Ultra: Start by becoming the ultimate life form!

Chapter 201 Brother Xiushu, please! !

Chapter 201 Brother Xiushu, please! !


Alerts were fired over the city, and many places that were still under reconstruction were reduced to ruins. Tokyo's commercial and residential areas were once again attacked by terrifying monsters.
Citizens followed their bodies' instincts and entered underground shelters and built their own doomsday safe houses. Tokyo is a city where monsters often wreak havoc.

People here have developed their own set of evacuation procedures.
After entering the shelter, they can only pray that the monsters will not come to their location.
Even with that terrifying weight, the underground shelter will collapse completely after being squeezed.
"SS-level larvae?"

"It seems to be a step ahead of Hyperjetton."

As a member of the ultimate life form, Qing Hideki is very interested in other types of ultimate life forms.
So far, he feels that the only real ultimate life forms are Tazige and Luchiel.
As for Tregear, it's just that the old man in his body is too powerful.
Even though he met Leonix many years ago, he thought it was quite ordinary.
If only the eternal soul is considered the ultimate life form, then wouldn't the resentment of the Yabo people also be regarded as a different kind of ultimate life form?
As the father of the hybrid monster in the universe, the Yabo people's resentment has always been in a state of immortality.

"However, Hong Kai is in trouble"

Ao Hideki couldn't help but frown slightly while watching the battle between Uub and Moge Orochi..
The heavy light of Tiga and the first generation, the blast of Zero and Jack, and the explosive flames of Taro and Membius. They couldn't even last a second in the hands of the larvae.
Even the larvae's strength and armor far exceed that of Orb, and it is a real planet-level monster that can easily destroy it.

At this time, Orb was already fighting desperately. Even the final explosion of Strbeim, which both died together, only shed a layer of dead skin on the Moge Orochi.
“It’s just average”

When Ao Hideki looked at the fighting power of Moge Orochi, he felt that it was not as oppressive as the super monster hybridized by the Awa people.
It's just a bit scary...

But when mature, it should be able to reach SS level, which is considered a relatively weak SS level..
It is completely incomparable to a perverted existence like Griza.

However, being able to easily resist S-level Orb is considered to be somewhat powerful.
It's better to solve it in advance.
He interfered too much in Orb's time and space. At least the current power of Hong Kai's mind is not strong enough. It is still unknown whether he can kill the Moge Serpent in the future.
Coupled with the darkness that has invaded Mogao Orochi and Jakura, it is very likely that Mogao Orochi can evolve into the true ultimate snake.
At that time, it was not such a simple matter...

"Kai, please don't die."

In the spiritual space, Jagula, shrouded in darkness, couldn't help but worry.
"Tian, ​​Xuan, Zhi, Ya, Bu"

Princess Yuxiang looked at Hong Kai who turned into a ray of light and landed on the ground, and quickly stood in front of him and used the Shinto witch's spell.


The azure mana turned into a barrier and tightly enveloped the Demon Grid Serpent, restricting its movements as it surged.

Hong Kai looked at Princess Yuxiang who was standing in front of him and said anxiously
"Hong Kai, the last card is the last hope!"

"Last card?"

Hearing this, Hong Kai quickly pulled out the card stored close to his chest, and a touch of golden power shone across the battlefield.
"It's that guy's power! Die!"

Suddenly feeling the explosion of Qing Xiu Shu's power, Dark Jagula's expression changed.

He took out the Snake Heart Sword with his backhand and prepared to slash at Princess Yuxiang.
"Master!! Change back quickly!"

Yuyan seized the opportunity and jumped directly on Jiagu La, roaring with tears on his face.
"Uh, ahhh!"

"Kai, come on! Get it over with!!!"

Jakura, who briefly recovered, covered his eyes with one hand and roared while the dark side roared.

Hongkai looked at the golden giant card with only his back in his hand and suddenly knew its name.
Hades. Is this the giant name of Brother Hideki...

Please lend me your power, Hideki-san! !
"Hades, please!"

Turning to look at Qing Xiushu who was not planning to take action on the roof, Hong Kai now fully understood that this battle belonged to him!


After the golden card came into contact with the Orb ring, it was instantly ejected in the lightning.
"how come!"

Hong Kai suddenly felt cold. He glanced at Jia Gula and Princess Yuxiang and couldn't help but choose to try again.
Seeing this scene, Qing Xiushu frowned and said, "Has this guy Hong Kai doubted himself?"

"Master...he is very uneasy."

When Xiao Dun looked at Hong Kai, he could instantly sense the worry in his heart.
"Are you denying your own power? I see." Qing Hideki narrowed his eyes as he looked at Hong Kai who stretched out the card tremblingly again.
It stands to reason that Absolutes can fuse with Ultra Warriors and even exchange powers.
So Hongkai can borrow his power
Thinking of this, Qing Xiushu didn't hesitate and directly said, "Hong Kai. Believe in your own power. Feel it and think about the people you still want to protect!"

"Brother Xiu Shu"

Hong Kai, who had almost touched the key point, suddenly understood everything after being reminded.
my will my power
He has always persisted in his will to cut off the darkness.
After taking a few deep breaths, Hong Kai's eyes were firm.


Along with the roar, a terrifying light flashed in the city, which was different from the previous situation that required two Ultra Warriors to transform.

In the space of light, there is only the back of a giant covered in golden light.
"This is the power of Brother Xiu Shu."

Feeling the terrifying power in his body that was far beyond what he had ever experienced before, Hong Kai swallowed his saliva and looked at him firmly.
I can still keep fighting! !


Then Uub's original form and the golden giant slowly merged into a tall giant whose body was covered in golden light and whose specific posture could not be seen clearly.

Ao Hideki looked at the fused Uub with some of his features, his eyes narrowed slightly.
It seems that the plan was successful. Absolut can indeed merge power with the Ultra clan.
It can even absorb Absolut particles and become stronger.
"Then, end this!"

Qing Hideki looked at Jakura, then his whole body flashed with golden light, and he stretched out his palm in the direction of Jakura after becoming huge.
"What do you want to do?"

The dark Jagula, who had just had his body taken back by the dark personality, saw that he was covered by a golden palm as soon as he opened his eyes.
"Don't! Ahhhh!"

The dark being expelled by the terrifying energy let out a painful cry.

Orb felt an unprecedented amount of energy, and even the entire Orb was about to explode with energy.
"Princess, please leave the battlefield first."

Raising her hand, a golden light restored Princess Yuxiang to her spiritual body and moved her to a safe area.
"Then let's start the second round!"

I saw a space vibration, and the shining Orobu and the Moge snake disappeared on the battlefield instantly.

There was only a huge wind and wave that made Kirishima Haruka, who was watching the battle secretly, unsteady.

"Is this the power of Brother Xiu Shu?"

"Force of the Will"

It seems like that's all.
In the battle field, Orb looked at the Moge Serpent and the seemingly inexhaustible energy in his body and made up his mind. He took out a card again and entered the fusion form.

"Ultraman Taro——Please!"

"Absolutely-Strebim blast!"

"Absolutely-Strebim blast!"

Outside, Jakula, who was finally purified, looked at the terrifying spatial fluctuations coming from the sky with curiosity on his face.
"Brother Xiushu, what's going on?"

Qing Xiushu, who had just cut off the connection between darkness and this world, frowned when he looked at the space shocks in the sky.
"Kai, what on earth are you doing?"

"By the way, Jakura, why are you coming over here?" Ao Hideki looked at Jakura who was coming over and said angrily, "Why don't you go comfort Yu Yan!"

At this time, Hong Kai, who had never felt so full of energy in the combat realm, put his hands on his hips and smiled heartily.
Ever since Brother Hideki came back, he has become much more relaxed and has even recovered his original form.
It's good to have someone covering you when you go out.

"Hahaha, I haven't been this happy for a long time."

Opposite him is a super monster that was blown to pieces
Moge Orochi is really inferior...

(End of this chapter)

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