Ultra: Start by becoming the ultimate life form!

Chapter 3 Departure and farewell!Tiga time and space!

Chapter 3 Departure and farewell!Tiga time and space!

Soon, Qing Xiushu, who had gained the strength to go down the mountain easily, came to the residence of the three of them.

After changing into brand new clothes, he was a little surprised to see the tired and slightly dirty Jakura Ao Hideki.

After all, this guy Jagula has always been quite arrogant, how could he make himself so embarrassed?

As cosmic beings, Jagula and Hongkai immediately sensed the presence of someone around them. They both woke up with alert expressions on their faces and looked around with a look of surprise in their eyes before they discovered Qing Hideki.

Seeing that it was Qing Xiushu who had returned, the two of them said with slightly excited expressions.

"Brother Xiushu, you are back!!"

Qing Xiushu was very happy when he saw the two of them and nodded slowly.

"Well, I'm back."

"Brother Xiushu, it looks like you succeeded?"

Hong Kai looked at Qing Xiushu who looked completely different from before, giving him a vague sense of oppression, and his eyes suddenly shone and he said.

Jagula on the side also listened with a serious face.

Qing Xiushu also said directly without hiding it.

"Yes, I succeeded."

"But it's a little different than you think!"

"Are you guys here? So embarrassed?"

Qing Xiushu pointed at the clothes.

Hong Kai touched his head and said embarrassedly.

"There are a few cosmic beings who don't have eyesight."

"Brother Xiushu, you know."

Before Hong Kai could continue speaking, Qing Hideki, who knew the basic situation, continued.

"This time, I'm here to say goodbye to you!"


Hong Kai was shocked and said something. He was about to say something but was interrupted by a hand stretched out from behind.

Hong Kai turned around and saw Jia Gula slowly shaking his head.

Jakula, who was very calm, had long known that this day would come.

After all, there is no feast that never ends.

Judging from various previous signs, he knew that Brother Xiu Shu would definitely leave one day, but he didn't expect it to be so sudden.

"Then the journey between us ends here!"

At this time, Qing Hideki also lamented the time spent with Jakula and Hongkai.

Although he was a little reluctant to give up, he had to embark on the journey for that matter.

"Brother Xiushu, when can we meet again?"

At this critical moment, Jakula couldn't help but speak.

Goodbye, I don’t know how many years have passed, but let’s give Jakula some advice!

"Jagula, actually I didn't get power from the legendary ring."

"Also, Jakula, you must cherish the person in front of you."

"As for meeting, there will be plenty of opportunities in the future!"

After leaving these two pieces of advice to Jakula, Qing Hideki's figure blurred and disappeared from where he stood.

"Have you not gained strength? Cherish the people in front of you."

After slightly comforting Hong Kai, who was looking bitter, Jagula thought about the words Qing Hideki left for him in his mind.

This seems to be implying something.
In the Star of Light space, Qing Xiushu also sighed in his heart.

Maybe it's a good thing that Jagula wasn't selected, after all, once he was selected, it meant he had to continue to fulfill his mission.

On the other hand, Jagula met a princess who liked him in the Four Elements, and a female apprentice who loved and worshiped him. If he had gotten rid of his inner demons earlier in the future, he would have lived a happy life.

At this time, Qing Xiushu kept choosing to travel through time and space in space.

The new generation, they definitely can’t go, their combat power is completely unbearable.We can only see if we can go to the big movies or the Showa era to pick up opportunities for evolution.

"Land of Light Movie."

Qing Xiushu hesitated three times and decided not to go.

If he were to go now, Qing Hideki would probably be beaten to death by a group of Ultra gangsters because he didn't have the strength to support his image!
This image does have a bit of a dark feel to it after all!

Qing Xiushu thought about it and decided to go to Tiga!

After all, this is the time and space he is most familiar with.

I don’t know how many times I watched it when I was a kid, and there are a lot of things you can plan in it!
Without thinking too much, Qing Xiushu's body exploded with golden light and quickly transformed into a tall, muscular golden giant and got into the space-time wormhole opened by the Star of Light!

The light in Qing Xiushu's hand is ready to be fired, in order to be ready to fight if there is an emergency when landing!

Tiga time and space
In the universe outside the earth's atmosphere, a wormhole flashing with golden thunder and lightning slowly appeared.

A giant with a strong body and a body full of golden armor slowly emerged from the wormhole. The exposed part was black.

The golden symbol of the kingdom on the giant's chest shone slightly and he was looking at the beautiful earth with his rhombus-shaped milky eyes.

Qing Xiushu casually swept the golden skirt behind him.

"I really miss it, it feels like I haven't seen it for thousands of years!"

Being accustomed to seeing the desolate planet O-50, Qing Hideki couldn't help but sigh when he looked at this planet with turquoise water.

After saying that, the golden giant quickly flew to the surface of the earth at extremely high speed, aiming directly at Tokyo.

The giant's body glowed with golden light, and the closer it got to the ground, the faster the giant's figure changed.

Finally, the giant became smaller and smaller until the ball of light, which was about 1.8 meters high, stopped.

at the same time
in the ocean

TPC Far East Base Headquarters
In the victory team command room.

"The appearance of a high-intensity unknown energy body has been detected!"

"Much more powerful than the monsters that appeared before!"

"Still moving fast!!"

"Repetition is still moving fast! The destination is Tokyo!!"

Genius scientist Horii looked at the sudden appearance of an unknown and huge energy point moving at high speed on the screen, and quickly reported to his superiors.

"Huh? Why did you disappear suddenly?"

As soon as Horii reported, he stared at the unbelievable scene in front of him with eyes as big as bull's eyes.

"Hey, eventful autumn."

Director Sawai also had a headache after learning the news.

Before there were monsters, there were aliens.Where should the fate of our humanity go?
Just when everyone at TPC is having a headache.

Under an unknown bridge in Tokyo.

Qing Xiushu has already captured a long-legged witch-looking young lady.

He also interrupted her transformation to giant size alive.

You guessed it right, this should be the Kirialoid witch from the original novel, right?
But the miniaturization is really a bit weak.

Qing Xiushu lowered his head and looked at the long-legged witch he knocked to the ground.

Although these aliens have stronger power than humans.

But in front of the ultimate life form, these aliens are actually no different from ordinary humans.

Even if Qing Hideki is just an ultimate life form that has just evolved!
I just found this Qing Hideki on the street and it didn't seem to be human, so I caught it. I didn't expect it to be a big fish.

"What kind of star are you? If you attack me again, we, the God of Kirialodians, will give you divine punishment!!"

The witch who was still lying on the ground and slowly squirming and leaning back asked Qing Hideki sternly.

When she was walking on the street, she was dragged to a bridge for no reason. As a witch from Kiriarod, she had never experienced such injustice.

There is no law of heaven, no law of the king.

(End of this chapter)

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