Ultra: Start by becoming the ultimate life form!

Chapter 40 Friendly Partners of the Kingdom of Light

Chapter 40 Friendly Partners of the Kingdom of Light

"Let's capture him without mercy, Planet Ampera!"

After obtaining the Ultra Clan's treasure, Ken, the future father of Ultra, finally awakened his true power and unlocked his own ultimate form.

The whole body of Ao spread out with brilliance and struggled to expand, and the newly awakened Light Realm fought fiercely with the Ampera Stars.
"This is too unreasonable."

With the help of the Star of Light, Qing Hideki watched as the horns of the father of Ultra, who was fighting fiercely with the Ampera not far away, grew in size, and the energy in his body soared rapidly.

The span is huge, from A+ directly to SS level.

And after passing this time, he reached the normal S level.

Is this the miracle of the Ultra world?
Even Ultraman, who seems to be a weakling, might be able to explode.

Even he, with his limited life, can only use S's attack.
And the further you go, the harder it is to evolve.
"What a powerful force"

After Beria was hit by Qing Hideki, he felt extremely unbalanced when he saw that even his best friend Ken was far more powerful than him.
Even Mary
Beria, who was outclassed in both love and career, began to go to extremes.

Not long after the battle began in the Space of Light, Ampera and the father of Ultra were seriously injured in their waists.

What Ao Hideki didn't expect was that Ampera turned into light and disappeared.
And the future father of Ultra also left almost permanent sequelae.

"it's over"

Ken appeared on Ultra Plaza with his left hand covering his waist and his right hand holding a sword, looking at Ao Hideki and Beria.

"Beria we won!"

When Beria saw the joy on his friend's face after defeating a powerful enemy, he felt a faint green glow on top of his head. He snorted coldly and then glanced at Qing Xiushu before turning away.

"Thank you for helping us and saving Mary."

"Beria is just like that, don't take it to heart."

Looking at Ao Hideki who helped them fight against Ampera, Ken's tone became gentle.

From the previous battle, he knew that this golden giant was at least on the same level as them.

Although this tall golden giant is very mysterious, he still helped them.
"Let's take a good rest in the Kingdom of Light."

"it is good!"

Qing Xiushu nodded slowly and did not refuse.
Turning around to look at the Spark Tower, this is an opportunity to learn about the Kingdom of Light.
There is also the source of power of the Ultra clan, the Plasma Spark Tower.

After a while, the damage done before disappeared without a trace.

One has to admire the efficiency of the Kingdom of Light's construction team...

Moreover, Brother Tazi didn’t show up.
That should be the Kingdom of Light in normal time.

At this time, Ultra Star, which had just suffered an invasion, urgently established the Ultra Guard.

Through this bloody lesson, prepare to improve Ultraman's fighting ability.

So the fighting arena was upgraded...
"Ultra Guard, Airport, Arena, Ultra Tower, Spark Tower"

Qing Xiushu quickly passed by the important buildings of the Kingdom of Light.

Except for the space prison, basically all supporting facilities are complete.

Moreover, the radioactive energy in the Kingdom of Light is not as violent as that in the Kingdom, and is more gentle.
But ordinary people still can't survive here, but if humans evolve to resist radioactive materials, they may gradually become giants in the Kingdom of Light.

Of course it will most likely explode.
Behind him, Beria and Zuo Fei were arranged to be Qing Hideki's guides.

As time goes by, wherever Qing Xiushu's flying figure passes by, there will be exclamations.

Seeing many female Ultraman with shining eyes staring at him, Qing Hideki felt a little speechless in his heart.
He was actually somewhat "popular" during this time.

I don’t know if it’s because of the color or the body, but some female giants seem to like Ao Hideki’s appearance.
After all, compared to those giants with normal colors, his appearance looks like a black big brother.
"Isn't it true that there are nymphomaniacs in the Kingdom of Light?"

Looking at the female giant full of humanity, the original image of the Kingdom of Light in Qing Hideki's memory gradually collapsed.

"Guest, our Kingdom of Light is not like this."

"Just a little hospitality."

Zuo Fei, who only has A-strength at this time, the future captain of Yantou, the legendary Lord Shafulin said slightly greenly.

"Go find Ken..."

During this period, his relationship with Jian was actually going pretty well, and he was also responsible for the issue of rewards.
Ultra Tower
"You're here, Hades"

At this time, Kenzheng, who had already put on an Ultra cloak, looked at Qing Hideki with bright eyes.
After knowing the mysterious origin of Qing Xiushu, he became very interested in Qing Xiushu.

The same evolution method as the Kingdom of Light
This race has never been recorded in the history of Ultra
Due to his strength, Jian still treats Qing Hideki as the same level.

"I'm sorry, Hades, your application was rejected by the meeting."

It was just the result of the meeting's discussion, and Ken had no choice but to obey.

"It's okay." Qing Xiushu shook his head.
After staying in the Kingdom of Light for a month, he seems to have become a little stronger, but he is still far away from S.

He originally planned to see if he could get a closer look at the Spark Tower.

It seems that this is not possible. After all, even one of their own people can't touch him, let alone an outsider.

"But Hades will always be our friend in the Kingdom of Light."

Jian said cheerfully.

"That's all."

"I'm leaving this world next."

Qing Xiushu nodded after achieving his goal.

Developing an identity can be useful in many cases.

"Leave? Are you a traveler?"

Jian was very surprised. It is not easy for people who can travel in time and space.
"you are leaving?"

The Mother of Ultra heard the sound and came over, speaking softly.


Qing Hideki turned around to avoid the sight of Ultra Mother.

At his age, he is still an unborn baby in the Kingdom of Light.
Ever since she knew Qing Hideki's age, Ultra Mother's sight had changed like this.

"Mary, I told you that Hades is in a special situation."

Jian also felt pain when he held his forehead..
Mary is good at everything but her maternal brilliance is too strong.
"Finally leaving"

Beria, who saw off Qingxiu Shu in Ultra Plaza, sighed inwardly.

Finally liberated.

If he hadn't wanted to observe why Qing Hideki was so strong, he wouldn't have volunteered to be a guide.

Golden energy that is stronger than the energy of the Kingdom of Light.

It’s currently unavailable…

But there is something easier to get.

"Spark Tower"

There was also the Spark Tower. Beria looked at the Spark Tower with bright eyes.

As long as she has strength, Mary still has status
“Looks like it’s not far away”

Ao Hideki glanced at Ken and Mari, looking at Beria who was a little abnormal.

"Do you want me to help?"

Ken watched Qing Hideki make no move.

"no need"

Then he took one last look at the splendid Kingdom of Light.

It's really a utopia-like country.
But...it's so powerful that it can be invaded.

We have to continue to evolve...

If it weren't for the need to continue to seek the path of evolution, Qing Xiushu would quite like the peaceful Kingdom of Light.

"By the way, be careful of Beria."

Beria Ao Hideki casually reminded him as he watched him prepare to enter the space prison cell.


Jian was startled when he heard Qing Xiushu's reminder and quickly looked up, but Qing Xiushu was nowhere to be seen.

"Be careful with Beria?"

"There's a lot of darkness in that kid."

Mary said as she snuggled into Jian's arms.

Hearing Mary's words, Jian thought of the powerful figure and amazing willpower of the golden giant when fighting Ampera.

"It shouldn't be a problem for him"

"Don't worry, Mary."

Jian comforted Mary and said
(End of this chapter)

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