Ultra: Start by becoming the ultimate life form!

Chapter 200: Moge Serpent, Jagula

Chapter 200: Moge Serpent, Jagula
"You guy."

"Haha... Did you come here specifically to die?"


There was a sound of rapid breathing in the bridge cave. The Metron man was holding his bleeding waist, kicking his legs to support his body and slowly retreating. He looked at the long-haired man walking towards him with disbelief. .

In the reflection of his gaze, a young man with eyes glowing with a strange purple light was walking in the darkness holding a long sword.

When he came to the light, Jiagra's face under his long hair was slowly revealed. At this time, Jiagra's whole body was filled with the aura of darkness.

"If it weren't for you, I would give the adults"

"I guessed it right, the Beria card is on you."

Metron's star's voice ended abruptly with a flash of light.

"It seems that I have never been in contact with your so-called adults."

Jagula turned his back to the explosion of the Metronians, his eyes flickered with a strange light.

"Hey, what are you going to do with my body?"

In the mental space, Jagula's original personality said angrily
"You are me, I am you, we are one."

"Jagula, accept your darkness."

Dark Jagula was surrounded by black energy, and the last time he competed with Kai for the card flashed in his mind.
It's like Kai "accidentally" dropped that Belial card.
Looks like a ploy, but just wake the guy up
"The Moge Serpent. Use it to destroy this world."

"I should be able to do it reluctantly as a greeting gift for the Lord."


Dark Jakula looked at the cards that had been collected in his hand and couldn't help but reveal a strange smile.
As long as that guy leaves...then this world will only usher in destruction.
Forest Park,

Kirishima Haruka, a girl with precognitive dreams who went to SSP a few days ago, followed the dream that appeared again in her dream and came here. Looking at the park that was cordoned off, she couldn't help but show a strong sense of worry.
"Sister, you can't enter here," a child playing nearby reminded, "Someone disappeared inside not long ago, and there are scary ghosts inside!"

"Is that so?"

Kirishima Haruka pouted and found a park seat to sit down slowly.

After I went to SSP a few days ago, my dreams became more and more terrifying. It wasn’t just monsters coming.
In addition to giant scary monsters, it is the forest park that is the source of monsters.

Then dark thunderstorm clouds appeared, as well as soul-like entities.
The spirit is a beautiful girl. She keeps opening and closing her mouth, as if she wants to tell her some information.

The mist in the forest drifted, and a vague spirit appeared in Kirishima Haruka's sight.
Looks like he's once again telling her how serious the situation is.

Seeing the spirit body appearing again, Kirishima Haruka ignored the blockade and rushed straight into the forest to catch up.
The picture in my mind changed again, and the original red card completely disappeared.
There is only one golden card left to fuse with Orb
"Hey, what are you doing here?" Qing Xiushu slowly appeared holding Xiao Dun's hand, "There is a ghost here."

"Mr. Hideki, I just came here because I saw a woman," Kirishima Haruka explained nervously.

"I understand. Go to SSP quickly."

"I'll handle it here."

Hearing this, Xiao Dun beside Qing Xiushu also nodded slowly.
"That's alright"

Kirishima Haruka looked at Ao Hideki's indifferent expression and felt a little more at ease.

But just as he ran out of the forest, a strange swirling thundercloud appeared in the sky.

"Master." "Zizzi! Boom!"

The sky suddenly became dull, with dark red thunderclouds and terrifying lightning brewing in them, as if they were trying to summon some terrifying existence.

The power of the Moge Serpent has penetrated the seal, because the blessing of the strange dark atmosphere has even affected the celestial phenomena, and the sky is celebrating the birth of a terrifying life.
"The darkness is even more terrifying." Princess Yuxiang's body in white ancient clothes slowly emerged. Her eyes penetrated the seal and looked at the Orochi who was still getting stronger. She couldn't help but sigh in her heart, "The Orochi has absorbed too much human darkness and that mysterious power."

"You guys should go quickly, there is no need to risk your lives here." Princess Yuxiang, who didn't know Qing Xiushu's specific strength, looked at Qing Xiushu and the two with concern, "The strength of the big snake is too terrifying... we can only see whether the man of light can This matter has been resolved.”

"Don't worry, a big snake like this can't hurt me." Qing Xiushu chuckled a few times and immediately released the shield between him and Xiaodun.

The soul of Princess Yuxiang who was hit by the energy was erratic, feeling the fierce threat from the fluctuations in the lives of Qing Xiushu and Xiaodun.

It was as if I saw a golden giant and a terrifying monster
This level of power is no worse than that of Orochi, or even more powerful...

"Leave this battle to that guy Hong Kai"

"We are just vagabonds"

After discovering the strength of the big snake, Qing Hideki's figure disappeared directly into the forest.
The experiment begins...



In front of the forest boundary,
Hongkai and Jagula, who had already arrived at the scene, started a fierce battle.

Even in the human state, he can explode with power that is beyond the reach of ordinary people in the universe. In order to defeat Kaijiagula, he even activated the demon form.

"Huh, he is indeed a guy who is recognized by his original self."

"Kai, this is the last time I have to argue with you!"

Jakura used physical skills to force Hong Kai back, and took the opportunity to take out the red dark circle and quickly insert seven cards.
"You guy, bring back Jia GuLa!" Hong Kai looked at Jia GuLa's appearance and said angrily, "Ja Gu La, how could you be controlled by this darkness!"

"Give me back master!" Yu Yan, who rushed over in a hurry, also looked at Jia Gula with concern on his face.
"Uh!" After hearing the heartfelt words of his friends and disciples, Dark Jagula suddenly made a gesture that made him feel a headache. After a while, a cold voice kept sounding.
"Humph, I underestimated you."

"However, that's all there is to it!"

In the horrified eyes of Hong Kai and his group, Jakula slowly raised the dark ring glowing with red light and said in a sinister tone.

"Wake up! The ultimate existence of Demon Kingmon! Great Demon Kingmon!"


The Ultra Barrier underground in the forest exploded instantly, and a huge egg-shaped creature that seemed to have life beating inside broke through the surface in an instant and crushed the entire forest.

The dark energy on the egg continued to expand but was restricted by a glowing card the next second.
Under the light of the card, Ultraman Zoffie can be seen.

"Huh, that's the figure of that adult." Dark Jiagu snorted coldly, threw the Belia card out and smashed it to pieces in an instant.
"What on earth are you going to do with Jagula's body?"

Hong Kai looked at the figure of the Moge snake slowly appearing after the red light faded, his face full of anger.
This monster is unlike anything I've seen before.
Although he is small in size, the sense of oppression given to him exceeds that of any previous monster.
"Hum, if you want to save Jakula, just defeat this monster." Dark Jakura looked at Hong Kai with disdain.
Although he is the dark side of Jakura, he will not say "Help you for the last time" like Jakura.

He is the real darkness...

"You guy, I will never forgive you!"

After being entangled, Hong Kai turned his head to look at the terrifying monsters in the city with a ferocious expression.
The red body symbolizes the color of hell, the thick fleshy wings swinging behind it, and the ferocious red crystal above its head.
A monster that symbolizes disaster like Grizza
"This guy is pretty good."

Qing Xiushu and Xiaodun stood on a high building and looked at the Moge snake in the city with slightly frightened expressions.
(End of this chapter)

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