Ultra: Start by becoming the ultimate life form!

Chapter 42 Meeting Fujimiya Hiroya for the first time

Chapter 42 Meeting Fujimiya Hiroya for the first time
the next day.
In a research institute somewhere in Tokyo.

I was disturbed by an unexpected guest...
Hiroshi Fujimiya looked helplessly at the man sitting leisurely on the sofa watching TV.

Then he made another cup of coffee and handed it to the man.

After taking a sip of the slightly bitter coffee, Fujimiya Hiroshi spoke after brewing for a while.

"Human beings are really not a cancer on the earth?"

"of course."

"As a monster expert, no one knows monsters better than me."

Ao Hideki glanced at this man who looked very similar to Masaki.

They are all the same self-discipline and genius.

The difference from Masaki is that he has become Ultraman, and he actually thinks that humans are cancer.

I’m a bit confused, how could this guy be chosen by Ocean Light?
Which normal Ultra warrior would want to destroy humanity?
"Let's go Fujimiya, the monster will appear today"

Faced with Ao Hideki's invitation, Fujimiya agreed after much hesitation.
This mysterious man whose name is unknown has the same aura as him.

Not like humans, not like Ultraman, not like monsters
After all, they are not cancerous humans.

If there is an emergency, there is also the light of the ocean.

K1 area
Ao Hideki and Fujimiya were sitting in the COS coffee shop drinking lemonade.

Fujinomiya looked at Qing Hideki in surprise and said unexpectedly.

"I didn't expect you to like this. It's a bit vulgar."

After listening, Qing Xiushu shook his head heavily and took a sip of lemonade.

"In fact, beneath the surface is a happy and happy human life."

"Also, the monster is coming out soon."

"This monster is called Kiru. It is a magma-type monster native to the earth. It is also called the Messenger of the Earth."

Fujimiya thought for a moment.
Messenger of the earth.

"Isn't that the same attribute as the Ultraman yesterday?"

"Or maybe it was sent by Earth to deal with Gob."

Qing Xiushu nodded slowly.
Judging from the finale, I'm afraid this is indeed the case.

How could an underground monster that had been sleeping underground for countless years be awakened by a fight?

Eighty percent of the time it was the consciousness of the earth that made it come out to deal with Gob.
It's a pity that I was immediately expelled from the zoo for being late at work.
The earth was shaking at this time.

Fujimiya said with a serious face, feeling that something huge was about to emerge from the depths of the earth.

"Let's go, Fujimiya!"

The coffee shop is too close to where Kiru emerged.

At this time, it was already on the verge of collapse due to the vibration.
Kiru had already emerged from the underground to accept the mission, and roared upwards, as if to embolden himself.

Then he stared at the enemies around him with eyes the size of sesame seeds and mung beans.

Seeing that there were no enemies, Kiru suddenly felt that he had been deceived. He let out a beast's roar and bit into a tall building with his mouth wide open.

The tall building instantly crumbled, and large pieces of the building fell out.

Fortunately, this place was occupied by Gob and Gaia, the son of the earth, yesterday. The small flow of people did not cause large-scale damage.

However, in order to vent the breath of waking up after being disturbed for tens of thousands of years, Kiru destroyed one high-rise building after another, and the damage area became larger and larger, and soon it affected the cos cafe where the two of them were.

"Let's go Fujimiya, Gaia is coming soon"

Hearing Qing Hideki's answer, Fujimiya nodded and quickly stepped forward to run away.

Both of them are not ordinary people. Fujimiya can even use the power of teleportation in the human body.

It only took a moment to catch up with the people fleeing the disaster.

"I'm going!"

Seeing the monsters wreaking havoc, Fujimiya quickly raised the sapphire cone and prepared to transform.

"What are you going to do!"


Just as Fujimiya was about to go up, he was instantly staggered by Qing Hideki, and he followed Qing Hideki's gaze and looked behind him.

Under the tall building, there were several cosplayers of Cardcaptor Sakura, mother and daughter, and a child wearing an Ultraman mask, who was intimidated by the falling building and was unable to move.

"I save the older one, you save the younger one."

Before Fujimiya could say anything, Ao Hideki teleported over, hugging Mama-san who was about to burst Cardcaptor Sakura's clothes with one hand, and holding the little boy's back collar with the other.

At this time, Fujimiya was also attracted by the little girl and stopped in his tracks. "Damn."

Despite his venomous words, Fujimiya teleported and carried the two little girls to a safe area.

After coming to the safe area to put down the frightened little girl, Fujimiya couldn't look directly at Ao Hideki.

Seeing Fujimiya's arrogant look, Qing Hideki suddenly said in an old-fashioned manner.

"Don't explain, I understand."

Such is the power of human cubs.
At this time, Fujimiya's wife also rushed out.


It was Reiko, Kenji, and Lunwen, the three members of the suicide trio, who were rushing towards the monster with a bunch of equipment in their hands.

At this time, the photographer quickly took a picture of Fujimiya putting down the little girl.

Reiko, who was an expert at committing suicide, looked at Fujimiya and suddenly felt something.
Why did this man make her feel so lonely?

It's so strange.
"What about people?"

Reiko came to her senses and found that both people were gone.

"Gaia is coming!"

On a high building, Qing Xiushu clearly watched the Bison landing from the plane.

At this time, Kiru was lying on the ground preparing to use his ultimate move after being hit by the Lightning Team.

"That's...why hasn't that guy shown up yet?"

Next to Ao Hideki, Fujimiya's face looked a little cold.
Under his perception, a very powerful energy was accumulating in the monster's abdomen.

Although he thinks humans are cancer, he is still very enthusiastic about fighting monsters.

"Don't rush."

Ao Hideki's physical body condensed a ray of light and directly attacked the red ball on the monster's abdomen.

The brewing of the monster was instantly interrupted.

"Can it still be like this?"

Fujimiya looked at Ao Hideki with a surprised expression.

Isn’t teleportation the limit?
Here, my dream finally landed on the ground, took out my transformer and started transforming directly.


My dream body didn’t know what was going on, so I couldn’t help but yell.


Fujimiya couldn't help but squint as he looked at the dream that seemed to have the same type of light as his own.

At this time, Gaia, who landed on the ground and caused huge damage, made Fujimiya nod repeatedly.

"That's what it sounds like"

"A little damage is nothing."

Is it actually only B+?
Qing Hideki looked at the current potential energy in Gaia's body. Under normal circumstances, it was indeed higher than the level of Tiga Spacetime.

Unlike Tiga... this light seems to require Meng and Fujimiya to fight monsters and upgrade themselves.

And you can unlock two advanced forms later..
It gives him a feeling of a new generation, but it's not so flashy without borrowing power.

And Kiru gave him the feeling that Gor approved of the type of monster.

But this guy has three generations
Under Wo Meng's vigorous counterattack, Jilu retreated repeatedly and even made a sound of grievance.
Looking at Kiru who was roaring, Wo Meng hesitated and used his own Dumao Kill.

The entire head of Ao emits a red light, directly destroying Kiru.

"Fujimiya, do you understand?"

"You are both a giant and a human being, and you need to grasp both divinity and humanity."

Ao Hideki turned to look at Fujimiya's slightly excited face.

"Am I a human and a giant?"

Watching Ao Hideki walk away and Fujinomiya standing there, he gradually faded away from the excitement of finding his colleagues.

Both the mysterious man and Gaia seem to have different attitudes towards humans.

One is protective, the other doesn't care much, which is a bit different from his cancerous thoughts.

"The machine may have"

"no, I can not."

(End of this chapter)

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