Ultra: Start by becoming the ultimate life form!

Chapter 31 Choice, a precursor to darkness

Chapter 31 Choice, a precursor to darkness
"It's ugly"

Qing Xiushu sat next to the fence and looked at the young people who were crazy for Qijela pollen.

This kind of weirdness is more terrifying than a drug addict.
Qing Xiushu looked calm and looked at the battlefield not far away.

Sure enough, all monsters deserve to die.
Watching Dagu falling from the sky and turning into a red form, and Lian Ying's graceful landing.

These two guys are quite clever at showing off.
Seeing Diga and Lianying appear, the people around them immediately scolded the giant.

"No! Diga! Lian Ying!"

"Don't ruin it, Zijra!"

"That's our Zigera!"

The leading man said anxiously when he saw that the two giants seemed to be about to attack Zijela.

Masaki was obviously not affected by anything, looking at the crowd with disdain.

It seems that in the human evolutionary plan, people like this will be eliminated in the first batch!
"Da Gu, let's go!"

Masaki responded with an odd nod.

Then the two giants rushed towards Qijela with a force that shook the earth.


The two people cooperated quite well.
Under the offensive of the two Austrians, Qijela was soon beaten to such an extent that the beast almost collapsed.
This shouldn't work
He clearly sensed that Qijela's root system was also contaminated with darkness.

Why not use the power of darkness now?
Are there any scruples?

still is
Qing Xiushu frowned, this was different from what he had originally planned.

Then the figure flashed and came to the depths of Qijela's first birthplace.

At this time, Qijela's root system was already entangled with a considerable amount of darkness, as if it was trying to seize control of Qijera.

This guy is a bit fierce mentally.
What a pity, who calls you a monster?

Qing Xiushu did not hesitate, and directly condensed a ray of light with his body to bombard Qijela's roots.

Hmm. The smell of roasted yams.

In the battlefield, Qijela suddenly trembled strangely, causing Lian Ying and Diga to temporarily stop attacking.

"Masaki, what's going on?"

"I don't know, I'm not a monster expert either."

Taking a step back, Masaki made an Ultra gesture of spreading his hands.

"Stop fighting! Qijela is a good beast!"

"Don't kill Qijela, let me see Shota again, grandma."

Seeing the giant who suddenly stopped, people took out loudspeakers and kept discouraging him.

"Whatever, if you defeat the monsters, these people will recover."

Masaki then stepped forward and hugged Qijela tightly, as if he wanted to pull her out.

At this moment, Qijela suddenly exuded a strange dark aura.

The energy level of the entire beast instantly reached A, and it looked very terrifying.

"Leave quickly, Masaki!"

Dagu quickly pulled a thick plant tentacle that exuded a dark aura.

The darkness was exactly like the one in his dream.

The darkness sweeping the world...

Masaki knew more about this darkness, and his body wanted to retreat suddenly but was pulled tightly by Qijela.

Seeing the giants being tied up, everyone in the victory team was a little at a loss.

"Qijela's situation is a bit strange."

"It feels a little bad to me."

Xincheng, who had the strongest willpower, seemed to wake up a little and couldn't help but shiver when he looked at the strange darkness.

Suddenly the whole person woke up from the pollen intoxication state.

"Quick, quick, quick! Help!"

"How could this be?"

After seeing the strange darkness, the addicted people watching began to tremble with fear.

"Why did Qijela become so strange?"

"I want my mother, I want my mother"

After staring into the darkness for a long time, these people were finally frightened.

Under the fear of darkness and death, everyone began to wake up.After the leading man woke up, he gave himself a big mouth and turned their attention to the giant.

What on earth have I done for my own desires?
I am really not a human being!

"Everyone! Come on for the giant!"

"Diga! Lian Ying! Come on!!!"

The crowd's call finally awakened the members of the victory team.

At this time, Diga and Lian Ying were enjoying dark electrotherapy.

Diga and Lian Ying were wrapped into rice dumplings by Qi Jie, like silkworm chrysalis, with their heads under their heads. After confirming that the giant could not break free, Qi Jie's plant tentacles released a strong dark current.

The originally golden buds completely turned into dark black and kept giving out bursts of evil laughter.

Looking at Diga and Lian Ying in pain on the hillside, Qing Xiushu looked calm.

Diga and Lian Ying still have a lot of energy, so there should be no problems for the time being.

It’s just that I’m going to suffer a lot from you next time.
Dagu, this is a real trial.

In Feiyan No. [-], Xincheng Shui, who was completely awake, was ready to attack.

"Let my pain disappear with Qijela!!"

After Xincheng persuaded the members of the victory team, everyone used the Feiyan [-]'s Texas cannon to directly interrupt the vines surrounding Dagu and Masaki.

"It's great!"

Masaki landed a somersault facing the ancient road.

Masaki immediately condensed a light with the same power as the Zeppeliao light. Dagu also cut off the vines with a few hand knives and returned directly to the composite form, with the Zapeliao light converging on his chest.

The two people's light merged and turned into a huge stream of light that directly bombarded Qijela's huge body.

After Qijela's body exploded, Diga and Lian Ying were wrapped in lightning and directly destroyed Qijela's main body.

Once the main trunk is destroyed, the remaining branches will disappear.

"That's enough."

Qing Hideki followed the escaping darkness in Qijela's body.

Is this the culprit?
Looking at his hand, he looked like the dark power he had sensed at the Luluye ruins. The dark light was struggling in his hand and seemed to be breaking away from his hand.

Is the destination the bottom of the sea?
"It's time to make preparations"

Qing Xiushu squeezed out the dark energy and then looked at the sparkling sea.

It seems that the final darkness may be coming
"Diga, Lian Ying."

"Thank you, you guys, for making us understand the meaning of life."

The main body and the spaceship left. At this time, the father and daughter turned into projections and said goodbye to Diga and Lian Ying. Their expressions returned to normal with smiles.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to let you die."

"Diga, believe in light, believe in miracles, and believe in the power of human beings. Even if that day comes, you will not be defeated."

Dagu and Zhengmu looked at the disappearing spaceship, transformed into a human form and landed on the ground.

"Senior, you are here too"

Looking at the two of them, Qing Hideki nodded, and then looked at the spaceship.

Dagu, you didn't kill them. They added, "I don't know how many years Qijela can live."
The next day, it was like a dream, suddenly appearing and disappearing.

All people have returned to normal.

"It feels so refreshing."

"Now think about it, how could my ace pilot's will be tempted by Qijela, the cricket?"

"I really don't understand."

Xincheng said with a refreshing look.

"Thank you for having the nerve to say that you are the first one to absorb pollen!"

Horii couldn't help but complain.

"Could it be that the earth is testing mankind?"

Lina thought suddenly.

"Think about it, Qijela is not only a plant on earth, but also gives it time to think."

"It's just like in a game."

After hearing Lina's words, Dagu's thoughts were also tumbling.

Masaki mentioned this matter after the battle yesterday.
Qijela Could this world be deliberately arranged?
Let's take a day off tomorrow and go to the base.
(End of this chapter)

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