Ultra: Start by becoming the ultimate life form!

Chapter 47 Fujimiya: Root destroyer, you dog

Chapter 47 Fujimiya: Root destroyer, you dog
At this time, I dreamed of riding a motorcycle to Makuta City with great difficulty in the cold wind.

Makuta City is the closest city after the appearance of Eye Q. It is a city located southwest of the Yato Mountains.

Seeing that they were about to arrive in Makuta City, I dreamed to use communications to contact the headquarters and said: "Commander, I asked them to investigate. Now please immediately ask Makuta City and people living in the surrounding areas to evacuate immediately, implement traffic control, and absorb the The missiles are underground in Makuta City!”

"Why Makuta City? Please explain in detail!"

"According to the investigation, a strong electromagnetic reaction appeared underground in Makuta City!"

The masked figure of Qing Hideki appeared out of thin air on the energy tank on the beach.
"Here we go, is this the eye Q?"

In Qing Xiushu's perception, a monster with a strange energy was quickly drilling onto the surface.

A giant-eyed monster made of granite, limestone and a small amount of metal suddenly emerged from the ground.

"Hee hee hee"

Eye Q let out a weird laugh and looked around everything...
What a weird creature.
Looking at the eyes full of resentment and curses, Qing Hideki couldn't help but frown.
Curses can be materialized. What is the origin of this fundamental body of death?
The source of the curse was created by the ancient magician Devil Tojuro, who used the power of the root-destroying body before his death.

It seems to be somewhat similar to the resentment of the Abo people, but the performance is far different.
On the beach, I stopped my motorcycle and frowned at the monster that made a huge noise.

"Sure enough, it has turned into a monster. No matter how special it is."

Dunzi instantly analyzed the composition of the monster after receiving the information about my dream.

"The monster's body is partly composed of granite and limestone."

"There is also some metal reaction, and there are small explosions and burning phenomena on the chest."

My dream suddenly became clear: "Sure enough, this guy absorbs the missiles and uses them as energy, so that his body can make physical movements."


Eye Q's weird big eyes continuously fired destructive light bombs, destroying the energy tank in an attempt to absorb all the energy.

Obviously, it came to Makuta City to absorb energy, and perhaps has the same desire for energy as Ebron and Ligadron.
Looking at the floating light bomb, Qing Hideki jumped downstairs to avoid the explosion.

Wrapped with golden protective lightning all over his body, he followed the strange light released by Eye Q's big eyes to the mysterious space of Eye Q.
The eye Q absorbs light.
"How come there are still people here? Isn't it completely evacuated?"

I just took out the Sapphire Cone in my dream and saw this scene, and I chose to transform without hesitation.
Gaia! !
Gaia fell from Yan Q's side, stirring up dust dozens of meters high.
Looking at Qing Xiu Shu, who had already been absorbed, Gaia let out a roar and rushed towards Qian Q.

In the space in front of Q, Qing Xiushu transformed into a miniaturized figure and appeared in it.

At this time, there were red energy fluctuations circulating in the space, as if it was like hell.

"Hee hee hee!"

A wave of spiritual pressure came from the fearful sky and the ground, and all kinds of strange eyes appeared in the space.

Walking on the eyeballs, Qing Xiushu felt nothing.
These eyes seemed to have no effect on him in giant form.

Qing Xiushu condensed the light and directly bombarded his eyes.

The eyes that were still making strange mocking sounds suddenly started to flow with blood.


The eyes could only make a faint hee-hee sound.

The mental power is quite strong. Even giants below A level may be affected.

However, why doesn't a feeling of resentment appear?

At this time, Qing Xiushu condensed a destructive light, preparing to directly destroy this space.

Suddenly, the space changed, and the eyeballs were instantly filled with a strange curse.

At the same time, a black mist appeared from the space
"Who are you?"

Devil Toujuro, who turned into a black mist, looked at Qing Hideki with a cold expression, and the curse of resentment on his body seemed to cover the space immediately.

"Hmph, I advise you to leave quickly. The body of destruction is not something you can deal with."

"I foresaw it in ancient times. Only by ruling the human race and surrendering to the root body of destruction can we survive!"

"It's beyond stupid."

Qing Xiushu condensed a beam of destructive light, which hit the eye Q space fiercely.


As soon as the golden lightning appeared, there was a roar, which was about to destroy the space including Devil Juro.
"This power."

Devil Toujuro's expression changed, and then he realized that the eyes around him were already bleeding with black blood, and it was obvious that he had suffered heavy injuries.
"If you can't escape, this world will eventually be destroyed."

Seeing the golden light hitting his face, Devil Juro's face twisted and roared, and he was instantly vaporized and disappeared.
At this time, the eye Q that received a critical hit was vomiting out crazily.
At the same time, Qing Hideki landed gracefully with a somersault.

Gaia looked at the fallen man and breathed a sigh of relief, and then he gathered a wave of stupid hair and directly bombarded and exploded the stiff eyes.

"That is?"

Gaia looked thoughtfully at the masked man who disappeared after the explosion.
Are there still humans in this world who can deal with monsters?

Monster Everything House.
Qing Hideki frowned and looked at the purple light in his hand.

"It seems that any special ability can be used as material." "By absorbing Golzan, will I have the ability to become stronger by lying in the lava?"

"Let's fuse first!"

Without hesitation, Qing Xiushu directly chose fusion
A strange spiritual power made Qing Xiushu's mind cool.

As if there is a special power that he can control, the Star of Light has completely gained a new ability.

The most classic Ultra Telekinesis is Captain Severn of Leo Fighting. He can control monsters, interrupt, explode, transfer light, etc.

In addition, there are also the first generation, Sai Rabbit, Xiaomeng, etc. that all use
air base.

Captain Tsui found the commander with the information.

"If the monsters were not predicted to appear and evacuated in advance this time, the death toll in Makuta City would not be less than a thousand."

"My dream was really good this time..."

Director Di smiled.

"Yes, let him come back quickly. He is also a member of XIG."

The conductor touched his chin and pondered for a moment.

"Okay, I'll get him back right away!"

Director Di said very happily.

Here, Fujimiya, who had just returned to Alchemy Star, was slowly visiting the facilities.

The goal of his return this time is to find out whether Chrysis is under control.
At this time, the base has changed greatly, and it is concentrated with the best of the younger generation in various fields of human beings.

During their research various mysterious discoveries and devices emerged from their hands.

In addition, there are extremely strong security measures, and monsters may not be able to enter.

"What a big change."

Fujimiya looked at the busy geniuses in the research institute and sighed.

Ever since he developed the optical quantum computer Chrysis, he predicted that humanity would be heartbroken when he learned that humanity is a cancer.

But now, he has grown up and can face it better.

Now think about it calmly, maybe I was really deceived.

"It's you! Fujimiya!"

A man with a Western face and black hair looked at Fujimiya in surprise.

"Daniel? Congratulations, you have now become the Speaker of Alchemy Star."

Looking at his former comrade Daniel, Fujimiya said with a natural expression.

"Fujimiya, why have you changed so much? Why are you coming back this time?"

Daniel said looking at Fujimiya whose temperament changed drastically.

"Daniel, do you know the original prophecy?"

Fujimiya turned his back to Daniel and said slowly.

"Of course I know, Fujimiya, have you found a solution?"

Daniel's expression gradually became serious, and he looked at Fujimiya and asked.

"No. But is it possible that Chris was invaded by Root Destruction?"

“The prophecies we know are also false”

Fujimiya's expression was extremely cold
"It's not impossible. How about I take you to see Chrysis again?"

Daniel is also awake

If humanity is really a cancer, what predictions are there?

Wouldn't it be enough to just destroy it?

"Damn it!! It's actually been tampered with!"

In the control room, Fujimiya beat the control panel hard.

It's just that the prophecy of Chrysis was not right after the addition of the light of the ocean on the earth side.

Moreover, under his all-round exploration with the light of the ocean, there seemed to be a force affecting Chrysis.

Thinking that I have been deceived for so many years, and that the light of the earth has also been led astray.

Fujimiya's expression was grim, and he was filled with anger.

"The root of death, you dog"

(End of this chapter)

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