Chapter 37 Camilla, the end
"Why, do you still want to fight me?"

Hades was wrapped with extremely powerful golden lightning and walked towards Camilla step by step.

Camila, who was wearing black clothes, looked up at the giant who gave her a great sense of oppression.
She was different from Radham and Hitler, she could see it.
The giant in front of me is probably a more fully evolved being...
"Why are you stopping me? I just want to ask why Diga betrayed you!"

Camila felt the familiar light on the sea level and said with a hateful expression.

Qing Hideki turned his head and looked at Camilla's face that was gradually becoming desperate.

Carmilla, the warrior of love and hate, was Handiga's heartless wife 3000 million years ago, but was sealed in this super-ancient ruins by Diga himself.

Unfortunately, Diga has already gone back to the Orion Nebula for vacation.

And he also learned how Noah threw transformers and stone statues everywhere.

"Camilla, Tiga disappeared after the disaster 3000 million years ago."

"The current one is just the user of his body."

Qing Hideki looked at Camilla.

"No! I know!"

"As long as the ultimate darkness is summoned, Nadiga will definitely come back!"

Camilla said with a determined expression, then accelerated her absorption speed and turned into a giant in the dark lightning.

The two began to fight in the thick darkness.

"You go!"

"I don't want to fight you!"

Looking at Hades who was repelled by herself, Camilla frowned.

Strange. The energy didn't decay at all, and even recovered quickly.
It actually reached the threshold of s-.

Qing Xiu Shu looked at Camilla with twinkling eyes.

"Then let's fight!"

Looking at Ao Hideki who was still fighting, Camilla was wrapped in darkness, and at the same time, a huge dark space appeared.

"Is this your territory? Camilla!"

In the darkness, Qing Xiushu's eyes glowed with golden light.

On the sea level, after Gatanjie defeated Tiga, he turned his eyes towards the flashing red light.

"what happened?"

While attacking Gatanjie, Masaki looked at the dark power in Luluye's direction.

"What exactly happened?"

"Where did such huge dark energy come from!"

"It will be unimaginable once you merge with Gatanje!"

Norui on the Attis couldn't help but say as he watched the instruments showing powerful energy fluctuations.


Xincheng was wrapped in a quilt and looked at the dark vortex that frightened him with a trembling face.

"No, no!"

Kirino, who was helping Masaki wake up Tiga, said.

"you are?"

Xincheng looked at the mysterious man in front of him with a puzzled look.

I saw Kirino looking at the space with very firm eyes.

In his perception, there is a powerful force rising in the space.

That power is unmistakable
"Madman! Do you want to destroy this planet too?"

The dark space shattered instantly, and Camilla looked at Qing Xiushu who appeared on the top of Luluye in fear.

I saw the golden giant shining with light all over his body, and his figure became much larger.

It expanded from the previous 60 meters to about 100 meters.

At this time, the light intensity on the giant's hand has reached an S-level energy level.
【Absolute destruction! ! 】

An extremely powerful beam of light passed through Camilla's body and bombarded towards the dark source of the Luluye ruins, shattering the barrier with space shocks.

hum! ! !
In an instant, the dark space shattered directly, and extremely strong light directly bombarded the Luluye ruins.

The rich darkness was directly crushed by the powerful energy
There were rough waves on the sea level for a while, and everyone on the Attis was swaying unsteadily.

"what happened!"

Xincheng's body swayed
"It's golden light!"

Yerui instantly became energetic and looked towards the sea where Luluye was illuminated by light.

Looking at Luluye and the darkness that had completely disappeared, Qing Hideki, who had consumed most of his energy, stopped what he was doing.

"Do it yourself."

Qing Hideki glanced at Camilla who was stunned.

He had just sensed that Dagu had successfully dealt with Gatanjie, so he turned around and prepared to fly towards the sea level.

At this time, a purple darkness instantly surged towards Camilla, who was beginning to weaken as the darkness faded.
Sensing the terrifying darkness far beyond the past, Camilla's eyes were startled. "don't want!"

Camilla, who thought she was going to be plunged into this terrifying darkness, was blocked by a golden figure.

"Finally caught you."

Qing Hideki looked at the familiar darkness in his hands, which was constantly colliding with his golden energy shield.

S level
How much darkness did this girl eat to grow so fast?

Even eating pig feed is not so fast...from B to such a short time...

Is this the culprit of Tiga's time and space mutation?

Fortunately, there is only one wisp. If there are more, you can just give up.

Then the body floated to the sea level, holding a golden energy ball that locked the darkness in one hand.

Let Dagu have a headache about Camila’s problem...

"Dad, look! There's another golden Ultraman!"

A milky voice sounded.

"Yes yes"

The father holding his adorable baby broke into a cold sweat while watching TV.
Let’s call him Ultraman.
At this time, Masaki, who was connected to Tiga's hot spot, was looking at the shining body.

Is this the light of humanity?
Although it was short-lived.
"The darkness is gone"

Dagu scanned the surroundings for any remaining darkness.


Looking at Qing Xiushu who suddenly appeared in front of him, Dagu said in surprise.

"Da Gu, you come to solve this."

Qing Xiushu did not hesitate and handed the high-concentration energy ball that was about to be broken to Diga.
"Senior, is this?"

Sensing the darkness in the energy ball, Dagu's expression changed and he directly activated his power to purify the dark energy.

Looking at the very gentle Da Gu, Qing Hideki sighed.

This is Dagu.
"That's right! Senior!"

Looking at Qing Xiushu who never left, Dagu finally remembered.

Give two light groups from the timer to Qing Hideki.

Qing Hideki felt relieved as he felt that he was instantly restored to a perfect state.

Immediately, the giant body dissipated along with the light particles.

"Senior, you ran away again"


Dagu stood alone on the bow of the boat, staring at the sea, silently blowing the sea breeze.

"We humans have finally defeated the darkness."

"I just don't know when I can see my senior."

Dagu's teammates followed him, and Lina, who was eager for her husband, rushed to the front and hugged Dagu tightly.

"Your voice, I heard"

After coming back to his senses, Dagu hugged Lina tightly and said.

"Da Gu, you kid has hidden deep enough."

"You are actually Ultraman Tiga."

Xincheng said with envy as he looked at Dagu who had a triple harvest of love, career, and saving the world.

"Captain, you hide it so well!"

Horii also sighed.

Hearing his teammates' ridicule, Dagu reluctantly took out the petrified divine light stick.

"I am no longer Tiga."

Seeing the divine light rod disappearing and turning into stone with the wind, Da Gu felt filled with relief and reluctance.
Senior Masaki
"Actually, each of us can become light by our own power."

Dagu looked at his teammates seriously and said.

"We humans have the courage to face the future!"

Junjian Hui nodded and said.

Xincheng clapped his hands and said cheerfully.

"Okay, let's take pictures together!"

"Three two one."


On the high-rise building in the ruins, Qing Hideki and Masaki looked at Dagu who was like a winner in life. They looked at each other and said in unison.

"What a stupid comradeship!"

(End of this chapter)

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