Ultra: Start by becoming the ultimate life form!

Chapter 33 Dark Pioneer, Space Energy

Chapter 33 Dark Pioneer, Space Energy

"What planet are you a giant from?"

Sensing the appearance of golden light, the first generation took two steps forward and looked at this golden giant who did not look like the Kingdom of Light.

Randomly looking at the golden kingdom symbol on Qing Xiushu's chest, he was stunned.

Is it popular now that the Absolutes also come to protect the earth?

"First Generation, let me come."

Qing Hideki made a fighting gesture.

After hearing this, the first generation also took a few steps back, leaving the battlefield to this giant who gave him a sense of fatal threat.

It just so happened that he was also a little curious about what was the difference between the Absolut people and their giants from the Kingdom of Light.

Yanagaji looked at the golden giant that almost blinded its eyes, and the whole beast was filled with anger.

Roar! !

The whole beast waved its claws and ran towards Qing Hideki.

Looking at Yanagaki who was going crazy, Qing Hideki directly stepped on the power that made the earth tremble and started a hand-to-hand fight.

Seeing the powerful force coming from his arm, Qing Xiushu's brows jumped.

Sure enough, it's an A-level monster.

No wonder it makes Dagudu, who wants to completely control the Tiga in the later stages, troubled by it.

But it was no use, Qing Xiushu's muscles bulged.

[Fantasy Beast-Dragon]

Qing Xiushu used an iron mountain to hit Yanagaji and then knocked the whole beast several kilometers away. Two golden dragons floated out of his hands.

With a roar, he tightly entangled Yanagaji, making him unable to move.

"Is this solved? It seems that the muscle training is pretty good..."

The first generation was a little surprised to see the sturdy golden giant that was solved in three strikes, five and two.

He is almost as good as the guy who is known as the strongest warrior in the history of the Kingdom of Light school.
"It's solved, First Generation."

While Ao Hideki responded to the first generation, he asked Charijia to quickly take Yanagaki away.

Hearing this, Charlieja beamed.

He quickly took out something similar to an Ultra capsule.

But it's a lot thicker than normal.

"This is a treasure."

Charlie Jia touched the capsule in his hand. This was the capsule he used specifically to capture A-level monsters.

It is much more expensive than those capsules that can only capture Grade B capsules.
Immediately, Charlieja threw the capsule, which floated above the monster.

Put the entire Yanagaji beast directly into the capsule, drop it to the ground and shake it.

"Are you making a deal with the people from the universe?"

The first generation looked at Qing Hideki with a surprised expression.

"Yes, but don't worry, I'm watching over this guy. He won't be able to make any big waves."

Qing Hideki nodded in response.

"If you have a chance, you can come to the Kingdom of Light to play."

"Now that the matter is settled, I'll leave."

Looking at Ao Hideki, who has no trace of darkness in his body's energy, the first generation feels slightly fond of him.

He's a normal giant...but he feels a little cranky.

"Wait for the first generation Ultraman"

Ao Hideki looked at the first generation who was about to return to Ultra Star and shouted stop.

"Anything else?"

The first generation looked at Qing Hideki with a confused look.

"The first generation was like this."

After telling the first generation about the upcoming crisis in Tiga's time and space in the future, the first generation suddenly realized.

"Yes, but I don't have much energy, so I still rely on stones to appear."

"In this way, I will return to Ultra Star and bring Zoffie and the others with me."

"By the way, you've done a good job building your muscles, keep up the hard work."

Then the first generation patted Ao Hideki on the shoulder and turned into a red ball and flew to the M78 Nebula.

"I just don't know if I can catch it or not."

After looking at the first generation flying away, Qing Hideki quickly shrunk and transformed into a human form after looking away and standing next to Charlie.

"My lord."

"Sorry, I didn't know that before"

Charlieja was bent over and sweating, looking at the Qing Xiu Shu who landed.

These words made Qing Xiushu frown.What on earth did the Absolutes do?
What makes these cosmic people so worried?

"Now that you know it, you also understand it."

"Take out your things."

Then Charlieja, who was bleeding profusely, slowly took out his collection.

Monsters, energy, all kinds of strange instruments.

Hypnosis gun?Amplify the gun?
After searching around, only one caught Qing Xiushu's eyes.

that energy
There is a feeling of space
"Sir, this is the space energy I encountered by chance during my time travel."

"I guess it can add spatial attributes to monsters."

"This is not very valuable. Sir, would you like to choose something else?"

Looking at Qing Xiushu who was about to choose a collection that was not very good, Charlieja explained carefully.

"No need, just this."

The Star of Light just gave him a call, and this thing seemed to be able to absorb it.
"Is that so??"

On the streets of Tokyo, Charlie reluctantly watched Ao Hideki leave, pretending to be sad.

Then he looked at his collection.

Fortunately, no one is missing
At this moment, someone patted Charlieja on the shoulder.

"Unregistered cosmonauts, please come with us."

Charlieja looked at a group of cosmic beings who looked very unpleasant and said with a smile.

"I am a good citizen."

TPC, Headquarters.

In a dark room, a strange red light flashed.
Dagu, who was sleeping next to the computer desk, couldn't help but break out in cold sweat.
Weird darkness, burning city.

The weird future predictions are here again.
"Huh, that's it again."

Dagu opened his eyes with a pale face. He had been having such weird dreams since the last Qijela incident.

"The darkness is getting closer."

"Senior also doesn't know how to save the earth."

"There's nothing Masaki can do"

Lina, who was worried about Dagu, visited Dagu with tea and looked at the extremely uncomfortable Dagu and said.

"Dagu, what's wrong with you?"

"I'm fine"

Dagu calmed down and said.

Seeing that Dagu was unwilling to say anything, Lina looked at Dagu worriedly.

I don’t know since when, Da Gu has been disappearing frequently, always giving people a very tired look.

Dagu, what happened to you?
Dagu, who watched Lina leave, wanted to say something but couldn't.

At this time, the computer prompts brought him back to his senses.

"Ocean Patrol calls Victory Team!"

"An unusual bulge and vibration occurred on the seabed of New Zealand!!"


In the village, in a room with a Do Not Disturb sign, Qing Xiushu felt the space energy merging within his body.

"Sure enough, this is the key to promoting the birth of the field."

Domain is a very rare skill that weakens enemies, strengthens itself and prevents damage to buildings.

This is?

While Qing Hideki continued to absorb, a burst of extremely fast darkness caused him to stop his movements.

The whole figure disappeared into the room and flew towards the seaside.

On the sea, Zoga is playing tricks on the victory team with its speed even faster than Tiga.

"It's really rare..."

Qing Hideki sighed as he looked at the badly beaten Victory Team.

The victory team was seriously deflated for a while.
Saga, the leader of super ancient monsters.

The number of monsters attached to Gatanjie is extremely large. Even if they are cannon fodder units, they are far more powerful than ordinary monsters.

Obviously, these monsters are also strengthened by unknown darkness.

Even stronger than before
Humanity's strongest elite is so embarrassed when facing one.
The appearance of Zorga is a precursor to darkness, and also represents the warm-up preparation for the appearance of Gatanjie.

There may be more to this world than Gatanjeou.
Qing Hideki looked at the chaotic darkness at the bottom of the sea, as if there was a more secret darkness waiting to be released in the depths.
"I can only watch Dagu. If it doesn't work, I have to leave."

Looking at the city destroyed by Saga, Qing Hideki glanced at the time and space that was immediately filled with space, and he couldn't help but sigh.

Judging from the current progress, it may be too late to wait for reinforcements from the Kingdom of Light.
Darkness is coming
(End of this chapter)

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