Ultra: Start by becoming the ultimate life form!

Chapter 35 The ocean, in the name of the ultimate life form!

Chapter 35 The ocean, in the name of the ultimate life form!
"To go or not to go?"

On the street with few people, Qing Xiushu felt that the deep darkness under the sea was constantly expanding.

The street looked very desolate because of the sudden appearance of strange black fog.

Only a few members of the TPC ground force worked to evacuate the crowd.

"Sir, don't go that way, the seaside is dangerous!"

"Sir? Where is the person?"

Xibi wiped her eyes hard, she clearly saw someone here.

what's the situation?
On the reef, the figure of Qingxiu Shu appeared.

The sky was closed with clouds, and the ocean became darker and weirder.

"This scene is really grand..."

In his perception, Luluye's darkness was spreading, and in the depths of the darkness, the sealed high-intensity dark energy was breaking out.

The situation is very bad
Destroying the dark atmosphere of his hometown, the enhanced version of Gatanjie, plus the dark trio.

And the darkness hidden in Luluye
This buff stacks up a bit too much.

Compared with this, the original Tiga time and space seemed so relaxed.

Gaia, if you don't contact me, I'm going to run away.
The darkness of this time and space far exceeds the A-level realm.

If the remaining power of Gatanjie is absorbed by Camilla, coupled with Luluye's darkness and the strange dark aura.

It must be at least an SS-level disaster.

At this time, a mysterious feeling with the breath of the ocean appeared in Qing Xiushu's heart.

The reward…the ocean.
Seeing that Gaia's consciousness was finally contacted, Qing Hideki confirmed his guess.

Under the oppression of darkness, this planet finally gave birth to its own consciousness!
Is the reward the light of the ocean?
This is very good. Once integrated, he will become a sea, land and air giant. No matter where he goes in the future, he will fight at home.

Moreover, the energy recovery speed on the earth will be further enhanced, which is very abnormal.
At this time, the Pacific Ocean underwent even more bizarre changes.

The ocean, which originally symbolized the cradle of life, instantly turned into a life-devouring hell.

On the sea level, lightning and thunder continued, and the strange dark power affected even the weather.

The seawater was bubbling violently due to the Luluye ruins floating up, as if it was an active volcano about to erupt.

At this time, Shinjo and Horii, who were responsible for exploring the ruins, were also feeling uncomfortable, and the Dolphin 202 they were driving was also experiencing violent bumps.

"In the end what happened?"

Xincheng steadied himself and said slightly panicked.

Horii discovered through the bubbles a giant creature with red eyes under the light of the submarine.

"What is that big black shadow?"

"Call headquarters! Call headquarters!"

In the TPC war room, Munakata continued to call Shinjo and Horii.

"What happened there? It seems that the bottom of the sea is not peaceful either."

Hui Jian said worriedly.

"How are the preparations for the underground evacuation going?"

Ye Rui quickly investigated the picture.

"Except for some young people who don't want to leave, the elderly and children have all gone to underground shelters in advance."


Ye Rui said with a heavy tone.

"The Brut team of the TPC American branch has been completely wiped out."

Everyone felt that the air was getting heavier for a while.
To be able to do it so quickly...that's a life.

Before everyone could continue to grieve, the alarm suddenly sounded.

"Oops! The base was invaded by black mist!!"

Dagu and Lina, who had returned at this time, rushed to the war room.

The black mist cut off all electronic information, causing everyone to panic for a moment.

After injuring many TPC ground force members, Director Izawa overpowered Yoshioka and said.

"Everyone evacuates to the Attis."

Are you even going to give up the base?
Hui Jian watched as all the important cities were destroyed on the screen.

It's exactly the same as the super ancient one. Is this darkness?

Human beings are so small!
At this time, a golden light that dispelled the darkness shone on the dark ocean.

100% excited particle state.
At this time, Qing Xiushu's whole body exuded a large amount of energy that symbolized power.

"The golden giant appears!"

"The energy level is higher than before! The destination seems to be that ruins!"

Ye Rui said while looking at the screen where communication was briefly restored after the black mist was dispersed by the giant.

Dagu feels the familiar light
Senior, you actually also
"I clearly promised not to help."

Hui Jian looked at the golden giant with a complicated expression.

At this time, in the secret base.

Masaki pointed at a huge device and said to Kirino.

"I'll leave this to you"

Then he turned and looked at the base.

"Ryosuke, let's go."

Immediately, a muscular researcher appeared in the base. Hearing this, Liangjie dropped the several hundred kilograms of dumbbells in his hand.Ebron cells.
He has been able to control it for a while.

Evolutionaries representing three different directions of humankind embark on a journey to the Luluye Sea.

At this time, the ruins of Luluye are found deep under the sea.

The seabed has returned to calm. Inside the Dolphin 202, Xincheng is still trying to contact the headquarters with an iron head.

Horii took off his helmet and said calmly.

"Hey, you are really determined to give up. Didn't I tell you? The black fog covered the radio..."

Shinjo looked at Horii who looked like he was on vacation and said angrily.

"You must be patient, you know we can't contact you now, and we can't go up!"

Horii glanced at Singleton Shinjo and said.

"You don't have a fiancée, but you do have a sister. Besides, the oxygen will be gone soon."

Xincheng was silent and wanted to curse at the same time.

"Horii you"

"and many more!"

Xincheng quickly looked at the huge golden light. This was...
"It's a golden giant!"

Finally arrived, Ao Hideki sighed as he looked at the ruins that had arrived again.

The darkness is here.

Qing Hideki sensed that darkness was within the barrier, and the entire Luluye ruins were already filled with a deep darkness that was even growing.

I'm late…

"It seems that the hidden darkness has been opened."

"Once this barrier is broken, the world will be destroyed."

Without any hesitation, Qing Xiushu unleashed his golden power, and his entire golden body was ready to enter Luluye...
"It's really ridiculous. Do you know how big our bonus is in the dark realm?"

Hitler's shadow appeared and laughed.

What greeted him was Qing Xiushu's cold eyes.

Dagu and Zhengmu turned into giants and landed on the bottom of the sea. The closer they got to Luluye, the more they felt the oppression of darkness.

In this environment, I am afraid that I will not be able to exert even [-]% of my strength.

"You go ahead and deal with Gatanjie above."

"I'll stop the darkness."

"No! Let's go together, senior!"

Dagu shook his head.

"Let's go, Dagu, this is not our main battlefield."

Masaki saw the key at a glance.

Their mission is to stop Gatanje.

Seniors are responsible for solving these dark giants and darkness
If darkness breaks out, the consequences will be disastrous.

"bring it on!"

After the two left, the throbbing of the ocean got closer and closer, and Qing Xiushu opened his arms to directly welcome the light of the ocean.

A dim blue light entered Qing Xiushu's body.

Huh! !

Mysterious space energy is also at work.
[Energy Level: A+]

[Field: Destruction Field]

"Is this the light of the ocean?"

Qing Hideki felt that his body's recovery speed and water combat were greatly enhanced.

A flash of light burst out all over her body and rushed into Luluye.

"Golden giant, come and rule the earth with us!"

Camilla's eyes flashed and she twisted her body to walk up to Qing Xiushu, raised her slender arms and invited.

The whole person looks extremely enchanting and beautiful.

Looking at Qing Xiu Shu from a distance, his eyes were still cold and unmoved.

Dharam and Hitler were a little angry.

"Sister, get out of the way and teach him a lesson!"

Then the two giants condensed dark light and bombarded Qing Hideki.

Qing Hideki looked at the A-level light and casually blocked it...

This guy
In addition to Durham and Xitra, Camilla also looked at Qing Xiu Shu with a serious expression.

With this dark bonus, her strength is beyond A+. She is only a little stronger than Qing Hideki.

Last time I saw him, this guy was far from that powerful.
"Who are you?"

Qing Xiushu glanced at the hem of the skirt behind him, and the golden light from his body burst out, surpassing A+, and shone on the bottom of the sea.

The particles in his body seemed to be resonating with him at this time.

The experience of the kingdom and the memory of being at the Gate of Hell came to mind, and it turned out that this was the heart of Absolute.
Having made up his mind, Qing Xiushu swept away the hem of his skirt and said loudly.

"I am the ultimate life form, the warrior of the Absolut people, Absolut-Pluto-Hades!"

Immediately, the energy level in Qing Xiushu's body suddenly increased, and the light shined through Luluye and illuminated the sky.

The golden energy resounded through Qing Xiu Shu's words throughout the sea.
(End of this chapter)

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