Ultra: Start by becoming the ultimate life form!

Chapter 43: Root Death Body, Mutation Material

Chapter 43: Root Death Body, Mutation Material
Half a month later, in the presidential suite in Tokyo.
"Can you actually absorb life forms with special abilities?"

Qing Xiushu, who was in the state of exercise, straightened up and said slightly excitedly.

Since the last time I bid farewell to Fujinomiya, the Star of Light has undergone wonderful changes.

I originally thought that it would appear after reaching S, but I didn't expect it to appear so quickly.

The new function is to absorb materials for strengthening, which means that in addition to bright light, it can also absorb special life forms.

That is, monsters...

Ordinary monsters probably have no effect.

It is an existence with special abilities such as telekinesis, domain, etc.
"It's a pity that I couldn't absorb the golden dragon."

It would be great if he awakened at the time of the golden dragon.

Maybe his domain will be even stronger now
But this also solves the problem of his single method in the future.

[Normal: high-speed movement, super jump, telekinesis, barrier, ocean blessing]

"Not even telepathy or teleportation"

He does know how to transmit messages, but now it's really embarrassing for the time traveler.

In this case, in addition to grabbing the light of Fujinomiya and Wo Meng V2 later.

There is another way to go.
That is the ultimate weapon of the root-destroying body.

According to the original plot, it can replenish energy for two Ultraman. It seems that this thing is extraordinary.
"Are you interested in talking?"

"Giants from other worlds."

Suddenly, a girl's voice came from Qing Xiushu's mind
"Interesting, this method is the same as Kirino..."

Looks like we need to strengthen our protection.
Immediately, Qing Xiushu's entire figure disappeared into the presidential suite.

On the streets of Tokyo
There was a group of young people dressed like monks. The banners behind them had words about the source of death written on them, and they were shouting "root" enthusiastically.

"It's really sad."

Qing Hideki looked at the group of fanatics and couldn't help but shook his head.

It is normal for supernatural beings to appear and worship.
But there’s no need to go so early.

Besides, isn’t it bad to worship Ultraman?
After all, those guys from the Giant of Light are the real messengers of justice.

It cannot be compared with the so-called "angels".

"You're here, look! This is humanity's ultimate hope."

A very beautiful girl walked up to Qing Xiushu, her eyes sparkling.

The body of death told her that she should try her best to win over the person in front of her
Except for the ultimate weapon, there is currently no monster that can compare with the giant in front of me.
"Would you like to join us? Mysterious giants from other time and space..."

"Let's save humanity"

As she spoke, the girl exhaled and twisted her well-developed body.


Qing Xiushu was also very surprised. He didn't expect that the source of death knew that he was a time traveler from the beginning.

In fact, it makes sense to think about it. The so-called root-destroying body is actually an advanced civilization that discovered the low-level civilization of the earth and wanted to destroy all humans.

It has a sense of déjà vu in a dark forest.
They know every move of normal conditions on the natural earth.

Qing Hideki looked seriously at the short-sleeved girl in front of him who seemed to have evolved and had a smile on her face.

Is it already a low-level evolution?
"Are you the source of death?"

At the same time, Qing Xiu Shu gathered energy and prepared to destroy her directly.
"I am the human representative of the root cause of death."

"Gods do not breathe the same air as humans. Our purpose is to save the earth and restart all things."

The girl seemed to feel something and quickly took a few steps back.
"You don't have what I want."

"If I want to take action, I have to be sincere."

"And you don't seem to represent the source of death."

He gave up the idea of ​​killing the girl for the time being, and then Qing Hideki disappeared in front of her.

Walking on the beach, Qing Xiushu thought about the girl's words.
This guy should be the mastermind behind the root of the Death Body Society.

That is, the actual controller of the three powerful natural control machines of Tianjie, Yanshan, and Deep Green.

The so-called reshaping of the world is to use this three-hit combo to purify, destroy, and finally sow hope.


"It's so sanctimonious to talk about destruction."

When I came to the beach, my thoughts were rolling in the green sea breeze.

I'm afraid the root-destroying body won't give him what he wants.
You can't say that he covets their "angel's" body, right?
At this time, a green-skinned frog balloon floated across Qing Xiushu's sight. "Brother, help me get it."

Ao Hideki easily jumped up and took down the frog balloon.

At this time, the little boy ran to Qing Xiushu's side.

Looking at Qing Hideki with envious eyes, the little boy said quickly after passing the balloon.

"Thank you big brother!"

"I will be as strong as my big brother in the future!"

As he spoke, the little boy also made some bodybuilding moves.
"Sir, I'm sorry that my child has caused trouble to you."

A middle-aged man quickly ran over and apologized to Qing Xiushu while bending down.


The couple who looked at the tall Qing Hideki who seemed to be easy to talk to hurriedly walked forward and said.

"Sir, can you help us take pictures?"

Qing Hideki, who was just about to show off his photography skills for Gaia, stopped and looked at the sky above the city with a puzzled expression.

At this time, there is a spatial fluctuation that continues to fluctuate over the city.
The mysterious power began to act on the buildings, and the high-rise commercial buildings in the urban center near the sea turned into desert.

In the blink of an eye, the bustling urban high-rise buildings instantly turned into a desert area, and it is still spreading around it.
"Come on!"

My dream classmate quickly ran away with his girlfriend, and behind him there were people escaping in a hurry.

Many rehearsals and the monsters that appeared before made people very sensitive to the danger, and they all ran to the refuge expertly.

People on the beach and outside were fine.
Everyone in the mall building was buried instantly, with no chance of escape.

“Does revenge come so quickly?
Qing Xiushu couldn't help but frown. As a dignified source of death, his belly is too small, right?

You must know that the death-seeking trio on TV just broadcast the news that Aguru defeated Metal Life.

Moreover, this power does not directly affect humans, but only attacks buildings.
It seems that Ultra World monsters rarely attack humans directly.

On the contrary, the cosmic people are more likely to catch young men.

In Qing Hideki's sight, even the Statue of Liberty turned into sand and disappeared.

At this time, a huge transparent creature like a jellyfish appeared in the sky as the space of another dimension fluctuated.

"It's this monster"

Qing Xiushu's eyes lit up.

Hyperspace fluctuation life form, Mezad.

Possessing telepathy, reading human thoughts and brainwashing, lightning energy, and mimicry abilities.

Finally, we can create hyperspace
A complete superpower monster.

"It looks delicious and full of treasures."

"Should qualify as material."

Thinking of the new functions of the Star of Light, Qing Xiushu's eyes lit up slightly.

And this seems to be an interesting monster, and it has nothing to do with the source of death.
But I still have to thank you for the gift.

Then I'll accept it
GUARD air base is a place similar to TPC base in this world.

However, technology needs to be more developed. I wonder if they have learned the lessons of Tiga World. Even the base is luxuriously built in the sky.

"This is Team Lightning. Centered around the business district, an area about one kilometer in diameter has become a desert ruin. There are no survivors in the sky!!"

"The affected area is still spreading!"

Several special-shaped aircraft flew over the disaster area, transmitting real-time images of the disaster back to the base.


"A city almost disappeared without even having time to defend itself."

"The enemy... is actually so powerful?"

The commander of XIG, Akio Ishimuro, felt cold when he saw the scene of the disaster.

But in order to understand what was going on, Akio Ishimuro said with a serious face.

"XIG dispatch immediately!!"

Gamu, who analyzed the possible cause, also followed the captain Seiichiro Tsutsumi to the front line.

"Mir has been dispatched! The ground rescue team will arrive soon!"

(End of this chapter)

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