Ultra: Start by becoming the ultimate life form!

Chapter 26 Golden Dragon Miserable 2-person Group

Chapter 26 The miserable duo of Golden Dragon

A golden giant figure appeared out of thin air in the night sky.
Finally home..
Qing Xiushu glanced around and quickly shrunk, landing steadily on a tall building.

Looking at the brightly lit and normal city, Qing Xiushu breathed a sigh of relief.

Judging from the situation in the city, it should be fine at the moment. Masaki and Dagu are likely to survive.

If he died, the world would probably be ruled by darkness now, right?
In a secret base
Masaki and Dagu were covered in various bandages and bandages.

Masaki has moved his base underground since the Sediq Group was attacked.

During this period of time, the two of them fought intensely against various monsters contaminated by darkness. Even if they became stronger and stronger, they could not withstand the return of serious injuries again and again.

"Masaki, do you think we can defend the earth?"

Dagu felt a little melancholy. There had been no news from his senior for several months.

Monsters still keep appearing...

After that time, he and Masaki went back and forth to investigate many times in the months after the remaining weird Kirialodians were eliminated.

But still nothing.

"That's enough! Senior will come back!"

Masaki said with a calm expression.

No one knows that man better than him.
"Hey! Do you want to attend Maya's free concert?"

"This time it's a new song, music that can make you cry."

On the streets of Tokyo, an otaku-looking man waved tickets, inviting passers-by to attend the concert.

Is there so much drama in just half a year?
What happened to Tiga Time and Space?
Qing Xiushu took the ticket with confusion and looked at the image of Maya with an innocent face printed on it.

Maya is an alien.

He is also a very popular idol and is loved by many people.

15 years ago, Maya's mother took her young children on a distant journey in order to immigrate to other planets. However, an accident occurred and they were forced to land on Earth.

The impact at that time caused the life support system to malfunction. Although he could still insist on returning to his own planet, he could not take the two of them back with him.

At that time, there was a car accident by chance. They borrowed the body of the dead Earth girl and learned that the girl longed to become a singer.After inheriting his legacy, he has become a popular idol, Chris Maya, to this day.

According to the original plot, her brother will appear soon to pick her up and leave the earth, and then his brother will be killed by the Natan people who turned out to be friends.

Tiga is really a time and space full of tragedy.

Qing Xiushu was pushed and pulled into the concert by a group of people.

"A song full of regret?"

It seems that his brother was killed, and Masaki and Dagu failed to stop it.

Now let’s go find Masaki and Dagu.
Looking at the extremely enthusiastic people, Qing Hideki's figure flashed away from the concert.

"Why is Sedic gone?"

Qing Hideki looked confused as he looked at the Sedic Company being demolished by construction workers.

Moreover, there are still traces of fighting in the company's building.
Masaki, Dagu, what happened to you?
Now on the other side.
"Dago, it's here again!"

"let's go!"

Zhengmu and Dagu looked at each other, transformed into giants and rushed towards the place with space fluctuations.


"How could there be such a huge vibration in time and space?"

Feeling the familiar fluctuations, Qing Xiushu couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

He is very familiar with time and space fluctuations, but there are monsters in Tiga that can cause time and space fluctuations.
Could it be that it's a golden dragon?
If it is a golden dragon paired with darkness.
That would be a bit scary. Dagu and Masaki wouldn't be killed directly, right?

Thinking of Qing Xiushu, he returned to his giant form and flew towards the place where the space was shaking the most.

Sakuraqiu City, forward command post.

Interpret the information of the space-time world through the victory team expert Horii.

Vice-captain Munakata and Lina, who got the news from the time and space world, began to command the TPC ground force members to explore.

Looking up at several whirlpools in the sky, Zongfang felt bad.

"I have a bad feeling, everyone, please be careful!"


Team members holding detection instruments began to explore the target area.

Because the reckless team member in red clothes touched the monkey, all the members of the ground force were sucked into the time and space realm.


Zongfang said angrily as he watched the disappearing team member.At the same time, there are fluctuations in space and time accompanied by mysterious vortex lightning.

Ships and planes that have mysteriously disappeared in various periods have appeared in the city with lightning.

After sending someone to get in touch and discovering that it was something truly real, Munakata couldn't help but say.

"Even the Bermuda Triangle exists."

"It looks like there is no depreciation, as if it has not been invaded by time and space."

"Everything Horii said came true."

Zongfang stood next to the detection instrument with his telescope eyes, looking at the various behemoths that kept appearing in the space-time vortex.

Wait, that's it?
Through the phantom in the space, Zongfang seemed to see two giants, one silver and one red, fighting against a giant creature covered in gold and silver.

"It's coming."

Qing Xiushu looked at the sky above the city where huge fluctuations in time and space appeared.

The two familiar rays of light are contained within it
Still at war?
Lightning flashed, and then a giant, one silver and one red, appeared on the city.

The red light flashing sounds on the chest seemed to be connected in a line.

Then a huge creature appeared with silver light shining all over it.

Goldras, commonly known as the Golden Dragon.

It is the ultimate enhanced version of Shilbagon and can be called a heroic unit.

Possessing power dozens of times greater than that of Silbagon, he can continue to grow stronger through time and space realms similar to the Meta realm.

Seeing the golden dragon Qing Hideki, his eyes narrowed slightly...

The golden dragon in front of me looked like it was about to reach A+ level due to its fierceness, and the darkness did not invade it.

Coupled with its extremely powerful superpower, it is really difficult for ordinary people to fight.

In addition, in the time and space realm, there is no need to fight...

Dagu and Masaki look like they are being chased by a golden dragon.
Is it so miserable?
Looking at the two powerless giants, the golden dragon roared with great pride.

He continued to use his superpower to devour the surroundings, seeming to completely form the space-time realm.

At this time, Sakuragaoka City's space-time influence is increasing, and the magnetic field is concentrated here.

At this time, TPC headquarters, war room.

The electromagnetic coverage area and the bodies of Diga and Lianying appeared on the detection equipment respectively.

"Is this monster the culprit of the time and space world?"

"Can't even beat Ying and Diga."

Horii frowned as he looked at the analysis.

At this time, the voice of Xincheng, who was looking at the analytical instrument as a temporary part-time correspondent, sounded urgently.

"Captain! The magnetic fields from mysterious areas around the world are now gathered in the Sakuragaoka area!"

"This is the space-time realm I mentioned before!"

Horii's eyes shone with wisdom.

"Places like Bermuda, Funok, Suwon, Lion's Nose Sea of ​​Trees, etc., these places with distorted time and space, were formed by monsters into the space-time realm."

"If you guessed it right, it's the work of a monster on the screen's power."

"But the current situation is not optimistic. Even Ying and Diga can't beat them..."

"This battle can only be fought by us humans."

With that said, Horii came to the computer and started operating it.

"No, the monster's magnetic field is spreading at an extremely fast speed. If this continues, even the headquarters base far away from the battlefield will be swallowed up!"

Knowing the seriousness of the matter, Hui Jian immediately issued the order with a serious expression.

"Deputy Munakata, please do your best to expand the area where people are taking refuge, and the frontline headquarters will be moved immediately."

"Mongakata understands!"

Knowing the seriousness of the problem, Munakata immediately asked Lina to cooperate and start dispatching personnel and ground troops.

"Evacuate! Move position!"

As the disaster spreads, people fleeing the disaster are everywhere.

"Damn it! Just a little bit, I didn't even have time to figure out the weakness of that monster."

On the grass, Masaki and Dagu were supporting each other with a look of regret.
If that man were here.
(End of this chapter)

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