Ultra: Start by becoming the ultimate life form!

Chapter 27 The darkness and call crushing the ocean

Chapter 27 The darkness and call crushing the ocean
A few hours later, the impact of the time and space realm on Sakuragaoka City became greater and greater.

If left unchecked, this would be a near-global catastrophe
At this time, TPC also spent all its resources and began to arrange the battlefield on site.

Anti-magnetic Magnus and anti-gravity Krafas have been fully deployed by the frontline commander Munakata's deputy team.

This is the method proposed by Horii to eliminate the boundary of space and time, using two kinds of light to hit the twisted magnetic field.

"These two guys, just be fine."

Looking at the scarred Dagu and Masaki, Qing Hideki frowned.

As long as you are alive, you can have output only when you are alive.

The whole person immediately looked at the two rays, one blue and one red, that were shot towards the golden dragon, briefly erasing the space-time boundary around the golden dragon.

After being separated from the world of time and space and revealing his true face, the golden dragon was in a bad mood and became furious, destroying buildings everywhere.

It's time, it's my turn!

Zongfang, the vice-captain of the victory team who was preparing to command the attack, watched the golden lightning appearing in the air with sharp eyes.

As if he thought of something in his heart, he quickly commanded the team members.

"Victory team stop attacking!"

After a few months, the golden shadow of the giant appeared again. At this time, the giant's body had a slight change.

There are two more red ring gems on the wrist, and the armor on the body is more angular.

"That's it! The golden giant!"

Zongfang said with a little surprise.

Since the disappearance of the golden giant, the monsters have become more difficult to deal with and become more powerful.

"It's senior!!"

Masaki straightened up with excitement.

I knew it
The golden giant made a fighting gesture and looked at the golden dragon in front of him warily.

To be honest, this was the first time Qing Hideki encountered a monster related to time and space.

Without much hesitation, he directly approached the golden dragon's body and began to use the physical skills he had learned so hard in Absolute.

A huge sound came from the collision between the two behemoths.

The huge sound spread throughout the battlefield, making people unable to help but cover their ears.

After a fight, Jinlong Qingxiu, who saw no impact, immediately changed his strategy.

[Cosmic Beast Fist-Dragon]

The red gem in Qing Xiushu's hand flashed, and two vivid golden dragons appeared on his arms.

Roar! !

After letting out a roar, he bit the golden dragon along the diameter of his hard arm.

Breaking through the superpower shield left a large amount of sparks on his body, and he let out a howl that lasted for days.

"Senior, you have become stronger again!"

Masaki took two steps forward, his eyes revealing his desire to learn.

Although he couldn't learn the light from his senior, he could also learn the physical skills.

This guy is so meaty, he is simply the nemesis of physical warriors!
He's rough-skinned and thick-bodied, and he can't be beaten with physical skills!
Qing Xiushu raised his eyebrows when he looked at Jinlong, who had only a few skin injuries.

This thing's resistance is a bit high...

That is to say, the golden dragon has always cared about the world of time and space, otherwise Dijia could be dragged by the golden dragon until the lamp of death is extinguished.

Seeing that Qing Xiushu was having a hard time wrapping around the golden dragon, it suddenly fired golden flashes of thunder and lightning from the corners of its head, and bombarded towards the golden giant.

Qing Xiushu lowered his body, and the armor on his arms directly caught the golden dragon's light without any damage.

This is a technique given to him by Brother Tazi, which can greatly improve his defense.

"Senior, you seem to be more resistant than monsters."

Dagu couldn't help but feel a little envious as he watched Jinlong's lightning bolt being caught by Qing Xiushu Wushang.

Even in his red form, he didn't dare to operate like this.

And why do I have the desire to cut off the two big horns of this monster?

Qing Hideki tested Jinlong's foundation. He had strong defense and strength. He was stronger than him. If it weren't for his speed, he wouldn't have felt better if he took a few hits.

But he came up with a good idea.

Immediately, the red light on Qing Xiushu's wrist flashed, and an aura of destruction filled everyone's hearts.

[Fire destroys light! 】

A beam of light that made the onlookers feel the extremely high temperature condensed on the golden giant's hand, and then shot towards the golden dragon.

The horns of the golden dragon's head were shining, and it stared at the golden giant with disdain.

Just like the two giants before.
Immediately, a circular shield appeared in front of the golden dragon, ready to meet the golden giant's light.

Dagu said quickly.

"Senior, don't emit light!"

"That monster will rebound!"

The golden giant looked sideways slightly, and then focused his light on the golden dragon.

As time went by, Jin Long's calmness turned into panic as he greeted the light.

The whole beast's hand smelled like barbecue.

"Is the golden giant so good at energy? It feels very different from the very active Diga and Lian Ying." Feiyan sighed as he watched the golden giant appear again in the new city.

Looking at Jinlong who was gradually unable to hold on any longer, Qing Xiushu increased the energy output of his hands.

There’s nothing to say, the energy just can’t be used up!

If there is a metaphor, Tiga and Zhengmu are like a small pond.

Then the energy of Qing Xiushu is like a lake, with potential energy so powerful that the detection equipment will explode.


In the end, under the bombardment of Qing Hideki's light for nearly a minute, the golden dragon, which desperately maintained a barrier that could not reflect the light, exploded in tears.

Just a pity.
Those people can't get out.
He doesn't have abilities similar to those in the time and space world yet. He just wants to see if he can be lucky and those people can wander to other worlds.

This is also a different kind of time travel...

TPC, Headquarters.

Watching the golden giant destroy the monster, the senior officials breathed a sigh of relief.

"Yoshioka, it seems your worries are wrong."

"No matter what the purpose of the golden giant is, as long as it is good for mankind at the moment."

Director Shenjing looked at the golden giant on the screen and smiled.

"However, we still have to be cautious. Human beings must walk on thin ice to survive in this universe."

"Unless necessary, never provoke powerful creatures that you shouldn't provoke."

"Otherwise, Lightning Man will be our fate!"

Yoshioka looked at the information on the golden giant and the information on Lian Ying and Di Jia on the table with fear in his eyes.

Qing Xiushu turned into a stream of light and landed on the ground.


Masaki and Dagu were very excited when they saw Qing Hideki returning.

"Masaki, why are you so angry after not seeing each other for a few days?"

Qing Hideki looked at the embarrassed Masaki and couldn't help but joked.

These two guys seem to have suffered a lot during this time.

"Senior, what you said...does fighting monsters count as embarrassing..."

For a moment, a happy atmosphere rose in the scene.

Hahaha! !

At this time, deep in the Pacific Ocean
The depths of the ocean, which should be rich in ecological resources, have abnormally fallen into a dead silence.

There are no fish in the deep sea, as if there is some terrifying existence growing under the sea.

"Sister! The darkness is getting stronger and stronger. We will be able to get out soon!"

An extremely sharp sound sounded.

"The aura of that guy from last time appears again."

"It seems to have become stronger."

Camila felt the familiar energy appear.

She was a little curious about the strange light she saw last time, and even the heartless man Diga was temporarily placed in the second place.

"Haha, we still have to wait."

Following Camilla's gaze, it was the true darkness contained in Luluye.
"Darkness is coming soon."

"The future has become so scary."

Kirino opened his eyes suddenly from the bed, ever since he sensed Ao Hideki's breath.

He immediately began to predict.

Because it has been predicted many times before that time and space without the golden giant will be destroyed.

It wasn't until Qing Xiushu came back that he discovered there was a glimmer of hope.

"Darkness has become so powerful"

We need to tell the witches and them quickly.
Big trouble
Here Ao Hideki and Masaki return to base.

After arriving at the base, Masaki took out a silver bracelet.

"Senior, this is the space bracelet I promised you."

Qing Xiushu looked at Masaki with a surprised expression.

I didn't expect it to be made so early, and it has to be 伱 Masaki.

But why do you have a strong sense of déjà vu in a prison suit?
At this time, there was a cry for help calling him.

It’s the last call again…

There was a warm breath carrying extremely anxious thoughts, and he was constantly trying to contact Qing Hideki.

Qing Xiushu seemed to be in the darkness and saw a blue light that had been mostly dyed black flickering.

"Please save this world!"

In Tiga time and space, the darkness becomes more powerful...

(End of this chapter)

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