Ultra: Start by becoming the ultimate life form!

Chapter 32 Dark Preview, Asking for Help

Chapter 32 Dark Preview, Asking for Help

in a secret base.
Dagu, who had just finished exercising, fell into sleep while resting, and various strange pictures kept appearing in his mind.

In a daze, he seemed to see bustling cities.

Burned out by the flames of doom, the people who were intoxicated in Qijela's pollen suddenly woke up.

But it was too late, civilization was destroyed one by one by the boundless darkness and giants.

Under the roar of a huge monster filled with darkness, the sky, the earth, and the ocean are all emitting sad emotions

Dagu was so frightened by the prophecy of the dream that he broke out in cold sweat, as if the destruction of the super ancient times had just happened before his eyes.

The final darkness made him even more uneasy, and at the same time he began to worry about the future of mankind.

"What on earth is that behemoth? Can we really defeat it?"

Ever since the Qijela incident ended, Dagu has been coming to Masaki every day.

I couldn't help but start analyzing the prophecies in my mind.

There is indeed a bit too much peace during this time.
"Humanity will surely defeat those dark ones."

"At least. I'm not alone."

Dagu slowly regained his energy, clenched his fists tightly and continued physical training.

This is the only thing I can do now.

Looking at Dagu who was back to activeness through the training room, Qing Hideki stopped.

This guy.
"Senior, the earth seems to be conscious."

Masaki said slightly excitedly.

According to his investigation, as the darkness deepens, the world's consciousness seems to be awakening.

This planet seems to be giving birth to its own light.

"Masaki, are you sure?"

Qing Hideki looked at Masaki who had changed drastically from his original appearance and said.

“Give it a try anyway”

"If it fails"

"Then I might take the last human beings and escape from this planet."

Masaki was a little silent after hearing this. He knew earlier than Dagu that he had experienced so much since he became a giant.

He was no longer as arrogant as before. Only after looking directly into the darkness did he realize that he was in the face of real disaster.

Giants are actually just bigger bugs.

On the Tokyo pier.

Qing Xiushu drank a glass of hot milk and looked at the calm sea level with emotion.

In his perception, there were no fewer than dozens of energy fluctuations on the seabed.

It seems that the vanguard of darkness is coming.

At this time, a voice came from far away.

"Sir. Sir, may I ask where you can buy monsters on this planet?"

"I heard that the expert on monster breeding on this planet is Tsuburaya Eiji-senpai."

"Sir, do you know where he is?"

Qing Xiushu turned around and looked at the place where the call came from.

At this time, there was a short, fat man in a suit, with thick foundation on his face, and he was jumping up to Qing Xiushu, pulling a box.

Qing Hideki instantly became energetic when he saw the man appearing.

Charlieja is a very rare monster dealer
A very strange alien who can travel through time and space...

Based on this guy's proficiency, he should have a lot of good things.
"Eiji Tsuburaya?"

Hearing Qing Xiushu's answer, Charliejia thoughtfully handed over a business card with the words "Monster Buyer" printed on it.

After receiving the carefully crafted card, Qing Xiushu couldn't help but murmur.

This guy is very professional.
"I can tell you where Eiji Tsuburaya is, but you have to take me with you."

"Also, the price of the monster is calculated separately."

Hearing Qing Xiushu's words, Charlie couldn't help but hold on to his time and space machine tightly.

Does this person know about the time machine?
Charlie Jia felt that Qing Xiushu was different from those carbon-based life forms, and more like evolved humans, so he asked.

He regretted it as soon as he got close and felt the power of Qing Xiushu.
This person can't be bothered.


Under the temptation of Yanagaji, the most powerful beast in the universe, Charlie couldn't help but swallowed, hesitated for a few times and finally nodded.

Immediately, Charlieja squatted on the ground and controlled the machine.

Eiji Tsuburaya 1965

"Okay, the equipment is ready, sir, come here!" Charlieja clapped his hands and stood in front of the whirlpool with an expectant look on his face.

"A bit like the shuttle option of Star of Light"

Qing Xiushu felt the breath of time, space and space coming from him.

Then the two of them twisted and disappeared on the pier.
Just after the two left, Dagu's figure appeared on the dock in distress.

Looking at the machine in his hand with a depressed look, he was forced to work overtime by the vice-captain after returning from training at the secret base.

The reason is that if you fish too much, your salary will be deducted.

That’s why we came to investigate the monster buyer incident.
"How strange? Where did you go?"


Qing Xiushu appeared on the street.
Then Charliega appeared with a shocked expression.

The first time I travel through time will make me vomit.
Does this person often travel through time and space...


Looking at the house full of Showa atmosphere, Qing Hideki looked sideways at Charlieja and said.

"Charlie, can you still go back to the original time and space?"

Hearing this, Charlieja quickly checked the machine.
"No problem, just let the machine rest."

After saying that, the whole person looked at Qing Xiushu and rubbed his hands with an expectant look on his face.

"Sir, where is the Yanaga base you mentioned?"

“Don’t worry, I can choose whatever I have, and the price is guaranteed to satisfy you.”

Qing Hideki lowered his head and looked at Charlieja in front of him.

Are you treating him as a monster as a seller?

Speaking of which, it seems that selling monsters is quite valuable.
But he came here to ask for help.

Here you can meet the first generation Ultraman
Let's talk about it when the time comes, it will be a strong foreign aid.

Maybe he can even get a medal from the Kingdom of Light or something. Besides, no matter how fierce Gatanjie is, can he beat the Ultra Gangster?

Judging from the thoughts of those giants in the Kingdom of Light, they will definitely come back to save them.

"Let's go Charlieja, at Longsen Lake!"

Hearing this, Charlie ignored the surprised looks around him and happily jumped three meters high.

"I finally got to take it home."

Not long after, Qing Xiushu brought Charlie to Longsen Lake.

Longsen Lake, the place where Yanagaji was sealed in the first generation.

"Charlie, leave it to you."

Hearing this, Charlieja rubbed his hands, and the umbrella emitted a light that released the seal.

"Yanagaki, Charijia has taken you home."

Yanagaki, who had the characteristics of a fish and sharp claws, landed among the mountains out of thin air.

Yanagaji let out a ferocious roar, and the whole beast walked directly towards the village in the distance.

Seems to be venting
"Sir, can you help me catch Yanagaji..."

Charlieja rubbed his hands in embarrassment.

"Wait a minute"

Qing Hideki glanced at Charlie Jia, this guy wanted to test the quality of Yanagaji.

Rather than letting Charlie Jia cause damage, it would be better to let him contribute from behind.

"The monster appears."

Eiji Tsuburaya looked at the monster and said in shock.

Then he squeezed the red gem in his hand, and his whole mind turned into light.

At this time, a red ball appeared out of thin air and directly knocked Yanagaji away.

Shuaw! !
The first Ultraman appeared in front of Yanagaji.

"I miss Ultraman so much."

Charlieja looked at the first generation in shock.

Seeing the first generation appear, Qing Hideki's whole body was exuding golden light, and it quickly became huge and the golden light illuminated the entire battlefield.

"this light"

Doubts in the hearts of the first generation
"Oops, Oops"

Charlie's face turned green, obviously he knew the origin of Qing Xiushu.

It's actually a giant from that universe.

It's over, it's over, it looks like there's going to be heavy bleeding this time.
(End of this chapter)

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