Chapter 196 Gliza is coming!
"Nice! The monster has been destroyed!"

"A new giant has actually appeared."

Continuous huge explosions suddenly appeared in the sky above the buildings around the T1 area, and with the explosion, the beautiful tower field built by Nexus with energy disappeared.

The huge figures of Nexus and X slowly emerged from the ruins of the city.
"This kind of monster can be solved so easily."

Daichi and X looked at the figure of red Nanexus with horrified expressions on their faces.

Even when he activated his transcendent form and fought against a monster just now, it felt like he was back when he was fighting Max Jayden.
The same high defense and brute strength...

Moreover, this monster seems to have an IQ, and its strength and defense are among the top among the monsters he has encountered.
"That giant... seems to be..."

Ax looked at the disappearing figure of Nexus and said with a somewhat uncertain tone.
He seems to have met this giant before

Near the battlefield, Vice Captain Tachibana was wrapped in a ball of light and landed on the overpass. He looked at the Evolved Truster in his hand in a daze and couldn't help but feel a little lost.
"Vice Captain! Are you okay?" Dadi, who landed on the side, quickly asked with concern, "That monster"

"It's okay, it's just that He seemed to want to convey a message to you just now."

Vice Captain Tachibana obviously knew something about Dadi's identity and said in a calm tone, "Dadi, please don't give up no matter what happens..."

"Vice Captain Orange." Dadi's eyes changed slightly.

Immediately afterwards, the Evolved Truster emitted a flash of light and disappeared into the hands of Vice Captain Tachibana. If it weren't for the billowing smoke rising from the destroyed city, it would have seemed like a dream to her.
"This Ultra Warrior." Vice Captain Tachibana looked at the disappearing transformer. He was disappointed but could not help but breathed a sigh of relief. "His name is Ultraman Nexus."


In the terminal, Ax's eyes flickered, the legendary warrior, the clone of Ultraman Noah.

The world is getting more and more chaotic...

At this time, the Earth's atmosphere is outside.

Qing Xiushu looked seriously at Gliza who came across the space.

At the same time, the energy in his whole body increased rapidly, as if he was ready to release powerful light at any time.
"Hee hee hee~"

Gliza, who was like a ball of light, seemed to have discovered the existence of Qing Xiu Shu, and he let out a strange laugh before escaping into the void.
"This guy"

Looking at the disappearing Gliza, the golden giant brushed his chest and directly unfolded his miraculous form to scan everything around him. After the powerful telekinesis was unfolded, the space shook.
Immediately afterwards, a terrifying space fluctuation suddenly appeared in the American branch.
Damn it!He actually has this skill.
An ability that has never appeared in the plot! !

"Gliza actually has abilities similar to Hyperjetton."

Qing Xiushu's heart sank, and after feeling Gliza's aura, his whole body shone with light, and he quickly headed towards the Nevada branch.

Nevada Branch, USA.

Where the researchers stored the Spark Doll, the Doll let out bursts of painful wails.

Before the staff could react, the entire base was covered in a purple light.

"What exactly is going on?"

"Run away! Monster. Monster!"

In the frightened eyes of the guards, a huge purple glowing sphere instantly covered the entire base

After Glizza destroyed the Nevada base, a golden giant and Max's figure suddenly appeared and started a blocking battle with the monster that appeared in the purple luminous body.
Gio base.

During the emergency alarm, the correspondent shouted loudly: "A luminous object directly hit the UNVER Nevada branch! The branch has been completely destroyed! Everything has disappeared!!"

"Nevada branch, already."

Shenmu and the returning team members looked at the real-time image of the legend on the big screen, and their faces could not help but tremble slightly.
On the screen, a purple luminous object suddenly appeared from the void and then crashed into the Nevada base.

Then an invisible wave of energy unfolded, destroying the entire base in the blink of an eye.
After the fire disappeared, only countless smoke and dust and the slowly appearing terrifying life fluctuations were left.
Seeing this scene, Shenmu couldn't help but feel a deep powerlessness.

The whole person staggered a few steps and looked at the terrifying existence on the screen in horror.
Is this the existence that expert Hideki said that even he can't deal with?
It’s truly humanity’s darkest moment…

"Captain? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," Shenmu forced himself to cheer up and looked at Dr. Hermann and said, "Doctor, is there any way to know what this luminous object is?"

"It doesn't even have mass?!" Mamoru's tone suddenly changed as he looked at the spatial value in the newly developed detector.

"You can't be wrong. The legendary ultimate being that can destroy the universe." Dr. Hermann's expression was solemn. "The space value is zero, which means that this guy does not exist, which means that light makes this thing that cannot be directly seen appear. "

"The legendary void monster born in the cave of the universe-Gliza."


"Captain! The satellite has discovered a new picture!" the correspondent said while switching the screen.

At the center of the explosion on the screen, a terrifying life form with a distorted and illusory figure appeared.

The huge life form exudes void energy, with strange luminous bodies on its head and chest.

But the weird posture and terrifying laughter all told Gio and his party that
This is not a monster at all
This is a natural disaster from the universe!
"Glizza! This is the guy!"

"That's it!" Cero looked at Griza who had caused huge damage and clenched his hands tightly, and then his eyes widened as he watched the subsequent landing and appearance of the red ball of light. "Instructor Max" "Immediately issue a warning to all countries." , let all human beings enter the underground shelter!" Shenmu ordered with a calm expression, "Gio immediately dispatched! Except for the remaining team members, all other members evacuated the base!"

"The purpose of this monster is probably to devour these glitter dolls!"

"Captain." Dadi, who had just returned, still didn't know the seriousness of the matter. "I see that all the personnel in the base have been evacuated. What's going on?"

What responded to him was the silence of everyone. Everyone in the war room stared closely at the giant slowly appearing on the screen.
"The instinct of this monster is to devour all existences on the living planet."

"Before, when I was chasing Gliza, it had already devoured three planets rich in life energy, including many powerful monsters..."

Looking at the two meteors landing on the screen, Ax no longer planned to conceal his identity.
Hearing this, everyone looked at Dadi's figure with a look of surprise.
"Dadi, why did you say it now?"

"Well, now is the time!" Dadi looked at Griza on the screen with firm eyes and said loudly, "I want to help too!"

"And I"

"This monster wants to defeat the instructor! It still has 2 years to spare!"

Zero casually picked up Zero's glasses and smiled in front of everyone's eyes.

"Then let's fight together!"

Shenmu looked at the Ultra warriors who revealed their identities one after another and said with a slightly excited tone.

"Team Gio! Let's go!"


At the Nevada base, Griza finally revealed his body, with countless dark thunderstorm energy undulating all over his body.

Just like a strange thing that shouldn't exist in this world, the dolls are wrapped in dark energy and are easily integrated by Gliza like bamboo shoot snacks.

The golden giant's fighting body slowly descended and appeared in front of Gliza, blocking his path.
"Is this Glizza?"

"It's scarier than I imagined."

Another rapidly falling ball of light revealed Max's figure.

He watched with careful eyes as Griza easily ate the monster that even he found very difficult to deal with.
"Hee hee hee~~"

As if he discovered life energy, the dark energy fluctuations in Gliza's body reached the SS level. Countless thunderstorms surrounded him, watching the two powerful life forms Ao Hideki and Max show their desire to devour them.
"Max, everything is going according to plan, give it a try."

The golden giant casually created an impact of a giant dragon-shaped fantasy beast that was over a thousand meters in size.

It just instantly blasted a thousand-meter crater out of Gliza's position.

Fortunately, there were no urban buildings around, but the despair dissipated as the smoke dissipated.

A powerful attack that could easily kill an S-class monster without even harming a hair on Grizza's body.

"Hee hee hee~"


Max's figure quickly grew larger and taller, even reaching the height of Luigi El's heyday.

Then the galaxy sword flashing in his hand instantly cut through Grizza.


Immediately afterwards, countless energy bombardments hit Gliza's position like farmland, but they seemed to have no effect on Gliza's body.
"What the hell is this."

In the Pacific Ocean, the commander of the Gio fleet looked at the terrifying attack on Gliza as if nothing happened and was horrified.


Looking at Gliza who seemed to be unable to be attacked, the golden giant's entire body turned into platinum gold.

At the same time, it was powerful enough to wrap the terrifying power of space-shattering thoughts around him, and his fighting body rushed towards Gliza.

In the huge collision light explosion, a golden invisible space energy flashed, not only inhaling Griza.

Even Max, who was unaware of the situation, was sucked into it.

Max looked surprised and said, but his body still did not refuse.

Immediately after disappearing, countless space explosions appeared above the Nevada base.
"The monster disappeared."

Liu Yi widened her eyes and said in surprise.
"Bulliza's goal is still here."

Zero squeezed the Zero glasses in his hand tightly, looking at the sky above Nevada in the picture, he couldn't help but feel worried.

If the instructor hadn't used telepathy before leaving to ask him to guard the base,
He has long wanted to fight this guy...

(End of this chapter)

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