Chapter 4: Simply catch a witch
Seeing the witch lying on the ground whose legs were broken due to her failure to control her strength, the witch was furious.

"Sorry, I just pushed a little too hard."

Qing Xiushu said sorry, but his body was still getting closer and closer to the witch.

After evolution, he has not yet completely mastered the power. Even though he has many years of training experience, he just used too much force.

That is to say, witches are not human. If they were normal humans, their legs would be disabled by now.

"Damn you..."

The witch with disheveled hair lying on the ground looked at the condescending Qing Hideki with hatred in her eyes.

Why don't you say it?
Qing Xiushu was confused and asked the witch several times whether he would cooperate.

Of course, this refers to Qing Xiushu's unilateral cooperation.

Slowly walking behind the witch, Qing Hideki held the witch's hair.

He has no good impression of these cosmic people. Even if the cosmic people have not done any damage, the best place to go is wherever the cosmic people come from.

Qing Hideki looked at the witch with his eyes that had turned amber, and said ferociously with his big white teeth exposed.

"Next, I ask you to answer!"

The witch grimaced at the sudden pain.

If I hadn't been interrupted from becoming gigantic, otherwise...

The witch opened her mouth as if to say something, but was immediately stunned by Qing Xiushu's big pussy.

"Speak or not?"

"Do you want to cooperate!"

"TNND, you should tell me!"

Suddenly, the sound of flesh slapping came from the deep bridge cave.

"You are uncooperative!"

Qing Xiushu was also angry, and a trace of golden energy flashed in his eyes.

The witch, who was beaten speechless, looked at Qing Xiushu's increasingly violent energy, and finally spoke while taking advantage of the beating.

"I am willing to... cooperate..."

"You let me say it..."

Qing Xiushu lowered his raised buttocks again, coughed twice and said in a cold voice.

"Since we cooperate, that's good..."

Three minutes later, Qing Hideki left from the ragged witch.

The witch who was severely blackmailed by Qing Xiushu did not feel any distress. Just now she seemed to have seen a powerful and domineering golden giant.

"A golden giant full of violent energy..."

"I seem to have seen it in the historical records of the Kirialodians..."

Through telepathy, the witch summoned several Kirialodians to take her to the base.

"Master Witch, what are you..."

Seeing such an ignorant subordinate, the witch said with a cold voice without changing her expression.

"I accidentally fell while walking."

"Also, your salary is gone this month."

Hearing this, the Kirialodian who had just spoken had a bitter look on his face.

The colleagues on the side looked at the clear stupidity in his eyes and couldn't help but shake their heads.

"This Kirialoid man has really penetrated deep enough."

Qing Xiushu looked at the bank card in his hand and sighed.

1 million US dollars, and it was done in 3 minutes. These Kirialodians are really rich.

As for the identity problem, Star of Light has already solved it for him.

"The next thing is to wait for the plot to begin!"

As soon as he arrived in Tiga time and space, Qing Xiushu found out the timeline.

At this time, monsters had just appeared and the time machine had just landed.

Dagu has not yet been boiled into soup, and Tiga has not yet appeared.In the top presidential suite in Tokyo, Qing Hideki was lying on the soft bed with many thoughts passing through his mind.

The stone statue of the pyramid, the life of light, shines in Tiga.

These are all great opportunities for Tiga time and space.As for the small Ida Iryu Kendo, and whether this world has the light of the earth, these all need to be carefully explored by Ao Hideki.

After all, there is a chance for a world-beating king like Super Eight to come out, which proves that there is the light of the ocean and the earth.

In order for the plot to proceed normally and for Da Gu to grow smoothly, Qing Hideki would not touch those enemies unless absolutely necessary.

Otherwise, if Da Gu is unable to save the world, he will be a sinner.

He pursues power, not a madman who destroys the world.

The case of human beings evolving into beings of light may make his evolutionary journey smoother. As for Tiga, we will see if he can become familiar with the finale and touch on the hot topics later.

At this time, an unusual thing was happening at the Kyriarod headquarters.

"The golden giant...the overlord of the unknown universe."

"The legendary ultimate life form..."

"Ruling the entire universe. And maintaining peace in the universe."

"I see……"

The witch closed the scattered records in the book in her hand. This book was a record from before the Kirialodians had evolved collectively and had a very ancient history...

"It seems that that person must be won over."

Ruling a universe is something that even the gods of Kyri Elod can't do.

Even the Kirialodians have struggled to rule the earth, and they have not succeeded once in 3000 million years.

"We must have a good relationship!"

Just when the witch was about to call her subordinates to add another [-] million to Qing Xiushu's bank card, she was interrupted by a man's voice.

"What bullshit ultimate life form! I think it's just a witch, you're too weak!"

The door was opened roughly by a man, who said disdainfully.

The witch suddenly became anxious and spoke quickly.

"You have no idea how powerful he is!"

“You can’t understand that feeling of powerlessness!!”

"You will bring us Kyriarodians to destruction!"

The miko angrily rebutted the prophet.

"Okay! Even if he is strong, can he be stronger than our god?"

The prophet said with an extremely disdainful expression.

".It's simply unreasonable! You crazy people will bring disaster to the Kirialodians!"

The witch was suddenly so angry that her body was heaving. She looked at the prophet so hard that she turned around and slammed the door.

"Hahaha! Compatriots, we will definitely rule this planet. The ultimate life form is nothing to be afraid of."

The prophet's eyes flashed with strange red light as he watched the witch leave.

No matter how strong he is, can he be stronger than the endless darkness?
Ignoring the few Kirialodians who left with the witch, the prophet turned around and continued to brainwash his subordinates, while a deep dark aura was growing stronger and stronger on his body.

"Master Witch, where should we go now?"

Outside the base, several subordinates who were very loyal to the witch asked the witch.

The witch was a little hesitant, as if she had thought of something, she stamped her high heels hard and made up her mind.

"Let's go! Let's go to that one!"

Prophet, I forgot to tell you that that one was obviously a newly born giant.

As the person with the strongest spiritual power among the Kirialodians, one can still tell whether his strength is stable or not.

Qing Hideki has just become the ultimate being, and his power cannot be fully controlled yet.

Thinking about the witch, she even sneered in her heart.

He walked towards the presidential suite where Qing Xiushu was with his long legs that had returned to normal.

(End of this chapter)

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