Ultra: Start by becoming the ultimate life form!

Chapter 44: Domain crushing, advanced telekinesis.

Chapter 44: Domain crushing, advanced telekinesis.

“This movement is really big”

On the completely deserted ruins, Qing Xiushu looked at Mezad who was still destroying buildings.

Mezad, who was in a state of fluctuation at this time, continued to decompose buildings and destroy the city through spatial movement and position changes.

After receiving the attack order from the headquarters, Captain Tsutsumi directed the Lightning Team to attack.

"How could this happen? Doesn't it have an entity?"

Looking at the missile lightning that penetrated Mezad, the team members were very confused.

In desperation, the Lightning team carried out several more attacks, but the results were still ineffective.

Captain Tsutsumi fully believed my analysis of the dream and returned, leaving ground troops to take over the scene.

It seems like we have to go back and make a detailed battle plan.
"Fortunately, the desertification has stopped."

Qing Hideki looked at Mezadeh who looked like a large transparent jellyfish.

Is there any interval or energy limit?
Also, if we could destroy urban infrastructure everywhere without restrictions, most of humanity would be ruined.

Hey, this guy Fujimiya is actually here.
Blockade area, outside the cordon.

Because of the great success of the KBC Death Trio, a large number of desperate "war reporters" appeared.

The reporters, like hunters who smell prey, rushed forward with cameras in hand.

If it weren't for the Metropolitan Police officers who helped GUARD ground troops blockade it, they would have probably rushed into the ruins long ago.

At this time, Reiko, Fujimiya's future wife from parallel time and space and the real world, also arrived.

Director Kenji and cinematographer Lun Wen had already left the show early. Seeing the rapid speed of their colleagues, Kenji couldn't help but remind him quickly.

"Is the line connected?"

"And Reiko, stop putting on makeup and move faster!"

"Hurry up Lunwen, it's up to you."

In order to catch up with the live broadcast, Reiko hurried into battle without finishing her makeup.

The trio directly used their colleagues as a background board to start the live broadcast.

"The giant plankton is still silent, and the desertification phenomenon seems to have stopped, but GUARD does not seem to have any countermeasures at the moment."

Kenji sent Lunwen's image back to the studio, turned around and looked at the big jellyfish in the sky with a frown.

"It's really hard to understand why this monster just stays there..."

"But we don't even seem to know why it appears."

After the report, Reiko seemed to have telepathy and turned towards a figure that appeared among the ruins.

"Why does it seem like someone is there?"

At this time, Mezad emitted a wave of consciousness that seemed to cover humans in the entire area.

The golden power exuding in Qing Hideki's pupils interacted with the power of peering into memories.

Want to peek into your memories...

This monster is actually stronger than Kirino.

"I really found a treasure this time."

Qing Xiushu's body was wrapped with golden lightning, and a huge giant appeared in the city with shining golden lightning.

Mezad also stopped his pace of destruction and felt the golden giant sending him a strong and deadly aura.

It’s only B+
Sensing Mezadeh's aura, Qing Xiushu couldn't help but frown.

It seems that the ability and life form are just a bit special.

He had fought against a golden dragon in Diga time and space, but it was still a little different from the hyperspace body in front of him.

The golden dragon is a superpower, and this is a state of life.
In the original plot, my dream used a quantum interference wave device to materialize it and finally defeated it easily.

But he also has his own way of dealing with it
This time and space cannot be attacked, but in the domain space, no matter how you travel through space, you will not be able to escape.

Hades crossed his hands and a luminous thread directly penetrated the body of the Mezad jellyfish with huge heat.

It seems that it was slightly affected, and the big jellyfish emits mysterious spatial fluctuations.
"The Golden Giant."

On the ruins, Fujimiya looked solemn as he felt the giant with the same original aura as him.
How can it be so strong.

With just one click, the light intensity is so high and concentrated.
Moreover, the energy does not seem to be affected in any way.

Are we really giants of the same race? ? ?

Could it be that this is the man from some time ago?
We are all the light of the earth, how come we are so far apart?

But fortunately it's not the last one.Thinking of this, Fujimiya suddenly thought of a red figure and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Can't even the new giants do anything?"

Everyone in Team Lightning, who was preparing to return, looked at the new giant with surprise.

"This new giant is a bit domineering... Look, the monster and the giant disappeared together!"

Qing Xiushu's arms were waving golden light, and a kind of time and space fluctuation captured Mezadeh and entered the field with him.

In the red-gold flame space, the golden flame is burning as if it symbolizes destruction, as if it is going to burn out all the darkness.

Roar! !

Unable to maintain the hyperspace state, Mezad turned into an extremely ugly figure. The monster covered in tentacles roared and rushed towards the golden giant in front of him.

At this time, Qing Hideki felt that not only his light power but also his strength had increased in the field.

He raised his head and looked at Mezad, who was roaring and charging.

Qing Xiushu gave a backhand punch, hitting Mezadeh's long and big face hard.

The whole beast instantly flew out with its head hanging down, lying on the ground screaming in pain crazily.

Qing Xiushu didn't hesitate and directly condensed a ray of light to resolve Mezadeh's pain.


Mezad's body suddenly exploded in front of Qing Xiushu, and the monster fragments were burned away by the flames of the domain.

Only a purple ball of light was left, captured and integrated into the body by the Star of Light.

After exiting the realm, Qing Xiushu's figure reappeared in the city.

“It was solved so quickly”

Ten seconds...
Ever since the golden giant disappeared, Fujimiya has been counting the seconds.

Based on his inference, it seems that the golden giant has entered a certain space.
special ability?
Even if he were to deal with this monster, it would take some time.

The gap is too big.
"The monster must have been destroyed in a certain space."

In the base, I Meng looked at the giant on the screen and said with excitement.

"Is it that strong?"

The captain of the dike looked thoughtfully at the golden giant that was turning into light particles and disappearing.

"That's for sure."

I dreamed of smiling mysteriously.
But his eyes were still fixed on the scene where the golden giant disappeared.

The golden giant is the mysterious giant who appeared when he first met Gaia.
It was completely different from what he had imagined.

The blue giant some time ago symbolized coldness, coldness and arrogance
That golden giant is simply powerful
Powerful in the true sense of the word.

A few days later, a research institute somewhere in Tokyo.

Gym filled with various equipment
Since the picture of Gaia, there has been added a picture of a golden giant.

Fujimiya was wearing a white exercise vest and was sweating youthfully on heavy equipment.

"I'm still too weak."

As he spoke, Fujimiya strengthened himself again.
After training, Fujimiya looked at his bronzed muscles and streamlined fighting body in the mirror and couldn't help but frown.

"Why is the gap between A and A so big?"

The gym computer beeps.

KBC news program, Reiko explained passionately on the spot.

"Yesterday, another golden giant appeared. Judging from the time, it only took more than ten seconds to eliminate the monster that the Lightning team could not control. It seems to be very powerful."

"But the strange thing is that the people who were affected at the scene said that they had their heads spied on."

At this time, Ao Hideki's voice sounded in Fujimiya's mind.

"Fujimiya, do you want to get rich overnight? Do you want to become strong?"

"Just come to XXX and find me"

"By the way, Lao Teng, do you want a wife?"

It's him
become stronger?
Hearing a very familiar voice, Ao Hideki's face appeared in Fujimiya's mind.

What the hell is there about my wife?

(End of this chapter)

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