Chapter 36 The Dark Trio

"Hades, Lord of Hades?"

Camilla looked slightly surprised and continued to extend the invitation.

"Hades, you and I can rule this world together!"

"Just integrate the power of darkness"

"And Gatanjeou."

"No one can resist this kind of power."

"Even if it's you."

As she spoke, Camilla opened her hands and took elegant steps, her giant body with graceful curves blending into the rich darkness behind her.
At the same time, waves of darkness enveloped Qing Xiushu.

Looking at the darkness approaching around him, Qing Hideki felt a strong aura of threat.

For the sake of safety, Qing Hideki secretly increased his energy output to dispel the darkness.
At this time, the golden light all over Hades suddenly illuminated the surrounding space of nearly a kilometer.

We don’t have much, but we have more energy!

"Hehe, it seems that the eldest sister is going to get serious."

Hitler, whose whole body was shrouded in darkness, looked ferocious.

This darkness seems to be their natural domain, and their strength will be greatly enhanced under the cover of this darkness.

Ao Hideki frowned as he sensed Camilla, who wanted to directly merge with Luluye's darkness at the source.

"Is this guy desperate?"

"Incarnation of darkness."

Moreover, Qing Hideki also sensed something familiar in the darkness.
It actually got a lot stronger
Then Qing Xiushu rushed in the direction of Camilla with firm steps.

That's the center of Luluye's darkness
"Don't even think about ruining the good things that happened to my eldest sister!"

Hitler and Daram charged towards Hades with a strange cry.

As a powerful giant, Dallam's body was as strong as a wild bull. He dug deep holes in the ground of Luluye and rushed towards Qingxiu tree with great force.

"Damn Hades! Don't try to ruin our good deeds!!"

He had long been unhappy with this golden giant named Hades.

She is actually taller and stronger than him, and has such great special effects! !

Upon seeing this, Qing Xiushu was glowing with golden light, and then he stretched out his hands and slowly assumed a fighting posture.

Durham, the strong warrior, is a red dark giant with super ancient armor, wearing a mask, wrist guards and shin boots.

A giant who specializes in physical arts, somewhat similar to Leo...
But it's still far from Leo.
Ao Hideki quickly used the Phantom Beast Fist fighting technique he learned in the Absolute Kingdom.

Qing Hideki dodged and started fighting with Dallam.

Two giants of light and shadow, one black and one gold, were fighting madly in the darkness, and there was another one wandering behind the golden giant, waiting for an opportunity to attack.

Between the light and shadow, the golden giant suddenly hit the dark giant's chest.

Qing Hideki looked at Dallam who was thrown thousands of meters away by his punch and a deep ravine was created on the ground.

"You are too weak."

Qing Xiushu shook his head. Just now he had figured out Dallam's method.
Then he walked towards where Durham was, each step carrying a huge shock.

Seeing the still cold golden giant, Duram, who had just hit the ruins hard, was filled with anger.
"You actually said I was weak?"

Then Dallam let out an angry roar and charged towards Qing Hideki with a charged roundhouse kick.

"Death to me!!"

Durham is very confident in this move, even Dark Tiga cannot follow it unscathed!

The leg shining with dark energy was forced to stop by something with great power. The touch was different from what he imagined.

"you you."

After a burst of severe pain, Durham fell to the ground, rolled over several times, and looked at Qing Hideki in disbelief.

Just use your hands.
"Why aren't you affected by the darkness?"

Durham felt his legs that were about to break, and felt extremely confused.
Am I not fighting at home?
"No why."

Qing Xiushu gathered light in his hands and prepared to end Dallam's sinful life.

Seeing Qing Xiushu who was about to take action, Dallam screamed in panic in his heart.

Qing Hideki then looked at Hitler, who had been paying attention to him for a long time.

Do they have any tricks up their sleeves?

Immediately, Durham's hands were covered with dark energy and he slammed the ground.
Polar flames! "Die to me!"

Hitler also emerged from the darkness, holding a harpoon in his hand and firing destructive light bombs at Qingxiu Shu.

Seeing Qing Hideki burst into flames after being hit, the two looked at each other and let out a long sigh of relief.

Finally dead.
Durham's expression was even more uncertain after accepting the help.

"Thanks, Hitler! Fortunately, the light is not strong."

Hitler shook the harpoon triumphantly, and just as he was about to speak, he felt a throbbing of death.

At this time, golden light flashed in the dust and fog in the distance.

A fiery ray that distorted the air struck Durham's body.


Durham let out a painful cry, and the black-red giant body was bombarded dozens of kilometers away and turned into particles and dissipated.


Hitler, who had just escaped the fatal ray, was frightened and grieved when he saw Dharam disappearing.
These are siblings that are 3000 million years old.
"It's a pity that I can't wear one and two."

Seeing Dalam being wiped out by his light, Qing Hideki couldn't help but smacked his lips.

"Are you all right?"

Hitler looked at Hades, who was glowing with golden light, in disbelief.

That was a combined attack between him and Durham.
No matter what, it’s an A-level light base.
"Fuck! Fight!"

Hitler looked fierce, waving the harpoon in his right hand, and quickly rushed towards Qing Xiushu.

While running, the purple body was flashed with lightning.
There is even a mysterious spatial fluctuation spreading around him.

"This is, the domain?"

Standing on the ground that suddenly looked like a deserted planet with complex terrain, Qing Hideki frowned and felt that he was a little slower.

The essence is still in Luluye, the power to change the terrain.
There's also a bit of speed decay.

It's not as powerful as Brother Tazi and Noah, but it's still pretty good.

After all, in a field that doesn't even have space, it's not bad to have some effect.

No wonder Hitler is so arrogant, he still has some skills
If it were a brute warrior type giant, it might be exhausted to death by a speed warrior like Hitler here.

Qing Hideki casually deflected Hitler's light bomb, causing a huge explosion on the ground.

"Has it even become more powerful?"

"Here you can only be consumed by me. I'm not like that idiot Lambda."

Hitler held the harpoon and said with fear in his eyes.

"is it?"

The green tree floated into the sky, and the energy in its body became stronger and stronger, as if a star was standing in space and emitting powerful light.

"what are you doing?"


Feeling the shuddering energy fluctuations, Hitler couldn't help but say.

"Of course, destroy this place!"

Qing Xiushu flashed the gems in his hands, directly condensing a beam of light full of destructive power.

The golden thunder and lightning light was entwined and bombarded Hitler's field.

【Absolute destruction! 】

"Do not!!!"

Seeing that Hitler had nowhere to escape, he roared in despair.

Immediately, the surrounding space directly shattered
“I originally wanted to try the field.”

Looking at the space that was directly broken, Qing Xiushu felt regretful in his heart.

Next, it’s Camilla.

Camila, who had only absorbed half of the dark seal, turned around suddenly and looked at the powerful aura that seemed to make her skin ache through the darkness.

"So fast"

"I underestimated you..."

(End of this chapter)

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