Ultra: Start by becoming the ultimate life form!

Chapter 199: Mother Jedun, heavy chapter Orb.

Chapter 199: Mother Jetun returns to Orb.

"Let me calm down."

"Xiao Dun, are you saying that you want to be like this?"

In the Star of Light space, Qing Hideki looked at the girl clinging to him with a troubled face.

"Hmm..." Xiaodun, who kept looking at Qing Xiushu's side face, nodded lightly.

“You can travel and see the world outside here.”

"Xiao Dun. I want to travel with my master. I am lonely."

Xiao Dun seemed to feel a strong sense of loneliness in Qing Xiushu, so he kept rubbing his head on Qing Xiushu's arm.
"So, I'm very happy."

"Is that so?"

Qing Hideki looked at Xiaodun and was slightly touched. It turns out that Ultra Capsules and Poké Balls can see the outside world.
Xiaodun has been in there for so long

"Then that's it"

Thinking of Qing Xiushu, he took a deep breath and took out a conservative female uniform from the space bracelet and put it on Xiaoton one by one.
"Xiao Dun, remember, you can only show me the way you looked just now."

Qing Xiushu looked at the innocent Xiao Dun and couldn't help but feel a sense of guilt in his heart.
His feelings for Xiaodun are different. He has no interest in even little foxes and witches.
Only Xiaodun has been fed by him since he was a child.

Xiao Dun looked at Qing Xiushu with a puzzled face, but still obeyed Qing Xiushu's orders obediently.
"Then a new journey begins"

Seeing Xiao Dun who had changed into clothes obediently, Qing Xiushu also showed a gentle smile.

After rubbing Xiaodun's head, he held Xiaodun in one hand and resolutely stepped into the time and space tunnel.
This time, I am not traveling alone.
Orb space and time, SSP office.

"Thank you for saving me before"

Naomi held a bowl of mushroom soup, blew it gently and handed it to Hongkai

Hongkai looked at Naomi and the others in surprise. After thanking them, his mood instantly dropped, his eyes full of beautiful memories and pain.

In that battle 100 years ago, he not only lost his power, he even lost the person he loved most.

"This taste."

Hongkai choked slightly and looked up at Naomi again.

I thought I would never drink again.
"Do you still want to drink?" Naomi looked away shyly.

"Hongkai hasn't seen you for a few days. Why are you looking for a girlfriend?"

Accompanied by the sound of the bell, Qing Xiushu appeared in the SSP office holding Xiaoton's hand.
As soon as I arrived, I saw Hong Kai and Naomi showing off their affection.
It's actually the sour smell of love
"Mr. Hideki! You are finally back"

Matsuto Mori's eyes widened, and after seeing Ao Hideki's appearance clearly, he took a leap of faith and knelt in front of Ao Hideki.

"Asen, you are so cunning!"

Zenta looked at Matsuto Mori who had stolen his move and said in a bad tone.

"Mr. Hideki, this is..."

Shanta looked at Hei Changzhi and Xiaodun and said doubtfully
So beautiful. I feel like a star. This feeling of not letting strangers in is exactly the same as Mr. Hideki.

Could it be that he is Mr. Hideki’s partner?
"this is mine"

Qing Xiushu looked at Xiaodun who had already run over and hugged his arm and said helplessly.
"Stop talking, I understand."

Shanta showed an expression of understanding, then took out a gift from nowhere and opened it and said happily.

"Welcome back Mr. Hideki!"

After lowering his head and glancing at Xiaodun's expression, Qing Xiushu walked towards the Hong Kai duo where the atmosphere was already awkward.
Why does it feel like I'm the parent of this relationship?

"Uh, Brother Hideki, that one"

Seeing that it was Qing Xiu Shu, Hong Kai suddenly hesitated.
"Stop talking, I understand."

"You're old too...I understand." Qing Xiushu glanced at the duo who had a strange atmosphere and coughed a few times.

"By the way, what's going on with Jiagu La and Yu Yan?"

"That." Hong Kai looked at Naomi and paused slightly.
"We're all a family, it's okay."

"Okay Brother Hideki, Jakula has already taken away the Belial card before."

"It seems like some sort of summoning ritual is being carried out. I speculate that the dark force is controlling Jakula to cause trouble."

Hongkai's tone was slightly heavy.

During this period of time, Jagula had not appeared since he gathered six Demon King Beasts. He and Yuyan followed the dark aura to look for them several times, but all turned up empty.
And Beria doesn't seem to recognize him. He has tried several times before and failed...

"this this"

Naomi, who knew something, didn't know whether to listen or not.
He had no choice but to focus on Xiaodun, who only shined when he looked at Qing Xiushu.
Who is Mr. Hideki in this situation?

Such a special relationship...

Mr. Hideki turns out to like this type
"That's fine"

Qing Hideki nodded slowly, it seemed that the big snake would appear soon.
Plus Orb
After the three SS-level powers instantly killed the Orochi, it was not a problem to easily save Jakula.
"Brother Hideki, how can we save Jakura?"

Thinking of Jiagu La, Hong Kai also recalled what happened a hundred years ago. What if Jia Gula also died?
What's the use of him becoming a warrior of light?
"Don't worry, Jagula will be rescued soon."

Thinking of the Grizza material in Star of Light, Ao Hideki couldn't help but smile.
This guy is the highlight...

"That Mr. Hideki, this lady!!"

Naomi, who had been staring at Xiaoton, was shocked by the life fluctuations he leaked and fell into a rigid state.
"Brother Xiushu, this is"

"It's normal that she hasn't controlled her powers yet."

Qing Xiushu glanced at Xiaodun with gentle eyes, and the energy in his hands evaporated to help her suppress the violent energy.
The purple flame energy in Haipa's body is extremely oppressive to humans, but Xiaodun's control of the power is not complete after transforming into a human.
"I see."

Hong Kai felt the terrifying energy just now, and even with his rich experience, he couldn't help but feel numb.
The relationship between this woman and Brother Xiushu is definitely unusual.
But the good news is on our side.

"Ding Ding."

"I am coming again."

After pressing the doorbell, the girl with straight bangs who seemed a little lively opened the door curtain and scanned everyone, then looked at Qing Hideki and Qing Hideki with curious eyes.

"Naomi-nee and the others are."

"Sister Xiaoyao? Why are you here? Could it be that there is another prophecy?" Naomi reacted and greeted happily, "This is Mr. Hideki who is sponsoring us."

"That's it." The girl sat down with a slightly red face, looking a little shyly at Qing Xiu Shu and the others' top-notch looks...
"Well, I'm dreaming again." Kirishima Haruka gritted his teeth and said with a slightly panicked tone, "This time it's a disaster that has swept all mankind!"

"What's the name of the monster? Where will it appear?" Naomi suddenly said in an excited tone, "Has Xiaoyao recorded it?"

Naomi, who also has some ability to predict dreams, naturally knows what is special about Kirishima Haruka.
The ability to completely predict locations and types
"Well, I dreamed about the forest, and Ultraman Orb and a golden card. And the red monsters in the city..." Kirishima Haruka said worriedly.

“So familiar”

Hearing this, Naomi suddenly remembered her previous adventure to the Citizen Park.
Upon hearing this, Qing Hideki and Hong Kai looked at each other deeply, and the same thought came to their minds.
"Magic Serpent."

"And this guy."

After Qing Hideki looked at the information provided, he rubbed Xiaodun's long hair with his hand and the girl's information flashed in his mind.
Such strong negative energy, and Kirino’s super power are two extremes.
I don’t know if it was the earth’s warning to her or her own ability.
I remembered correctly that this girl summoned a special monster named "Huo" because of excessive negative energy.

Its special ability made Uubdu suffer.

This is an extremely twisted product of the human mind. This kind of monster may be summoned simply by the negative energy generated by human beings' broken love.
Human beings in the Ultra World are always targeted for this reason. It is obvious that their bodies and life levels are extremely weak.

The mind is extremely powerful. Under hope, it can merge with Ultraman to inspire the light of hope. In a dark state, it can create terrifying monsters that destroy planets.

This is one of the reasons why the earth is called the "Little Afghanistan" of the Ultra Universe.
Even many cosmic overlords want to rule the earth
(End of this chapter)

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