proposal.
"Are you still refusing?"

Looking at Shenmu who was looking for advice from him, Qing Hideki said calmly
It doesn't matter if we gather or not.
It's nothing more than more deaths and fewer deaths.
Having already given his opinion, he didn't have the time to beat up the senior management again.
It's just that humans want to master the power of monsters, so the major branches are unwilling to take out monster dolls.

Especially after the success of the virtualization of Gomora in the Japanese branch, the dolls sent there were like ensconced in a tiger's den, making it impossible to return them.
This is the bad nature of human beings
Even though he has evolved, he still has his own desires and darkness
I'm afraid only giants of light like those from the Kingdom of Light who have evolved without committing crimes for countless years can be bright enough.
The Star of Light also counts as one.
Extremely sensible.
The next day, the Gio Base command room.

Because of Grizza, only Vice Captain Tachibana and Ao Hideki stayed in the command room. Under the influence of some mysterious force during the intense exertion, Vice Captain Tachibana fell directly into sleep.

That night,

The window of Vice Captain Tachibana's daughter's bedroom was illuminated by a monster's huge, ferocious eyeball, and her daughter was awakened by the monster's roar and screamed in fear.

Just when she was about to drag her daughter out of the bedroom in a hurry, she reached out and reached into a silvery light space somewhere. Before she could react, it touched the stone wings and glowed.


Vice Captain Tachibana was awakened by the experience in his dream. He opened his eyes and looked at the familiar command room around him and felt a little relieved.
What is that light?
My daughter is in Canada and no monster appears. How could she have such a dream?

"Captain Orange, are you having a nightmare?" On the other side, Qing Hideki, who was sitting in his seat and saw the recent changes in his eyes, asked.

"Expert Hideki." Vice Captain Tachibana then remembered that Qing Hideki often appeared in the command room with a slightly red face, "I was really sorry just now."

"It's okay. You can call your daughter later," Qing Hideki stood up and pointed at Vice Captain Tachibana's face.

"It's okay, I'll leave first."

After speaking, Qing Xiushu evacuated the command room without giving him a chance to say anything. "Am I that obvious?"

Vice Captain Orange rubbed his face and said in a surprised tone.
How could expert Hideki know what I was thinking.
After leaving the command room, Qing Hideki walked directly towards the research room without stopping.

If he had sensed it correctly just now, it was the smell of the bond of light, even the breath of light that Noah had given him before.
I really didn’t expect that Nexus, as the famous Noah trumpet, would need to be forcibly bound to the able person.
Nexus can actually be directly regarded as Noah's clone. It is Noah's most basic light that has been continuously transmitted in countless universes.

But in terms of combat effectiveness, it looks rather shabby.
Guys like Tiga, who are also throwing stone statues everywhere in the multiverse, are different from just throwing away product titles.

Tiga pilots only need to hone their combat skills and stimulate the power of light to achieve good strength.

Nexus still needs krypton life combat leveling, but it has unlimited evolution possibilities, and there is a big daddy who can help behind it.
As for Tiga, not everyone can open up the light of hope like Dagu.
However, the alien beasts have appeared, and it is not surprising that Nexus appears. After all, she is the wife of Gumon Ikki...

It’s normal for Noah to give some face...

"Instructor, the commander has just appeared aura of light. Maybe he is another comrade."

Zero went to the commander's office and saw Ao Hideki with an excited tone.

Obviously, Nexus's ray of light, Cero, was also the first to sense it.
"This guy"

"Actually, I still have a lot to do with you."

Thinking of the Shield of Paraji on Zero, Qing Hideki said in a fluctuating tone.

"Instructor, is he a legendary warrior?"

Sero, who just felt Palaji's strange movement, said in a shocked tone.
"To be precise, it's his trumpet."

"Legendary Warrior Noah's Nexus of Light"


The communication terminal on his wrist flashed rapidly.

"A large number of unknown life body reactions have been detected in the lower level of the T1 area. All team members are requested to arrive at the combat command room immediately!"

"Let's go, instructor"

Zero said slightly excitedly.
The legendary warrior Noah has not been seen for a long time.

"How could it be so fast!?"

"Now, the crisis has begun"

Suddenly, Qing Xiushu suddenly raised his head and looked into space, and then a huge purple luminous object appeared in his mind. Under the light, the terrifying life that did not exist was heading towards the earth.
"That rascal"

Zero looked at the purple luminous body outside the earth that turned half of the earth's sky into a dark thunderstorm field and was making a space jump.

In his perception, the strange existence crossed the space target and rushed towards the Nevada base in the United States.
"Try to stop it"


Qing Xiushu's whole body shimmered with golden light, and his cold eyes looked at Gliza who brought a strong and strange oppression.

It turned into a golden ball of light and headed towards Glizza's position at great speed.


"Damn it!"

Zero looked at the sky angrily and hurried towards the command room...
Wait for me, instructor!

(End of this chapter)

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