Chapter 197 Brilliant Cyro!


After a loud noise, two terrifying figures intertwined in the field.

Immediately afterwards, the two figures quickly retreated tens of thousands of meters amid countless continuous explosions.


After taking a deep breath, the golden giant easily wiped away the dark thunderstorm stained on the back of his hand.

He raised his head and looked at Gliza who was moving wildly in his field.
This guy is impossible to touch.
Even his telekinesis that can affect the planet only has a slight influence on Glizza.
Complete Void Monster
Grizza is even more powerful than before Ax chased him.

To be honest, judging from the current state, the damage to him is not high.

Even if he fights for another ten days and a half, it won't be a problem. Griza has figured it out.
Plan, feasible.

"Instructor!" Max couldn't help but expressed concern when he saw Qing Hideki retreating rapidly.
"Max, the next step is to lead it to the base."

After quickly making a plan in his mind, Qing Hideki quickly withdrew from the area and allowed Griza to follow his instincts and rush towards the Japanese base.
Somehow, when he saw Gliza, he always felt like he had encountered a monster like Ye Fu that he couldn't solve.

But it’s time for Zero and X’s awakening plan to be implemented!


"They're here!"

Seeing the reappearance of Gliza Shenmu, his eyes darkened and he quickly commanded the fleet to attack remotely.
"Zizzizi, bang!"

As if he was aware of the attack, Gliza ignored it while his whole body flashed with dark thunderstorms.

Waves of dark thunderstorm energy ravaged the output fleet at sea.

Immediately afterwards, horrific explosions on the sea level stirred up countless huge waves like smoke and clouds. After Gliza left, only countless shipwrecks were left.
It's like a one-sided battle, no one can restrain Gliza at all
You can't even do any damage to it...

During this period, Max, who was hiding in the dark, tried to make a move but Ao Hideki held him down.
"Now is not the time to take action."

"In order to truly save this planet, we have to wait and take action."

Ao Hideki, whose hidden figure was heading towards the base, glanced at the Ultra Capsule in his hand
It's up to you next... Xiaodun!

"Jedon! (=^▽^=)"

Just after the head-on battle with Gliza, Ao Hideki also learned about its terrifying characteristics.
This guy almost acts out of his body's instinctive desire to devour.
That kind of nihilistic existence, even if it has spatial ability, can only suppress it and cause no harm at all.
After his resurrection, Gliza became even more powerful. He was almost truly invincible.

If it hadn't been for swallowing the Rainbow Knife, I'm afraid this time and space would have ushered in only destruction.
X's ability to defeat Grizza in space-time is even more outrageous than Dyna's defeat of the Sphia matrix. It can be called the most dazzling miracle in Ultra's history.
Even if those combined gods come, they will probably be defeated. Maybe only the mysterious four gods have a solution.
This kind of light is not simply particularly strong, the destructive power of the light is not even as strong as he is now.
Just plain weird and troublesome
Geo Headquarters Base.

Shenmu has been observing the battle situation at all times, and after discovering that Gliza destroyed the fleet, he directly activated the final defense system.

Max, who was brought to the headquarters by Ao Hideki, looked at the strange light falling from the sky.

Grizza, who had just suffered a violent attack, seemed not to be affected in any way.
"Isn't this guy completely invulnerable?" Max knocked down a nearby tree and said angrily. "More troublesome than Ye Fudu."

"Believe in Zero and X. Wait for us."

Seeing Glizza's invincible appearance, Qing Hideki was ready to make a big move to fully activate the potential of Zero and Ax.

"Can this work?"

"Don't worry. Have faith in the light."

At this time, the battlefield was completely one-sided. Even though Qing Xiushu was far away from the battlefield, he still felt the terrifying energy.

Countless dolls were extracted and sucked into Griza's body. While the energy increased rapidly, the battlefield was filled with terrifying dark light.
"Damn it. You can't hit it at all!"

Seeing the light that was missing again, Zero couldn't help but feel the rapid consumption of energy, and his expression suddenly changed.


Then Gliza's death-like death knell started from his head and spread to the battlefield, causing Max, who was hiding in the dark, to frown.

"Gomora! We must persevere!"

Dadi, who was still worried about Qing Xiushu, forcibly carried the death knell and struck.

He tried his best to send out the last Ax transcendent cut, but it was instantly absorbed into Gliza's body.
"Earth!! Damn it!!"

Zero stood up with difficulty while the red light flashed, looking at Aix who only had one timer left.
The strange thing is that after Gliza absorbed Ax, his body did enter a state of constant distortion.

Although the body of the void suffered a lot of damage, it strangely did not explode under the influence of a strange dark force.
"Hee hee hee~~~"

The whole beast seemed to be suffering from indigestion. After frantically devouring the remaining dolls, Gliza was relieved and once again focused on Zero.
"You guy...can never forgive me!"

Zero looked at Ax and roared angrily.

After reaching out and hammering the ground hard, Zero held up his body and roared furiously as he fought frantically with Glizza.

But the weird thing is that as soon as his fist touched Glizza, it seemed to hit the air.

And the red light on his chest is still flashing.
"Oops. Something happened."

Qing Hideki looked at Griza who was bombarding Zero in a strange way on the battlefield, and was slightly shocked.
This guy actually forced himself into the third form.
It seems that this world will only usher in destruction.

Thinking of Qing Xiushu's eyelids beating wildly, his instinct seemed to be urging him to leave this world.
However, the stronger I am, the more excited I am.
Qing Xiushu glanced at Griza coldly and said to Max, who was already furious.

"Come on Max!"


Just after everyone pulled Asuna out of the battlefield, they saw a terrifying light appear in the ruins.

A huge figure with golden lightning appeared in the light pillar, moving rapidly, and just knocked away Gliza's ultimate move in the virtual state.

"Instructor, are you okay?"

Zero glanced at Max, who appeared at a red light, and then said anxiously, "Aix."

"Don't worry, Aix will be back!"

Qing Hideki turned his back to Zero and raised his hand to summon Hyperjedon.

"That is?"

Shenmu looked at the golden giant who finally saw his face and looked slightly happy.Then he turned his attention to the terrifying figure that appeared for the first time. It has a huge body of 70 meters, and a special sound that keeps beeping on its head. There are many orange crystals on the body that are the same as Grizza.

"Zhi~ton~" Hypadon, who had stirred up a powerful energy storm just after his appearance, roared towards Glizza.
"Sero, please take a rest first."

Qing Hideki turned his head and looked at Sero, who was deeply penetrated by the dark thunderstorm.

Afterwards, Max and Zero were replenished, and they twisted their silhouettes together with Hyperjedon to attack Glizza's back.



Griza, who sensed the attack from behind, was covered in countless dark thunderstorms.

At the same time, a strong desire to devour surrounded Qing Xiu Shu and Xiao Dun.

Ao Hideki resisted the impact of the thunderstorm and transformed into a phantom to fight Gliza. In an instant, three powerful entities colliding rapidly appeared on the battlefield.

Looking at the stalemate on the battlefield, Max let out a war cry, his whole body flashed with light, and he rushed towards the battlefield according to the agreement.
"Wait...Max!" Cero said repeatedly as he was clearing away the dark thunderstorm energy.

"Bang! Zizz!"

Ao Hideki punched Grizza in the waist, then quickly changed positions.

Grizza, who suffered a lot of damage from the three attacks, was not affected at all. He ignored the attacks and rubbed the powerful light.
"Again!" Max quickly held up an Ultra barrier.

Ao Hideki's figure flashed towards the yellow crystal on Griza's head.

At close range, Qing Xiushu felt the terrifying desire to devour energy.
At this moment, Gliza seemed to be a devouring machine without any emotion or consciousness, only the instinct of devouring evolution.
They, and even this universe, are all targeted by Gliza to become food.
Qing Hideki then turned to look at Jayden and Max, feeling that the energy was also lost to varying degrees.
It seems it's time

Following Qing Hideki's thoughts, a strong spatial vibration surrounded the battlefield.

Then in a golden light, several people instantly disappeared from everyone's sight.

"Why did they all disappear?"

Shenmu subconsciously looked in the direction where the space was vibrating.
In another space?
5 minutes later
At this time, in another space, Qing Hideki was playing hide and seek with Max and Griza.

"Ahem, it's almost time, follow the plan!" Qing Xiushu coughed lightly.

“Putting energy into Grizza for authenticity.”

"it is good!"

As soon as he finished speaking, three different energies were slowly injected into Griza's orange luminous body.
"Let's go!"

Looking at Max who was a little dull, Qing Hideki reached out and opened a dimensional tunnel in the field.
"Next! I'm begging you, Xiaodu."

"Chiton(^o^)!" Xiaodun's clone nodded quickly in response.

"This" Max's heart twitched slightly as he thought about the outrageous plan.

"Instructor, is this really possible?"

Shouldn't Ultraman's bond inspire miracles...


As the realm dispersed, only a crazy Hypajton was left attacking Glizza

Before Gliza could react, he was frantically fighting with Jayton.

"What's going on?" Shenmu looked at the space disappearing, leaving only the battlefield of Gliza and Hyperjedon, "Where's the giant?"

"Instructor! Max." Zero looked at the extra energy in Griza's body in disbelief and said in a painful tone, "How could the instructor be so strong?"

"You bastard!"

Immediately afterwards, Hypajeton's power clone was also swallowed by Gliza.

Dadi, Aix, Instructor, Max
In this scene, Zero seemed to see the souls of the four people slowly nodding towards him.

Immediately afterwards, the powerful darkness of Gliza's third form enveloped Zero!

How could I fall here
I can still keep going!

Liu Yi's voice suddenly rang out to wake up Zero, who was being swallowed by darkness!
"Ultraman Zero! Come on!" Liu Yi shed tears as she looked at Zero, who was fighting against the dark storm alone.
"Come on! Ultraman!"

"Come on! Ultraman Zero!"

The city echoed with the voices of countless people encouraging Zero.
"Instructor, I heard your voice!"

Zero was furious, and stood up in the dark thunderstorm energy, sending an Ultra thumbs up to the people behind him.

"You bastard!"

Zero's eyes were fierce, and his whole body was entangled with a mysterious force.

Like a phantom, the figure actually grabbed Griza who could not be caught and then flew directly to the outer layer of the earth.
One beast and one beast rushed into the universe.

Immediately afterwards, a terrifying psychic fluctuation caused a huge fireball in the universe. With the fireball behind him, Zero's spiritual power rioted all over his body.

Instructor, this is what you said.

Is there potential hidden within me?
This power!I can feel it!

"As long as there is something I can protect, I will be Ultraman!"

Glancing at Glizza who was in a strange state, Zero looked deeply at the earth, and then his whole body was wrapped in countless divine powers.

Zero's whole body shone with a golden light that represented time, and the crystal on his chest turned into a mysterious color like sapphire.

"This is the power that can cut through the darkness!!"

As the voice sounded, a huge hand exuding countless divine radiance touched Gliza.

On the earth, Ao Hideki and Max, who slowly emerged, looked at each other, then looked up at Zero, who exuded great divinity, and were filled with emotion.

Today’s young people are really amazing
(End of this chapter)

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