Chapter 41 Gaia Time and Space
In the space of light, Qing Xiushu is trying to figure out which time and space to go to.
The normal time and space of the Kingdom of Light has begun to recharge.

See you next time. Ken has become the father of Ultra and achieved normal S, right?

really enviable
"The new generation can't mix with each other for the time being, so it's better to mix with the older generation."

Without S-level, it is not safe at all in the new generation, and besides, he is not the so-called Ultraman with a miracle guarantee.

Just an ordinary ultimate life form.

The ultimate move of Krypton Life can solve the problem, but these are all trump cards.
Without hesitation, Qing Xiushu directly selected a blue and red space-time group, and then stepped into the golden lightning vortex.

As an independent world following Tiga and Dyna, Gaia has not only strengthened its combat power, but the competition between monsters and Ultraman has also become more intense.
I won’t go into detail about the particularities of Gaia and Agur.
Its normal form still has room for several stages of advancement, which is different from Diga simply switching forms.

However, the final boss, Angel Zog, should not exceed S level.

After all, it was Gaia and Aguru who played the game later.

Even if you don't have A+ strength, you still have the ability to protect yourself.
"It would be great if we took down the complete light of the earth and ocean."

I just don’t know what time period it was in the past
In a subspace of Gaia's space-time.

A giant with red light all over his body condensed a red light and prepared to attack the snake-headed monster in front of him.

Another snake-headed monster appeared behind him, preparing to attack the giant's back with a sneak attack.

At this time, the mutation happened.

A golden lightning portal appeared in the sky, and a golden figure with great power appeared in the door and landed on a snake-headed monster.
"Is this, subspace?"

Qing Hideki maintained his giant form and looked around at the red earth with magma, and was immediately attracted by the red giant in front of him.

"Are you? Gaia?"

He seemed to appear directly in the subspace where I dreamed of light.
At this time, inside the Institute of Quantum Physics of Seongnam University.

Gao Shan Wo Meng put on a particle helmet and was sitting in a sci-fi-like space-time machine.

"The particle acceleration has reached the standard! It will enter the particle acceleration field in 30 seconds!"

"I dream! Are you okay?"

"Where am I going?"

After hearing the reminder from my classmates, I saw colorful lights flashing across my dream field.

The consciousness gradually left the body and entered the tunnel of light, and finally the speed became faster and faster, as if it had broken through some barrier.

Then he entered a red space with flowing magma.

"here is?"

I dreamed of flying over the terrain of space, and was surprised to find two giants staring at each other in front of me.

"You have the power of the ocean"

"It's a pity that you came late. That guy and I have already made our selections."

Gaia sensed the powerful origin of the golden giant in front of her and shook her head.
As the incarnation of the power of the earth, he is not an independent individual like the Kingdom of Light. He is more like a consciousness that can only appear through others...

"That's it"

Qing Xiushu suddenly realized.
People like Wo Meng and Biwang must have been watched since they were young.

But it doesn't matter, let's see if they can trade their light transformers...

If that didn't work, I just grabbed it in the end. Anyway, it was stored in the transformer.

"Destroy the monsters first..."

He had a premonition that after reaching S, Star of Light would discover new things for him.

Thinking of Qing Xiu Shu's feet, he directly stepped on this dreamy dragon to death.
On the other side, the red giant also took away the monster with a flash of light.

"This is Ultraman?"

I dream with my eyes wide open
"This is?"

Qing Xiushu looked up and saw that he was wearing a helmet, a young man, and a white T-shirt.

This is not who I dreamed of...
This guy can be said to be a genius boy, and is said to be the youngest Ultra Warrior.

My dream suddenly froze, and my entire consciousness disappeared into the space.

Hideki sighed as he watched my dream disappear.

"Still needs experience."

Gaia turned into red light and flickered for a while.

"My dream, what's wrong with you?"

After the classmate's reminder sounded, my dream consciousness instantly retreated rapidly, returned to the tunnel of light, and finally returned to my body.

As if I had forgotten to breathe, I returned to my true form, breathing in air and coughing.

I opened the experimental hatch in a hurry, and I Meng quickly took off my helmet.

"I'm dreaming! Are you okay?"

My classmates looked at me and said with concern.

"It's okay, I just have a breathing problem." I Meng quickly adjusted my respiratory tract.

Is what I just saw real or fake?
I Meng turned around and looked at the machine with a surprised expression.

Is this a success?
Give it a try next time.

"It looks like it failed. If it doesn't work, it still needs to be debugged."

The classmate checking the device muttered
"To be honest, it's really too early to experiment."

"Help me pull out the tube."

"The capacity is still a bit insufficient."

"But now I have achieved some results."

I Meng looked at the electronic tube in his hand and muttered.

"By the way, my dream, what was Ultraman you just mentioned?"

The classmates looked at my dream with curious faces.

"Did I say so?"

I Meng pretended to be confused and said.

"Say it! Tell us quickly!"

"Have it??"

After leaving the lab, my dream thoughts were rolling, except for the red giant I felt a connection to.

And the golden giant is absolutely real.

This is a secret that cannot be told.

Ao Hideki's figure appeared on the street, holding a camera in his hand.

It was indeed a bit bad not being able to capture Da Gu’s underworld scene last time.

This time, the filial son of the earth will definitely not be let go.

Qing Xiushu looked up at the sky and felt the fluctuations of space energy outside the atmosphere.
A huge thing made of blue crystals appeared in the clear sky
It seems that the battlefield is over there.

At this time, people have not yet realized the seriousness of the danger.

Even the Alchemy Star, composed of the best among humans, reminded him many times.

But most people won’t believe something serious if they haven’t witnessed it with their own eyes.

At this time, the siren sounded, and people joining in the fun finally began to flee.


The blue crystal emits a stream of blue light
It directly destroyed the prosperous building, and the surrounding area began to become desertified and it continued to spread...
"Come on!"

The tourists began to escape in a hurry, and some of them thoughtfully reminded Qing Xiushu.

"What about people?"

In the blink of an eye, Qing Xiushu disappeared from the street
Ao Hideki walked on the deserted streets, with only the roaring sounds of monsters and the humans who died as a result.

At the same time, there was a van with him, bearing the sign of the TV station, rushing to the front line.

"Don't die?"

Qing Xiu Shu looked sideways.
It's a reporter, so that's okay.

"Lingzi, it seemed like someone was over there just now."

The driving assistant reminded.

"Are you dazzled?"

Suzuko was preparing a manuscript at this time, so she was not in the mood to think about this.

Arriving near the park, the monster's desert area has arrived.

The monster smashed the pieces of the high-rise building down and saw that dozens of people were about to be killed here. An invisible force bounced the pieces away.

It was Qing Xiu Shu who came to my dream.

"I'm still too soft-hearted"

At this time, I looked at the people affected by the disaster and felt extremely painful.
The image of the red giant and the golden giant came to mind and shouted.

"What am I supposed to do?"

On the side, Qing Xiushu heard the voice from the bottom of his heart and looked at my dream, which was suspended in time, with a strange expression.
What the hell?

You actually called me here?

At this moment, my dream has successfully received the light of Gaia
The entire arc fell from the sky, impacting the earth with a vibration like a wave, and even the surrounding trees were shaken away.

"Perhaps this is the filial son of the earth."

Watching my dream of transforming into Gaia and accepting the blessing of the earth, Qing Hideki secretly took a photo

Look what you've protected.
Every time it appears, it will make the situation worse for several families who are not already wealthy.
(End of this chapter)

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