Ultra: Start by becoming the ultimate life form!

Chapter 46 Qing Hideki: I am a monster expert

Chapter 46 Qing Hideki: I am a monster expert
"Have you ever heard the voice of the earth's will?"

"But why are you so strong?"

On the rocks by the sea, Fujimiya looked at the tall man in front of him and questioned with great confusion.

Why is my ultimate move the same as the golden giant’s minor skill?
Obviously everyone has the same ocean atmosphere.
Qing Xiushu turned around and looked at the agitated King.
I’ve heard of the Earth in another time and space.
However... the consciousness of the earth in this time and space seems to be still conducting assessments on him.

"Ahem, Fujimiya, your power is actually very powerful, you just haven't shown it yet."

"Think carefully about what the will of the earth has said to you."

"By the way, there is also the red Ultraman, who is actually someone you have known for a long time."

After saying that, Qing Xiushu turned around and left.
He was actually right in saying this. Aguru and Gaia's light was very special.

In addition to being unlike other Ultraman "Three Second Men", there is also the possibility of advancement.
After listening to Qing Xiushu's words.

Fujimiya was suddenly startled and broke into a cold sweat.

There was no communication from the ocean's consciousness to me.

Fujimiya suddenly realized that he had been like a puppet since he developed the quantum computer.

The will of the ocean seemed to have never interacted with him. It just exuded an aura of pretentiousness in the mysterious space and showed a side face with its back to him.

He seemed to have gone astray from the beginning. There was only one person who kept telling him that human beings are cancerous.
That is. Optical quantum computer Chrysis!
"Let's make a bold guess, if the source of death is a super civilization."

"There is a high possibility that Crisis is controlled."

As a former member of Alchemy Star, Fujimiya immediately understood the key. He stretched out his hand to hold his non-existent glasses while still shining with the light of wisdom.
Maybe he had a little misunderstanding of the prophecy of the earth.

seaside town
"I don't understand. I really don't understand."

I dreamed of looking at the Ultraman popularity rankings on the website and the battle videos played below and fell into deep thought.

He wondered if he could learn the light skill from the golden giant. In these few battles, he felt that he had no special features, and he was tired of using it to kill him.
The most important thing is, not to mention the golden giant with lightning special effects every time he appears, even Aguru's appearance posture is all kinds of cool.

Compared with them, Gaia is like an Ultraman from the countryside.

"My family, who knows? I'm not good-looking, and my strength is still weak."

Especially now that public opinion and fan circles on the Internet have been divided into three factions.

The biggest one is the golden giant, the second one is Aguru who likes to show off, and the last one is little Karami.

All kinds of arrogant remarks have been made about the golden giant being the old man and the new man, and Gaia being just a washout.
Some people even gave an example, saying that when Gaia fell to the ground, it was caused by a magnitude [-] earthquake and all kinds of flying sand and rocks were destroyed. The earth must also hate it. Unlike Aguru and the golden giant, who were either domineering or elegant when they appeared, Gaia was really inferior in comparison. Got it
"Humans are so stupid."

Looking at Gaia being attacked, Wo Meng quickly logged into the account he had not used for many years and made an angry comment.

After returning to the base, Fujimiya looked at the reminder of the friend's account message in the background, and thought of a passionate young genius in his mind.

Sure enough, my dream was Gaia, but he seemed to have been deceived too...

"Hmph! The damn source of death actually deceived him!"

Thinking of the silly face of my dream, Fujimiya coldly snorted.

At the same time, he kept moving his hands and put on his research clothes and headed to the Alchemy Star.


A few days later, next to Chengnan University, a small shop with the sign of Monster Everything House opened.

The store is filled with various monster sculptures. On the lounge chair behind the bar, Qing Hideki touched his chin and looked at the materials that the Star of Light was merging.
This shop should be his temporary stop in this world.

"I see."

After merging with the sea monster, his ability to restore normalcy has become stronger.

【Super self-healing】

It allows him to recover quickly when injured, and also allows him to survive in more harsh environments in human form.

It can make him more fault-tolerant and prevent him from becoming a giant with high offense and defense.

…"GUARD discovered a strange giant eye in the Yato Mountains area. It seems very difficult for XIG to fight against the mysterious life eye Q"

The next day, TV and newspapers were not so friendly to XIG, and they all reported on the failure of the battle around Monster Eye Q.

At this time, in the air base, Gamu made mistakes in combat analysis due to fear of eye Q, which led to captain Yoneda's injury, guilt and the regret of being unable to restrain fear.

After visiting and apologizing to Captain Yoneda, he left the base by plane under the influence of the first blow and the shadow of the same year.

After I returned to college, I dreamed of taking long walks with my friends to relieve my mood.
"That monster does not exist biologically and physically."

"Could it be a ghost?"

After leaving school, I bid farewell to my friends in my dream, gathered my mood a little and continued walking on the streets.
What kind of existence is that monster?
That is?

In my dream, I was instantly attracted by the monster placed at the door of Qing Xiushu.

"The House of Everything Monsters."

I murmured in my dreams as I looked at this store with a strange name.

It's strange why everyone around me seems to be avoiding him.
When I came to the door, I dreamed that the colored sculpture of Golzan looked very similar to the earth monster Kiru.

"This should be the type of earth monster."

"You guessed it right, this is the earth monster Golzan."

Qing Xiushu, who was wearing a white robe and had Xiang Xiushu's name tag hanging on his chest, said cheerfully.

My dream came to me so quickly, normal people would not enter this store.

Judging from my dreamy look, it must be because of my eyes.

"Boss, do you really know about monsters?"

My dream is a bit uncertain.
After all, Ultraman has appeared, and it is normal for there to be monster experts among the people.

Moreover, why does it feel like I have seen this boss somewhere before...
"Young man, you look like this because you are looking for information about Q."

Qing Hideki picked up the teacup filled with lemonade and took a sip.

"How do you know! I just don't understand what is going on with the monster Eye Q. It cannot be explained from biology and physics."

I Meng looked at the mysterious boss in front of me in surprise.

"So you don't know how to deal with it?"

Qing Hideki pointed to the TV report.

"Actually, monsters are just like giants. They appear in bizarre ways. As long as they exist and are reasonable, they can be eliminated."

"Our missiles are useless!"

"It's just a special ability."

Qing Xiushu thought for a while and continued.

"It's just like the time-traveling life form Mezad some time ago. Although I don't know how the golden giant destroyed it, but as long as his physical location and purpose are discovered, there will be a way to solve it..."

"I understand the purpose of the operation! Thank you, boss!"

Hearing Qing Hideki's reminder, Imu suddenly remembered the reaction of Captain Yoneda and the monster and immediately understood and ran out.

"Boss, do you have a car?"

As soon as I turned around in my dream, I saw a key flying towards me.
"Be careful, I just bought a Kawasaki ZX-6R"

"Thanks! Boss."

My dream suddenly brightened up and I quickly rode the motorcycle in front of the store to Makuta City.

After watching my dream leave, Qing Hideki looked at the eye-catching report on the counter and his mind began to tumble...
This guy seems to be quite rare.
Cursed spiritual monster.

After a little preparation, Qing Hideki's figure disappeared into the store...
(End of this chapter)

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